A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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S(c)hor(e, S(c)hoir, n.2 Also: s(c)hoyr, s(c)hoire, s(c)hoar(e, schoore, schuir, scheoir, scoir, soir, suir. [ME and e.m.E. schore (14th c.), shore (Caxton), shoore (1602), shoar (a1639), MLG schore, schare, late MDu. schore, schor, also schaer shore, sea marsh, mod. Du. schoor, schor, schorre land washed by the sea, a sea marsh. ‘Prob. f. the root of shear Scher(e v., but the etymological notion is not easy to determine’ (OED).]
1. That part of a land mass which borders on the sea or, also, on a loch or river. Also pl.Some examples may belong in 2 below. c1475 Wall. vii 809.
Endlang the schoir thai iiij in frownt thai past 1509 Rec. Earld. Orkney 82.
One the bankis of the wast schoir 1513 Doug. v iii 42.
A roch … Forgane the fomy schor and costis hie … with the boldynnand wallis quhite Ib. xi 24.
Al the Troiane wemen dyd sche ken Syttand on the schor 1567 Reg. Privy S. V ii 339/2.
The landis of Blairquoyis … begynnand at the strand of Croftfeland and discendand to the Watter of Blane be the suir quhair the aik growis 1583–4 Rec. Earld. Orkney 159.
Fra the said dyk and stone to the shoar 1597 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 17b.
For lysenes at the greine schor to our temermene to worke ii helye dayes ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 64.
The maist pairt of the parochin being upon the mane schoir of Mule 1615 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 175.
Quhatsomevir brekis up the soir in hoillis and chingill 1627 Orkney Rentals iii 68.
Manured land … lying alang an shoare 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 174.
Besyd the wundmilne upon the shoar 1637 Banff Ann. I 79.
Within the flood mark of the schoir 1649 Orkney Rentals App. 57.
Ane bark's lading of lyme [to be imported from the] south shoir c1650 Spalding II 82.
Few or no corbeis sen in either Abirdeines at the wateris syd of Die or Done, or schoir Ib. 448.
Montroiss gives ordour to draw all the ferry boites on Spey to the north schoir 1664 S. Ronaldshay 47.
Thes fewe conveined wer glaid to save thair boates upon the schoore 1685 Erskine Diary 126.
Our boat being too laigh in the sides to hide us from people on the shore 16.. Abercrummie in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 5.
The shoar is very well parted all alongst 'twixt rock and sandpl. 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 241.
The legis has for feyr, tham on bordouris … and utheris apon the schoirris of the sey, … fawvorit … to Inglis 1585 Reg. Privy C. IV 17.
Within … certane uthiris lochis, caulis, brais, shoris and granis thairof ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 64.
Ane ile … full of conyngis about the schoiris of it
b. Freq., with reference to land, or the coast, when seen or approached from, or regarded as opposed to, the sea or water. Also pl. c1475 Wall. x 797.
Thai saylyt furth by part off Ingland schor 1513 Doug. v iv 7.
Set thi cours innarmor, Seik hard on burd endlang fast by the schor Ib. x vi 9.
The prynce Tarchon can the schor behald Ib. 18.
Haist owr the flude, bair to the schoyr with skyppys 1570 Leslie 209.
He turned his course … to cast alongis by the shoire 1558-66 Knox II 12.
Capitane Cullen … traveled betuix the south schoire and Kinghorne 1577 Reg. Privy C. II 654.
Neirby the schoir … within half ane flicht schot to land a1585 Maitl. Q. 104/37.
As he that suimmis the moir he ettill fast & to the schoire intend [etc.] 1596 Misc. Maitl. C. IV 44.
His gallies then beinge aflott nere unto the shore 1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xvii.
The conforme exemples … which the Lord hes set as on the shalde shoare, lyke beakens to warne the shipwreake of soules 1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 134.
But scarce the floods had ȝit depriv'd their eyes Frome sight of shoare and viewe of neirest land 1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 452.
[The ship, having a leak] behooved to be layed to the shoare for taking out of her ordinance [etc.] … whairby she being lighted she might the more easilie be putt upoun the banke 1630 Conv. Burghs III 323.
The Fleymings … not to cum neirer to the schoire of anie pairt of this kingdome then ane land kenning of the said schoire 1647 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 191.
They were hard by standing in to the shoare c1650 Spalding II 347.
Schoir 1679 Old Ross-shire I 88.
And … being afloat from the shoar he would let none of thaim be brought to it for fear [etc.]pl. a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xlix 9.
Quhilk for to sie we saild by syndry shoirs
c. In various prep. phr., with omission of article, chiefly in sense b above. a1500 Colk. Sow i 230.
Thoby Cariour him tuk To land with a scheip cruk, Schiphirdis schowit to schore 1513 Doug. viii iv 117.
As it [sc. a rock] stud on schor sweyand that tyde 1554 Misc. Bann. C. III 28.
Be storm of seis … put on schor at Deip 1563 Grant Chart. 129.
To laidin his schip … and lowis fray shoyr c1575 Balfour Pract. 616.
Twa of the marineris may beir to schoar ane mes … of meit 1610 Crim. Trials III 103.
And be setting of vthers vpoune schoir in … vncouth pairtes 1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 188.
And sall the Trojanes save arive on shoare Maugre my will? 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 187.
They wer no sooner on shoar but Mackonald Tearreagh … arryved their also c1650 Spalding II 206.
Ane schip … wes drevin on schoir
d. Put, metonymically, for the shore and its hinterland; a land or country. 1614 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 162.
His majeste hes good occasione … to mak a new plantatioun … in that iyland … lying wpon the nixt schoir with the wiche Iyla haith dayle commerss 1622-6 Bisset II 228/20.
The admirall salhave the tent penny of … all thingis tane upoun any schoiris aganist innimies
2. A part of the shore reinforced or built upon so that it may serve as a landing-place; a hard, a slip, a jetty; passing into a harbour.Sometimes, as appar. at Leith (see esp. the Latin quots. under (1) below, all of which refer to Leith), applied to a causeway serving as, or leading to and from, the landing-place.Also, rarely, pl.Cf. 17th c. Eng. sho(a)re (north., 1649) = ‘a place at the side of a river built for a special purpose’ (OED, s.v. Shore n.1 3 b).Perhaps influenced by, even ? a conflation with, Schore n.3Some examples may belong in 1 above.(1) 1455 Liber Melros II 566.
Communem viam que dicitur le schore 1469–70 Ib. 595.
Communem viam super le schore ex parte boriali et venellam beati Leonardi 1477 Reg. Great S. 271/1.
Inter plateam nuncupatam le schore et fluxum et arenas maris 1565 Exch. R. XIX 282.
Inter communem transitum lie schoir vulgo appellatum versus occidentem [etc.](2) sing. 1482 Edinb. Chart. 168.
Of ilk pak of claith that cummis to the schore 1482 Liber Aberbr. II 183.
Withyn the burgh of Perth one the schore at the vattyr star 1513 Treas. Acc. IV 481.
For the careyng of the said tyn of the schor to the kingis werk 1513 Doug. vii ii 8.
At the schor … Thar navy can thai ankyr fast and hank 1535–6 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 182.
For bering of the … tymmer langis the schore to the werk in Leith 15.. Clar. iii 1946.
He haistilie hes passit to the schore And speirit at the marineris … Gif [etc.] 1582 Reg. Privy C. III 521.
[The community of Dundee] have reparit thair tolbuith, almous houssis, stepill, and schore 1582 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 235.
The … tymmer … to be placeit … besyde the schore in the place callit the burse 1593 Ib. V 91.
For bringing of the sey to the North loch and for making clowssis at the schore and for making ane faddom deipper of watter at the schore mair nor it is presently 1596 Dalr. I 61/30.
Landet at Leith … a gret … schip … brocht now to the schore 1633 Orkney Witch-trial in Misc. Abbotsf. C. 161.
All the doggers at the sch[ore] … [? and the] landlyeris 16.. Admir. Ct. Form 63.
Anchorage is 13 s. 4 d. for everie shippe or bark that layes her syde to the peir or shore 1657 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 167.
The counsell … ordains Thomas Merser, present master of impost and shor, to caus lift the said crook 1676 Rothesay B. Rec. 348.
Craveing libertie of soe much ground … att the shore as will build ane litle house(b) 1513 Dundee Lockit Bk. 1.
The wynd myln be west the schoir 1531 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 58.
To the pynouris … berand thaim [sc. joists] to the cartis endlangis the schoir 1552–3 Edinb. Old Acc. I 80.
For … wynning of hewin stanis to the schoir 1553–4 Ib. 119.
For ane draucht of laiggis fra the Borromure to the schoir 1570 Aberd. B. Rec. II 3.
The haill schoir biggit and to be biggit within the fluid mark pertenis to the communitye of this burght 1582 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 166. 1590 Prestwick B. Rec. 145.
He hes causit fens … victuall … lyand on the schoir … for allegit nonpayment of the ingait custume thairof 1592–3 Reg. Privy C. V 56.
Thair haill commoun werkis, sic as thair peir and shoir, thair poirtis and calsayis … ar altogidder becumit ruynous and decayit 1603 Stirling B. Rec. I 104.
All … boittis … arryving to the said schoir and heavin 1609 Arch. Scot. IV 394.
Bringing of the samin to the coist peir and schoir of the saidis landis 1614 Ayr B. Acc. 62. 1622-6 Bisset II 253/8.
Quhere in a heavin there resortis … diverse schipis, the laidned aucht to have the schoir to loise at 1649 Inverness Rec. II 202.
Eache bot comeing with fraucht to the schoir or harbor 1658 Edinb. B. Rec. IX 95.
The customes imposed … by the Governour of Leith for repaireing of the kie peir and shoir(c) 1556–7 Edinb. Old Acc. II 70.
Schuir(d) 1560 (c1650) Dundee B. Laws 22.
That na person presum to hiet pick vpon the stairs of the shoar 1567 (c1650) Ib. 32.
It is statut … that the anchorage, hevin silver, customes and dewties … be only applyit … vpon the said shoar [etc.] 1634 Orkney Bp. Ct. MS 92.
The pannell to be takin … to the schoare and scourgit from that to the end of the Laverock 1668 Stirling Common Good 50.
Schoar 1670 Inverness Rec. II 242.
Anent his debursements anent the little dock at the shoar 1693 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. II 50.
A constant goeing up and down the streat and shoar upon the Sabbath day 1696 Glasgow Chart. II 417.
Wherby he hes ryght to 67 feet of front towards the shoare and back to the tounes selleris 1712 W. C. Dickinson Two Students at St. Andrews 1711–16 (1952) 14.
For … men to lift the plenishing from the shoar to the housepl. 1513 Doug. ii viii 104.
The fomy ryver … The dykis and the schoris bettis doun 1604 Conv. Burghs II 177.
Ane gift of the impost and dewteis following, for reparatioun of their hewin and herberie in biging of schoiris and bulwarkis [etc.] 1623 Aberd. Council Lett. 207.
Utherwayes our woll might ly on the schoires(3) 1496 Acta Conc. II 39.
The blude that was drawin ymangis thame on the schoyr of Leith 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 292.
To the said James for kepin of the schoir of Dunde in the custumez, v li. 1529–30 Reg. Privy S. II 65/2.
Alexander and Johnne Bertoun … serchearis upoun the schoir of Leith of all … gudis custumabill passand furth of the realme 1550 Reg. Privy C. I 105.
The lordis ordanis ane messer or uthir officiar of armes to pas to the Mercat Cros of Edinburch, peier and schoir of Leith [etc.] 1558 Crim. Trials I ii 403.
Quhair he wes vpoune the schoir of Leith in sobir maner 1563 Reg. Privy S. V i 345/1.
Within ane schip at the schoir of Perth 1572 Inverness Rec. I 219.
On the scheoir of Dundye 1580 Conv. Burghs I 101.
For the repairing of the schoir and hawin of Sanctandrois 1586–7 Montrose Baillie Ct. fol. 18b (21 Jan.).
Alexander Miln and Walter Scott … will becom actit … to pay … tuenty bollis of wictuall … vpon the schoir of the saidis brugh 1594 Prot. Bk. T. Auchinlek 35.
The schoir of Kirkwall 1610 Stirling Merch. Guild 30.
The custome of the peir and schoir of the burgh of Stirling 1612 Brechin Test. II 236 (see Schore v.2 a). 1644 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. IV 32.
They most be oblischit to fetch me home from the schor of Dunbar and Tinninghame tua kairt full of hirring I paying for thame at the schor 1679 Cullen Kirk S. II 27 July.
John Thome … had come … to the shore of Cullen in a boat and livered some goods on the shore 1685 Inverness Rec. II 335.
Ane peice of waist ground at the shoare of Inverness to big ane house theron 1686 Brechin Test. VII 158.
The ship … presently lyeing at the shoare of Montrose(b) 1623 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 291.
Efter the schipis arryvell on the scoir of Kirkcudbricht(4) 1581–2 Misc. Spald. C. V 53.
To bryng the barrell to the boit fra Torrie schoir 1596 Dalr. II 419/13.
Four schipis … evir by neir Leith schoir
b. transf. The shore-master and other officials administering the harbour, collectively. 1589 Reg. Privy C. IV 417.
[Forbidding masters … of ships to sail till they find caution] actit in the townis buikis [or in the] custumaris and schoris buikis [of the towns they sail from]
3. attrib. and comb. a. In sense 2 above. See also Schore-maister n.Schore dews (deuties, fyie, leivé, maill, syluer, etc.), a due payable by ships making use of a harbour.(1) 1429 Ayr B. Acc. in Sc. Hist. Rev. XXXI 145.
Till the wittalyng off a Franchs balyngger qwen scho passet to the schor see 1560 (c1650) Dundee B. Laws 22.
That na person lay any maner of timber upon the shoar heid 1582 Old Ross-shire I 108.
Out of ilk sek full of corne brought to the schoir sey syde and delyverit to shipis 1595–6 Edinb. B. Rec. V 151.
The schoir tymber 1597 Ib. 195.
Warkmen of Leyth schoir wark 1598 Chron. Perth 7.
The fische mercat wes remowit fra the schoar hed to the south yait port 1603 Stirling B. Rec. II 383.
That quhatsumevir victuall beis bocht … sall pay … custom … to support the schoirgaits 1652 Falkirk Par. Rec. I 189.
Ane bag of malt … quhilk the boatsman laid out on shore-land 1684 Stirling B. Rec. II 42.
Damadge [to goods] throw the want of ane … plank betwixt the vessell and shorbrae(2) 1607 Old Ross-shire I 185.
Shoir dews 16 sh. 1641-8 Skipper's Acc. (Smettone) 9.
For shor dowes 5 li. 10 s. 1665 Conv. Burghs III 579.
A warrand for vplifting of shoar deues and ankeradge … of all vessells coming in 1672 Retours I Inq. Spec. Elgin et Forres (128). 1698 Acts X 174/1.
Shoar dues anchorages & other pettie customes — 1641 Dundee Chart. 61.
Schoir duties 1656 Orkney Antiq. Soc. V 61.
The haill shoar deuties of the droggeris and dogger boatis 1673 Retours I Inq. Spec. Clackmannan (40).
Schoirdewties 1678 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. MS 24 June.
John Dowgall, present shoremaister to pay the samen out of the firstend of the shore dewties — 1601–2 Montrose Treas. Acc. fol. 8b.
The thre officiaris fyeis … my awne fyie and shoir fyie — 1593 Conv. Burghs I 406.
[A petition of Burntisland] for licence to haue ane impoist and schoir leiwe within thair harbery … of all schippis arryueand to and fra the samyn — 1603 Argyll Acc. 5 June.
Schoir maill 1615 Stirling Merch. Guild 36.
Sett to William Norie, the half of the schoir mele a1603 Tract. Leg. Naval. 63.
The pettie customes is the shoremeall 1723 Stirling B. Rec. II 179. — 1589 Conv. Burghs I 299.
For reparrelling thairof [sc. the harbour] sic dewty of schoir syluer sall … be vplifted … as [etc.] 1599 Edinb. B. Rec. V 246.
[The council] ordanis the new gift of the impost and schoir sylver … to be insert in the charter buik 1603 Reg. Great S. 515/1.
Schoir-sylver 1626 Aberd. B. Rec. III 6. 1626 Brechin Test. IV 226.
To … shoir maister for schoir siluer vj lib. 1641 Dundee Chart. 58. 1666 Glasgow Chart. II 114.
b. In sense 1 above. 1586 Liber Scon App. 234.
Togidder with the aucht pairt of that schorewod callit Cuthill and wod of Craigmakeroun 1601 Stirling B. Rec. I 98.
The schoir rowme of the cobill fisching of this burgh Ib.
For altering … the merche stanes betuix the landis of Winschelhauche and the fisching shoir rowme of this burgh c1641–54 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 552.
Ruynes … upon a shoyrhil top, having a gallant prospect 1677 Aberd. Council Lett. VI 119.
Ther late hichting … of ane shore dyke upon the south syde of the said river for ther accomodatione of fishing
c. Schore-side, chiefly, or only, in sense 1 above. 1571 (1580) Reg. Great S. 11/1.
Apud lie schoirsyid de Almond ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 78.
At the schoir side of it [sc. Hirta] lyis three great hills 1613–14 Ayr B. Acc. 57.
For wynning of ryss about the carpoillis at the schoirsyd a1634 Read Buch. 20.
The shoar syd of Jura is manured and the incountrie is cled with woods 1642 Rothesay B. Rec. 949.
The hous at the schoir syde quhilk stands on the commoun 1658 Ib. 275.
For the building of ane smiddie at the schoir syde 1662 Crim. Trials III 609.
We went to the shore … and we wold say on the shoresyd thrie seuerall tymes ower [etc.]
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