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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Vot(e, Voit(t)(e, n. Also: wot(e, woit(t, woyt, voat, woatt, voet, vott, wott(e. Pl. also wot(e)is, vottis, -es, wottes. [17th c. Eng. vote (1624), L. vōtum.]

1. a. An opinion, decision or choice, esp. of a number of people; an act of choosing, and the support (for a cause, etc.) consequent thereon. Passing into 2 below. Cf. Voce n. 11. 1629 Lowther's Jrnl. 42.]
[The Scottish dialect … scriver, a writer: vote, voice, opinion
1460 Hay Alex. 104.
Lordingis … To haue ȝour consellis all it is my will [etc.] … Thair callit thai the flour of thair clergie Gart ilk man about say his vot aperandlie
c1460 Regim. Princ. 61 (Marchm.).
Cheis na man for he lordschip [etc.] … Bot be eleccioune chosin men of gude That God and man plesis thair gouernale Quhilkis has the votis [Maitl. voce] of al the commonis hale
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 77.
Sum desyrit Ragaon … to be king; vtheris desirit Cornall … Vtheris desyrit Cormanus … Thus wer the tribis diuidit in sindry votis [1821 vocis]
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 319.
Vortigern … desyrit thame … to suffir nocht Ambrosius … to regnne … Quhen thai had consentit to his voitte [1821 quhen thay had concludit that Ambrose sall not be maid king], he demandit thame quhom thai desyrit king
1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 65.
Be contrair vottis, the ȝoung men and agitt nobillis fell at grete sedicionis, contending amang thame selff quhay suld [etc.]
1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 253.
He [sc. Wallace] was chosin be generall wotis [1821 vocis] … governoure of Scotland
1562-3 Winȝet II 76/27.
Quhat … wes the woceis and woteis of al [the bishops in council] bot that the thing quhilk wes techeit of auld suld be haldin
1567 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots i 577.
We … oblies us … to forder … the mariage … with our voatis, counsell, fortificatioun and assistance
a1578 Pitsc. II 125/32.
The bischop of Orknay answerit we will promeis na thing forder nor our commissioun beiris. Than the chancellar answerit agane and said ‘we desyre na thing mair heir nor ȝour guid will and woit and ȝour handwrettis heirvnto'
1596 Dalr. II 455/31.
Tha gyue ouer thair disputeng but ony concord … Quhairthrouch the ruid peaple … was wor than afore and mekle mair doubted than tha did nouther culd be talde quhome to tha suld consent or gyue thair vote
1622-6 Bisset II 12/6.
The bischopis befoir theme war consecrate in Scotland be vottis allanerlie of the monkis and preistis called Culdeis
1632 Chron. Perth 33.
Admittit master of the gramer scole … without consent or woatt of ony wtheris

b. A solemn, binding act of choosing or decision; a promise, a vow. Only in Bell. 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 312.
Sone eftir Constantyne wes maid king of Britan, and maid his voitt to fecht at his vtter powere for the wele of his realme [1821 Constantine wes maid king and sworn to fecht for the common weil of his realme]
1531 Bell. Boece II 141.
He maid solempnit vote [M. and promyttit] that he and his posterite sall use na ansenye … bot the croce of Sanct Andro
1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 292.
He was voittitt [1821 maid his solempne vote] in his lyfe to haif passitt … aganis the Saracenis albeitt he was impeschitt be vther vottis
1531 Bell. Boece II 325.
He had maid ane voit [M. vow] to big ane kirk
1533 Bell. Livy I 32/2.
Nouther was the behecht of Romulus … in vane … howbeit his vote succedit to the pepill; as he desirit
1533 Bell. Livy II 182/36.
Nochtwithstanding that thai made solempne vote to Appollo ȝit thai tuke mare regarde of ony vthir thing than to … fulfil the said vote

2. In the circumstances of a parliament, council or other deliberative assembly. a. An opinion expressed by a member of such an assembly in the process of coming to a decision on a matter; a decision expressed during this process. b. The indicating of this in a regulated manner so that a resolution may be recorded with regard to a matter, an instance of voting. c. The parliamentary or conciliar process by which such a resolution is attained.There is some ambiguity between the senses, esp. a and b.a. 1517–18 Edinb. B. Rec. I 174.
John Adamsone … and James of Johnstone said for thair votis that thai wald the common sele war kepit
1533 Bell. Livy I 76/12.
Than sal the king tak consultacioun of the said senate and faderis … than sall he say … 'O fader, quhat thinkis thow [etc.]' … Quhen this senatoure has gevin this sentence [etc.] … quhen the maist parte & nowmer of senatouris war foundin of the samyn votis as the first has schewin [etc.]
1596 Dalr. I 117/22.
That in general parleaments twa or thrie of thame be present … out of euerie citie … quhais dutie this is of the materis proponed in the parleament frilie to gyue thair vote
(b) 1573-1600 Burne Disput. in Cath. Tr. 153/17.
Gif onie minister sal ressone … ane aganis ane vther, the rest of the brethrene be moniest voittis, may interpreit the buk for bayth the pairties
1597–8 Rec. Earld. Orkney 173.
Comperit Jaspert Flett [etc.] … in presence of ane nobill … lord, Patrik, erle of Orkney, … sittand in judgement at the head court callit the Harmanstein, haldin at the place of the Yairds in the toun of Kirkwall, befoir the haill woit of the countrie
(c) 1579 St. A. Kirk S. 445.
The quhilk day Maister Dauid Meldrum is decernit be the voetis of the sessioun to compeir
(d) a1578 Pitsc. I 18/18.
Lyk as he haid beine suppreme magistratt apprivit be the vottis of this realme
a1578 Pitsc. I 267/6.
Bot quhene the lordis past to the consall … the king dissagyssed him self and come prevelie and hard everie lordis wott and quhat was thair conclusioun towartis his proceidingis
b. 1532 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 376.
All argumentis … beand maid and the lordis haldand silence, my lord chancellar or president sall ask … every lordis woit in that mater
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 15.
The rectour [sc. of the University of St. Andrews] … salbe chosin be the hayl graduattis of the vniuersite … out of euery college thair be ane chosin quha sal declair the votis of the college … faithfully gadderit and declair hym rectour quha has moniast votis
1576 Orkney Oppress. 44.
At the last lawting haldin in Scalloway quilk is the heid court of the cuntrie … thair was scarslie the ane halff of the assyis cuntriemen and thai gat na vote in the decreits giffin furth
1584 Acts III 362/1.
That nane haif vote in lyting voitting or electing of the provest [etc.] … bot … the provest, baillies [etc.] … in the haill tuenty fyve personis and tuentie sax woittis be ressoun of the provestis twa voittis
1585 Acts III 375/2.
Thair wes of auld ane contentioun betuix the constable and admirall for the prioritie of thair voit and place in parliament
1600-1610 Melvill 78.
In all these Assemblies … ther was nocht sic a thing as a careing away of anie poinct with a number of vottes
1603 Elgin Rec. II 113.
The minister askit the voitis of the eldaris present touching [etc.] … and thei answerit that [etc.] … thir woitis wer gadderit be Thomas Hay, toun clarke
1609 Reg. Privy C. VIII 222.
[At their late election he used his liberty of dissenting therefrom. This he did because] he knew perfytlie that they pre-occupyit the voitis and opinionis of the people to thair electioun
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 132.
The crime being lawfully provin … be the suffrages and voites of the estaites in parliament … he may be condemned
1600-1610 Melvill 558.
That the old petitiounes of the Generall Assembly be reneued … to witt, that none vote in name of the Kirk and as the estait thairof in Parliament quho beiris not office within the samyn … and iff thai be admittit to sit and voit thairin in that name to protest that it be not esteimed the voit and judgment of the Kirk of Scotland
1600-1610 Melvill 744.
Giff [there be] a disputatioune thair must be a judge and a pairtie quho wilbe judge; but the king or moniest voittes of a Generall Assemblie, laid and dressit for the purpose [etc.]
1622-6 Bisset I 221/5, 8, 9.
Anent voitting … that all argumentis … beand maid … the chancellare … sall ask … everie lordis voit as they ar in ordour be the actis and buikis off counsell quhais names the clerk register … sall reid and name and sua ordourlie the chancellare … sall ask everie lordis voit and that nane argoun ane uthir in geving of his voit
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 9.
That … every counsellor's woyt be notted whither affirmative or negative
1639 St. A. Baxter Bks. 105.
The … comptis of craft be pluraltie of vottis wer hard, sene, and allowit
1681 Stair Inst. i xvi § 4.
The … management of all the affairs of societies is in the whole partners; and each of them (though having an unequal share) hath an equal vote
1686 Seafield Corr. 27.
Aledging the wotts not to have beine right marked … and being againe receited they fell to be equall
c. 1600-1610 Melvill 435.
At the parliament in December the mater was convoyed and brought in this maner. The commissionars in nam of the kirk sought … a vott in parliament
1633 Glasgow Chart. I ii 349.
Be the voice, voitte, and suffrage of this haill parliament, hes [etc.]
1657 Balfour Ann. IV 277.
The power of the committee of the armey, in 7 artickells, approwin by wotte of the housse
1684 Lauder Observes 131.
They did so insignificate him in every judicatory, that they carried what they pleased by a vote against him
1691 Melville Corr. 165.
The vote was then stated and carried in the affirmative that they should proceed … unto the chooseing of their proxies and liteing of a provost
1692 Presb. Eloq. (1694) 27.
What justice and vote gave ye to me in my afflicted Church in the first Parliament of King William and Queen Mary in Scotland

3. Chiefly with reference to burgh councils or craft guilds. a. The process of electing (a person) to office by voting. An instance of this. b. The action or fact of voting, the vote so cast by a qualified individual in such an election. Only pl. Freq. const. be (with) moniest vottis.a. 1533 Perth Convener Ct. Bk. No. 4.
Be wot and lite of the auld counsall and the new with the dekynnis of craftis present the said office of prouestre on the said Alexander albeit it wes contrar his will
1691 Melville Corr. 163.
[The] first baillie … refused a vote, anent both the time and maner of liteing a provost
b. 1552 Conv. Burghs I 3.
He that gettis monyest wottis to be chosin and sworn [provost] incontinent
1566 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 51.
The personis followand wes chosin, every on standing in order as thay war lyttit with moniest wottis
1567 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. App. 307.
Robert Quhit … wes electit and chesit with commoun votes and lytis of the said burgh bailyeis thairof
1571 Bann. Memor. 186.
The lord of Mar … be pluralitie of woitis was elected regent
1585 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 437.
[The bailies] … be thair maniest votes electit and nominat William Littill provest
1593 Conv. Burghs I 413.
That nane within burgh purches vottis to ony office
1595 Glasgow Weavers 14.
That … the electioun of the dekin pas be woittis of the brethrene
1598 Murray Lyon Hist. Lodge Edinb. 10.
Ane wardene chosin and electit … be the voitis of the maisteris of the saids ludgeis
1600-1610 Melvill 469.
They put a nomber of the … maist estimed breithren upon the leittes, wharby … the vottes of the best breithring [were] distracted
1602 Duncan Glasg. Physic. & Surg. 45.
The samyn shall be lytit amongst the brethrine, and wha be maniest votts beis elected to remaine visitor for ane yeir
1647 Bk. Pasquils 151.
Election of Edinburgh Magistrates. Tell me, James Stewart, is this toune yours? … Or have ye ane elector's woyce, Or wold you all our wottes ingrosse?
1666 Glasgow Trades House 417.
Be pluralitie of voates James Blair tailȝeour is choysen collectour to the hows for ane ȝeir

4. Variously constructed in the above senses, esp. senses 2 and 3. a. To have (bear, geif, joy) (ane, etc.) vote (votis). Cf. Voce n. 11. b. To put to (the, a) vote, to take a voat. Cf. Voce n. 11. c. (All) in ane vote, witht the haill woyt of the craft, the wholl craft with on wott. Cf. Voce n. 12.a. (1) 1457 Acts II 47/1.
The Lordis of the Sessione sall syt thrys in the ȝer … the nowmer of the personis that sall sit salbe ix haifande power and votis in the deliuerance of ilke estate thre and the clerk of the regester
1540 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 216.
Every burges that desirit the throne to haif ane voit and na mair
1556 Dundee B. Ct. III 72 (5 Oct.).
Provest baillies counsale & all otheris having voittis suld be presentlie varnit & convenit
1574 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 33.
Dekynnis … the chesing of the provest … We to have ane vote ilk ane of us alsweill in the electing as in the lyting
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 683 (L).
Thay say that wayage neuir luckis, Quhair ilk ane hes ane woit
1598 Paisley B. Rec. 219.
Full power … to the said James Maister of Paislay be himselff or utheris in his name haifing his power and consent and voit
1605 Glasgow Trades House 3.
That quhaeveir thai be … that ar nocht as ȝit gildbrether be neveir heireftir dekin convenar … nether have ony woitt at the electioun of the dekin of his craft
(2) 1531 Acta Conc. MS XLIII 193.
No lordis … to geif voit in his mater except thaim … that argunit the mater
1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 6a.
Quhen the hous is ischit nane remane bot the lordis haveand vote and the clerk of register
1565 Misc. Maitl. C. III 189.
Uthers that hes vot in parlement
1558-66 Knox II 92.
That thay be decernit unworthy of … cure within the kyrk of God, and sa from hencefurth never to joy vote [v.r. to enjoy voice] in Parliament
1574 Conv. Burghs I 31.
That na craftisman hes evir had, nolder aucht or suld haif, voit … amangis thame
1608 Reg. Privy C. VIII 36.
[Those] haveing voit in the electioun of the magistratis of the same [sc. burghs]
1692 Rothesay B. Rec. 479.
With power to them to call in before them such knowing persones as they think knowes the lands best and to take ther concurrance who are to bear vott in the said matter
b. 1599 Writers Signet 234.
It being put to vote quhidder [etc.]
1670 Dunferm. Hammermen MS 122.
They haveing taken a voat quhat freidom money he is to pay
1681 Acts XII 45/2.
It was putt to the vote if the act should be delayed or not and was carried in the negative
1686 Cramond Kirk S. II 29 Aug.
They craved the minister to putt it to a vott of session, that they might have ane act
c. 1546 Reg. Privy C. I 28.
Tha all in ane vote … consentit that [etc.]
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus ii 494.
All [sc. the Sibyls] in ane voit set thair felicitie [On] future thingis, and predestinatioun
1556 Edinb. Skinners in Bk. Old Edinb. C. VI 66.
The brether of the craft … chesset witht the haill woyt of the craft four quarter maisteris
1632 Cullen B. Rec. 15 April.
The haill counsall & court present in ane woce, woit and consent … hes set and in tak lattis [etc.]
1682 Dunferm. Hammermen MS 17.
The wholl Craft with on wott heath ordend that [etc.]

5. A rumour. = Voce n. 9 a. 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 251.
Ther is a vote passand that the Lord Gray has reterit to Berwyk

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