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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Writar, Writtar, Wryt(t)ar, Wre(i)ttar, n. Also: writ(t)are, -air, -er, urittaire, wryte(a)r, wrytair, -or, vrytar, -er, wryetar, vryiter, wrytter(e, vryttar, -er, wryitter, vryittar, (wright, wryit), wretar, -er, vretar, -er, wrettare, -er, vrettar, wreitar, -er, wreater, wreeter, wreitter, wreattar, -er, vreitter, wratter. [ME and e.m.E. writere (a1200), writer (Cursor M.), wryter (Wyclif), wrytar (1538), wrighter (1623).]See also Rieter n.

1. a. A person who writes, compiles or produces a work of literary composition, history, etc., an author. Also const. of or in the subject of the work. b. Applied to the work itself. Some quots. in a may belong here.a. (1) c1420 Ratis R. 1811.
God … tyll his blis his saul mote bringe That trawall tuk of this treting; And the vrytar, for his meid, God grant hym euir weill to speid
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 165/14.
That the auld wrytaris … had the trew mynd and vnderstanding of the misteriis of the scripture
1562-3 Winȝet I 55/17 marg.
Wrytear [v.r. wryetar]
1562-3 Winȝet II 26/26.
The wrytaris of thir buikis
1563 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 217.
In the cataloge of the ecclesiasticall wrytars
1568 Lyndesay Pref. (STS) 403.
All warkis of this wryter
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 58.
As to maister Knoks his historie is in hys freindis handis and thai ar in consultation to mitigat … sum taintis quhair in he has followit to muche sum of your Inglis writaris
c1590 Fowler I 303.
The Inglish wrytars who intitulats thair bookes with glorious inscriptionis
1596 Dalr. I 4/7.
Sa war we all called Albans, as all the inhabitours of the ile of Brittannie war named be the Romane writeris
(b) 1549 Lamb Resonyng 57/1.
Ȝour buik specifeis alanerlie bot ane historiciane, callit Mariane, Scottis writtare, for to pruif the first homage
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5280.
Sum wryttaris hes the warld deuidit, In sex ageis
1581 Burne Disput. 17.
1581 Burne Disput. 63b.
I vald inquire of ȝou … quhy … ȝe vse nocht this word … as euer al vryttaris and latinistis hes done befoir ȝou
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 190/1.
Xenophon ane aulde & famouse urittaire
(c) 1570 Leslie 144.
None of all the wreittaris at that tyme wreitt better
1609 Crim. Trials III 44.
The deponer ressauit the headis in a tickett … quhilk the deponer thinking mistie the deponer wryte bak agane … schawing my lord that he wald not deale … quhill … that he haid the heidis mair cleirlie sett doun … And the deponer asking of him quhat he meanit be these articles and headis … My lord answerit that he wes not a good wreater and wald not commit the trust of this to ane vther
1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 2.
Rogerius de Houeden (an auncient wreeter) calleth it Catteynes
(d) a1578 Pitsc. I 4/5.
The wrettar Desyres nocht bot for my laubouris … First to pleis God and syne our nobill king
a1578 Pitsc. I 4/22.
Wrettaris hes so compendiouslie Sett thir auld storries in ordour
(2) c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 4.
Moses in his bukis dryvis, compellis [etc.] … for he is a writare of the law and [the] executare of the same
1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 3.
The maist ancient writaris in medicine
(b) 1581 Burne Disput. 33.
The vryittar of the psalmes
b. 1573 Cath. Tr. 21/25.
Alsueill in scripturis as in histories, antiquities, and all kynd of writtars
1628 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 110.
Teacheth theme sum pairt of Cicero or sum uther guid writter

2. One who writes something down, one who uses the skill of writing to produce a written text. b. Const. of the matter written, chiefly a letter or document; in some cases, encompassing sense 3, a professional writer. a1538 Abell 38a.
Eftir he wes 5 ȝere auld he saw newir … and be writaris he maid his bukis
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 9.
The nomenclatouris … to gather the lessons writtin … And geif the regent find falt … than he sal punys … the writar
1582 Misc. Stair Soc. I 108.
The thinnar that parchement be maid … the lettir imprentis the mair as wreittaris upon parchementis thik and thin can testifie
c1616 Hume Orthog. 1 (see Writin(g vbl. n. 2 b).
b. 1551–2 Treas. Acc. X 67.
James Ballantyne, wryter of the bukis of adjornale, for his laubouris … jcx li.
1567 Acts III 43/2.
For eschewing of falsat … vsit in making of euidentis … that na … euident … writtin ande subscriuit mak ony fayth except the writtar thairof subscriue the samyn [etc.] … to the effect that quhatsumeuir suspitioune of fraude … may the mair eisalie be tryit be the writtaris of the body thairof
1592 Warrender P. (SHS) II 202.
He knawis nocht perfytelie quha ar the wrytaris of the letters subscryvit be Henrie Gilbert and Johne Cargillis
1599 Grant Chart. 196.
Mr. William Gregour, wrettar; heirof
1600 Colquhoun Chart. 181.
Robert Colquhone … vrettar of thir presentes
1601–2 Misc. Spald. C. V 130.
The wreittaris of the said decreit
1604 Stirling Merch. Guild 22.
That quhatsomevir gild brother vretis cartallis to wther, that the vretar of the cartell sall [etc.]
1605 Melville Chart. 148.
The legacie and lattirwill of … Sir Robert, wrettar heiroff
1617 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 687.
Mr. Androw Cant with my hand, wretter of the bodie of the contract abouewrettin
1626 Grant Chart. 225.
Alexander Logane, notar, wreitter heirof
1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 326.
1650 Brechin Presb. 29.
Befor thir witnesses, John Watt and David Mathers, wreatter hereof, my servitors
1663 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 256.
It is ane … error in the wreitar of the receipt
1674 Fraser P. 259.
Befoir thir witnes Mr. William Weir advocatt and Johne Broun notair wryttere heirof
(b) 1592 Digest Justiciary Proc. P 31.
The sam persone quha was wratter of the matteris

3. a. A person employed to make an official account of proceedings, prepare, draw up and engross legal documents, accounts, etc. b. A legal secretary or clerk, passing into a lawyer more generally. c. Such a person employed in government service esp. in the Chancellory or Court of Session. d. Const. of (in, to) a council, department of government, etc., or a person. e. Writar to (of) the signet, a functionary as in a-c above employed originally in the preparation of writs to pass the royal signet (see Signet n. 2 d, and for further examples), passing into an advocate or lawyer acting in the Court of Session. f. attrib.Some quots. in a-c are reduced forms of d or e, and some of 2 b.a., b., c. 1491 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. I 255.
The haill chaptour sall cheis ane writar quhilk salbe suorne to writ the faltis
1498 Acta Conc. II 267.
1526 Reg. Privy S. I 512/2.
Mak and him directour of the chancellary and kepar of the testimoniale of the grete sele … with power … to mak deputis, clerkis, wrytaris ane or ma under him in the said office
1533 Boece 451b.
He institute the ȝerelie feis as … ar payit of chancellare, constabil, [etc.] … & al vthir the kingis officiaris and how mekil suld be payit for the kingis selis and quhat the writaris, currouris, pursevantis, messageris & siclike officiaris to thare feis suld craif
1544 Treas. Acc. VIII 305.
To Neill Laing writtar in … paiment of his wagis restand awin him sen the departing of my lord secretar his maister x li.
1544 Treas. Acc. VIII 326.
To Jhonne Ȝoung writtar for indossing of the summondis of tressoun upon my lord of Angus … v s.
1544 Reg. Privy S. III 120/1.
1546 Treas. Acc. VIII 466.
To Jhonne Ȝoung wrytar for his writtingis and laubouris done in my lord governoris effaris … iiij li.
1546 Treas. Acc. VIII 487.
To Adam Broun writtar for his laubouris in seiking of the infeftments of the landis pertenyng to umquhile Schir James Hammyltoun and drawing furtht of the samyn furtht of the register x li.
1557 Edinb. Old Acc. I 35.
1561 Treas. Acc. XI 63.
To the writtaris for v copeis upoun the saidis lettres concerning the lettre of marque
1565 Thirds of Benefices 187.
Payit to James Harlaw, writtare, for his laubouris tane in the aufaris of this compt, £20
1572 St. A. Univ. Rec. 310.
1574 Misc. Maitl. C. I 103.
1576 St. A. Univ. Rec. 300.
1580 Comm. Univ. III (St. A.) App. 192.
That the New College have ane advocatt and writtair in Edinburgh, with the said advocattis servand, or sum other, to be sollistar for thame
1584–5 Grey Friars 271.
Maister Robert Young, noter and writter
1585 Acts III 377/2.
That euerie writtair subscriue his name on the bak of the signatour or lettre as allowit be him
1588 Sc. Ant. VI 163.
1593 Acts IV 23/1.
That all originall charteris … sall mak speciall mentioun … off the name … of the wreittar
1594 Writers Signet 230.
Quhatsumevir writtare obeyis nocht his lordschipis depute keipare of the signet
1597 Edinb. B. Rec. V 202.
Quhill full resolutioun be tayne betuix the lords of sessioun and thair memberis and the toun concerning the said lords iM li. the touns iM li. and the lawers and writters iM li.
1610 Writers Signet xxv.
[That] no ordinary writer in time of session be found drinking in taverns
1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 38.
1619 Elgin Rec. II 160.
1620 Grant Chart. 322.
Wretter … Vreter
1622 Aberd. Council Lett. I 197.
Thomas Crombie wrytair commissionair for the burgh of Aberdeene
1622 Brechin Test. IV 92b.
1626 Justiciary Cases I 60.
Desyreing my Lord Justice depute … to … admit Johne Bannatyne wryter as clerk depute to the said Sir George in the clerkschip of justiciarie
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 17.
All advocatts, wreitters, and wthers members of session, ar frie fra all taxations
1637 Grant Chart. 230.
1642–3 Misc. Spald. C. V 160.
1649 Acts VI ii 392/2.
He and James Lord Machline his sone haue ane signatur … quhilk … is writtin be Mr. Francis Hay … who is not in toune and be ane act amongs writters nane vther writter can writt ane precept thairvpon
1672 Greyfriars Interments 305.
1690 Cramond Kirk S. III 9 Oct.
Cammo present kirk thesaurer produced Arthur Forbes his bond, and gave it to James Baillie writter in Edinburgh and notar publick, and it being by him read publickly befor the session [etc.]
(b) 1667 Greyfriars Interments 309.
James Heriot, wright
1673 Greyfriars Interments 315.
Thomas Gladstone, wryit
d. 1532 Acts Sederunt i 5.
That all deliuerance be writtin be ane writar of the consale
1532 Comm. Univ. III (St. A.) App. 182.
Rectouris, denys of facultie, … bidellis, writaris … of the Universite of the cite of Sanctandris
1539 Treas. Acc. VII 200.
To Thomas Maben and James Bannatyne writaris to the casualities x li.
1540 Acts II 359/2.
Except thame that ar writtaris notaris and scribis in our souerane lordis courtis of justice
1540 Treas. Acc. VII 336.
To Thomas Mabon and James Bannatyne writtaris of the casualiteis … x li.
1542 Treas. Acc. VIII 107.
1542 Treas. Acc. VIII 116.
Walter Lintoun, sumtyme writtar in the chancellarie
1547 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale I App. lxxviii.
To furneis his graces expensis towart Langholme, deliverit to Neill Laing his graces wrytor
1571 Reg. Privy C. II 86.
All advocattis, procuratouris, clerkis, alsweill scribes to the signet as writtaris to ony of the seillis or utheris courtis abonewrittin
1578 Reg. Privy S. VII 276/2.
[Appointment of Alexander Hay as] writar to oure soverane lordis privie seill
1592 Acts III 569/2 (see Writ(e v.2 b). 1592 Acts III 569/2.
The forme of the improbatioun sall onlie be ressauit be the writtaris of the signatoures … and thair servandis writtaris of the precept and writtars to the grett seill and keparis of the same
1599 Aberd. B. Rec. II 202.
Ten merkis to Dauid Mar, wretar in the clerkis chalmer, for his service
1599 Crim. Trials II 102.
The directour and writtaris to the chancellarie and preuey seall
1606 (1621) Acts IV 616/2.
The wreateris and clerkis of all judicatories within this realme
c1612 Skene Memorabilia 12.
Robert Scot wryter and scribe to the sessioun
a1639 Spotsw. Hist. (1677) 41.
In some old records I find at one time two officers in that kind, the one called Cancellarius Regis, the other Cancellarius Regni; but … know not, nor in what their charge did differ; only my conjecture is, that he who is now the writer of the Great Seal, and is called, the Director to the Chancellary, was then styled Cancellarius Regis
1673 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 180.
I aclam the said James for sex punds scotts quherof tua dollors given to Mr. Archbald Nisbet hes wryter
e. 1534 Treas. Acc. VI 213.
Maister Johne Chepman and Maister Thomas Kene, writaris to the signet
c1575 Balfour Pract. 270.
The advocatis, scribis, writeris to the signet, and all uther memberis dependand upon the Sessioun, ar fre fra all taxatiounis
1585 Acts III 377/2.
That the secretair admonishe all his deputis and writtairis to the signet that [etc.]
1599–1600 Aberd. B. Rec. II 206.
Mr. Johne Paip, wretar to the signet
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 151.
Wryters to the signet. Wryters to the signet sall not write, nor put in forme, any maner of signatour, or letter, to be passed be his Majestie, conteining noveltie, or informalitie, contrair the common stile, or forme
1619 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 248.
John Petir writter to his majesties signet
1621 Acts IV 619/1.
Pryces sett doun to the writteris to the signett to be takin heirefter of all … summondis and wreatis
1622-6 Bisset I 124/10,13.
All billis … quhairupon summonis procedis ar writtin be clerkis … of the quhilkis … sum ar presentit … be the clerk register to serve in the tolbuith as scrybis of the counsall: quha may be alsua writtaris to the signet gif it pleis the lord secretare to admit thaim. Utheris ar admittit be the said secretare and ar ordiner writtaris to the signet becaus clerkis ressavit and admittit be the secretare onlie and nane utheris suld writ all billis and signatouris that passis the signet
1622-6 Bisset I 125/26.
That all clerkis and writtaris to the signet sall writ thair billis [and letteris] of suspension and advocatioun … in guid forme
1622-6 Bisset I 126/13.
That the clerkis writtaris to the signet sall forbeir to use any new strange termes in thair billis
1660 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 19.
I did conveine the said George Cheyne clerk deput … and requyred of him in presence of Mr. William Thomsone nottar publict and wreittar to the signet at Edinburgh and witnesses ther present the extract of my said disassent
1681 Stair Inst. iv i § 2.
The erection of the college of justice wherein the clerks or writers to the signet were intrusted with the forms of summonses and diligences
1681 Stair Inst. iv iii § 4.
By the institution of the college of justice, clerks to the signet, now called writers to the signet, were instituted as a part of the said college
f. 1617 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 381.
In James Wynrahame his writter buith foiranent the croce
1648 Sc. Hist. Rev. XXX 153.
[Gavin Burnet writer's fee for] learning him the wrytter craft
1679 Oliphants 276.
Thair … prentis-fies if they goe to the wreater craft to any weill qualified wreater to the signet
1686 Fountainhall Decis. I 401.
Because it was informed, that some writer lads were also accessory, the Keepers of the Signet were called, to intimate to the writers to be liable for their men

4. A person skilled in or qualified to teach writing. 1608 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 50.
John Mathesoun wrytter that came to learn bairns the art of wrytting

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