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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Varianc(e, n. Also: varians, -aunce, -ence, varyance, wariance, -ans, -aunce, -e(a)nce, waryance, wareance, wareyanse, varrance, warance. [ME and e.m.E. variaunce (c1340), variance (Gower), variawnce (c1450), varience (1541), OF variance, -aunce, -ence, L. variantia.]

I. 1. Changeability, inconstancy. Also personified. b. specif. Of the movement of the moon. c. Variety. c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 93.
Othir also I sawe compleynyng there Vpon Fortune and hir grete variance, That quhere in loue so wele they coplit were … Sche sodeynly maid thaire disseuerance
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1604 (Bann.).
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1920.
Thir hungrie birdis, wretchis we may call … Lytill of vaill and full of variance [H. varience]
a1500 Henr. Orph. 440.
This warldis wayn plesance … full of variance [A. warians]
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 223.
In hir face semit greit variance, Quhyles perfyte treuth, and quhyles inconstance
c1475 Wall. iv 747.
O feble mynd, to do so foull a mys O waryit witt wykkyt and wariance That me has brocht in to this myschefull chance
a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 418 (Asl.).
As mortall man consavit in to syn Wretchidlie borne levand in warians Is lyke a rysand floure in a gardyn With flurisand fadyng changing euery chance
a1500 Colk. Sow i 443.
Now law, now he … Nothing stable we se In this warld of variance
1490 Irland Mir. I 110/9.
In Him may be na maner of chaunge nore variaunce
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1286.
Now emptie pen, write furth thy lustie chance … Be diligent and ripelie thé auise, Be quick and schairp, voidit of variance
1533 Boece 513a.
Fra the tane e flowit woursum contynualie; of ane hand he was lamyt, nor of the tane fute, nor his tong had na power. Sa in the contrariete & variance of the maladie … medicinaris couth nocht fynd the caus
a1568 Wedderburn in Bann. MS 287b/25.
O man … With vane consaitis all farsit is thy heid Destitut of vertew and of grace … Tormentand … thy self in till ane trance The quhilk haldis all thy body in ane fyre Becaus thy heid is full of variance
a1578 Pitsc. I 328/24.
All new court is nocht constant in eard bot ay is changeabill except the court of hevin celestiall quhairin thair is no warience bot all constante luf in God
personified 1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 87.
Dame Nigartnes my gluifis hes hint away … My lace and mailȝeis tane be variance
b. 1549 Compl. 54/29.
Nou I vil rehers the cause of the variance ande the mutations of the cours of the mune
c. 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 9.
I … enterit in a gardyne of plesance, With sol depaint as paradice amiabill, And blisfull bewis with blomed varyance
1533 Boece 74a.
The oratouris of Ptholome … come in Albion … and … put in writt as thai fand and saw of promontouris … louchis … and variance of the lenthing and schorting baith of day and nycht

2. A discrepancy, inconsistency; difference or divergence in opinion; a cause of discord or dispute c1475 Wall. viii 1736.
The fals nacioun, that we ar nychtbouris to, … Thar may na band be maid so sufficians, Bot ay in it thai fynd a warians
1533 Bell. Livy I 96/4.
Gif thir lxxx horsmen war nocht concurrand vnder ane mynd … than was the classe of the first centurie of futemen to be consultit. And gif ony variance … was found [L. ibi si variaret] in this first classe than was the secund classe callit

3. Discord, dispute, disagreement; an instance of this. Also, it was no variance, there was no dispute.(1) 1496–7 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 70.
Becaus of the greit diuisioun and variance betwix the toun and fermoraris of the mylnis
1531 Edinb. B. Rec. II 49.
For the pecifying und cessing of variance and discord betuix the saidis partiis
1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 222.
Sen syne thair hes nocht bene sic varians
1555 Edinb. Hammermen 200.
In this ȝer of God … wes greit wariance betuix the merchandis and the craftismen
a1568 Scott xxxiii 2.
Quhome suld I wyt of my mischance Bot Cupeid, king of variance? … Quhat is thy manrent bot mischeif, Sturt, angir, grunching, yre, and greif
1592 Conv. Burghs I 384.
Be delay of decisioun … intestein warience is liklie to fall out within the bowellis of the said burch
1598 Murray Lyon Hist. Lodge Edinb. 10.
Gif ony questioun, stryfe, or varianc sall fall out amang ony of the maisteris
1614 Crim. Trials III 298.
Thair fell oute some difference and variance betuix the shereff and the depounar
1690 Cramond Kirk S. III 22 May.
She … entertained him all night in her house, her own husband not being at home, and seldome comes home by reason of variance betwixt him and her
(2) 1517–18 Wigtown B. Ct. 77a.
Hobbe Quhit & Villiȝam McCallan submittit thame to thir presens … anent the varians of ane kow & ane calf mowit betuix thair arbitouris
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 150/22.
Quhat is the cheif caus of this grit variance quhilk is rissin now laitlie amangis Christiane men for the sacrifice of the mess and all vther materis concernyng fayth and religioun
1575 Reg. Privy S. VII 42/2.
That ordour mycht have bene tane toward the varyance and contraversie and assurance allegeit brokin betuix the principallis of the surname of Brounfeild and Haitlie
1580–1 Reg. Privy C. III 383.
Grudgeis, variances, and occasionis of displeasouris
1631 Dundonald Par. Rec. 335.
The said variance kythed in scandalous flyting
a1639 Spotsw. Hist. (1677) 105.
He reconciled the variance which long had continued betwixt this nation and the people of Holland
(b) a1578 Pitsc. I 69/31.
The king being … deiectit in so great a warieance gadderit ane airmie of all kynd of pepill [etc.]
(c) c1550-c1580 Art of Music 5b.
Heir is ane gryth varience betwix the Bretans and vtheris musicianes of dywers regiones annentis the muid perfyt of the les in this vyis
1603 Dundonald Par. Rec. 37.
The Sessioun ordeined the warienceis within this parochen to be geifin vp this day aucht dayis
(d) 1603 Dundonald Par. Rec. 38.
The sessioun agreit to convein … to reconseill waranceis and advyis on vther maters
(3) a1540 Freiris Berw. 383 (M).
The gud wyf wist it was no variance Sche knew the freyr had sene hir gouernance

II. In the above senses in various phrases.

4. At variance, in dispute, in a state of disagreement. Chiefly, be or fall at variance. 1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 173.
He and I fell soune at variance
1558-66 Knox II 86.
Reteyne thou us sa firmlie togidder by the power of Thy Holie Spreit, that Sathan have never power to sett us agane at variance nor discord
1608 Crim. Trials II 543.
The said Beigis Tod, haifing fallin furth at variance with the vmquhille Alexander Fairlie … to be revendget vpone him and his bairnis … cuist ane heavie and vnknawin seiknes vpone Alexander Fairlie
1632 Cullen B. Ct. MS 13 May.
Comperit in the reuestrie of Cullane Thomas Finlaye … being at wariance with Johne Steuisone
1693 Rothesay Par. Rec. 96.
Bryce McNeill and his wyfe are at great variance and … his mother stirs them up to discord
(b) 16.. Hist. Kennedy 14.
Thay war so far at wareyanse that thay culd never be gritt

5. But variance. a. Without variation, without change. b. Without discrepancy or difference. c. Without dissent or dispute. Chiefly, all (both) in ane voce but (ony) variance.There may be some overlap between the senses.a. ?a1400 Nine Nobles 11.
A dai in till parlement He said he had but variance Our litill in till his gouernance
1456 Hay I 300/26.
A kingis word, quhilk suld be ferme but variaunce
c1475 Wall. iv 42.
Wallace … spak to thaim with manly contenance. In fayr afforme he said, but wariance [etc.]
1490 Irland Mir. I 32/8.
The name of God is qui est, He that is in stabilite without mutacioune, in verite without wariaunce
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 193/17.
He that with gud lyfe and trewth, But varians or uder slewth, Dois [etc.]
1513 Doug. x Prol. 25.
It at Thou was and evir sal, but varians
15… Edinb. Univ. MS La.iv.6.
The moir I weip the war am I my hart is sett but wariance quhar I can get no recompence
1567 G. Ball. 19.
Thy will mot be fulfillit euer moir, In eird, as it is in heuin, but variance
b. a1500 Prestis of Peblis 349 (A).
This king … bad his clerk but ony warians Wryte this in to his buke of rememberans
c. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 59/6.
Luve … Quhilk is begun with inconstance And endis nocht but variance
a1568 Bann. MS 266b/23.
Quhen evirilk cuntry land and regioun At ane accord ar sett but varience
1576–7 Prestwick B. Rec. 78.
The provest, bailles and consall … hes concludit all in ane voce, but varience
1609 Inverness Rec. II 72.
The saidis haill personis of inqueist, all in ane voce, but ony variance … absoluis the said Johne Maii fra the said haill dittay
1673 Corshill Baron Ct. 109.
James Walker and Alexander Galt, both in one voyce, but varrance, found the said John had abstracted certane bolls of malt from the laird's milne

6. In variance. a. In a state of change or inconstancy. b. In dispute. c. In case (of) variance, in the event of any discrepancy, difference of opinion or dispute.a. c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 161.
At one contenance Sche held noght, bot [was] ay in variance
c1490 Porteous Noblenes 184/1 (A).
The feble hert cassyn in wariance
1549 Compl. 140/7.
I vait nocht quhiddir ane calme sey in vyntir, or the course of the mune, or ane mysty mornyng in symmyr, or the comont pepil, quhilk of them suld preffer vthirs in variance
b. c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 630.
We haif reall exemplis of nichtbouris, That throw luifis lust deweyis in variance
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. I 92.
The wyiff of David Hutcheon … falling in variance with thé, callit thé witche
c. 1567 Rec. Earld. Orkney 125.
Mr. Magnus Halcro, Thomas Mudie, [etc.] … for the pairt of the airis of James Irrewine; Williame Sclatter, Robert Sinclaire [etc.] … for the pairt of Johne Akin; and Henrie Halcro overman in caice of wareance
1580 Reg. Privy C. III 280.
In cais ony variance result upoun the premissis quhairthrow the saidis arbitratouris sall not … aggrie amangis thameselffis, than sall they … cheis sic utheris of his hienes counsale as salbe thocht meatest as owirismen
1595 Linlithgow Sheriff Ct. 29 March.
In caice variance in Richard Hammyltoun in the Nes odman and ourisman
1606 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 8.
The actions of dett acclameit be Thome Ker againest Thom Merser … is submittit to the decisioun of Walter Eleis … and of Jhone Notman for Thome Merser, and in caice of variance ane oursman
1629 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 6 Aug.
Referrit the said actioun to the amicable decisioun … and to Williame Grahame … as ovirsman in case of variance
1675 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. MS 22 Nov.
Incaice of discrepancie or varience the Lord Chancellor to be umpeir

7. Without(in) variance. a. Without variation, change, inconsistency or doubt. b. Without dissent or dispute.a. c1460 Regim. Princ. 289 (Maitl.).
Iustice sa is ane standand well perpetuallie withouttin waryance
c1475 Wall. x 574.
In thé was wertu with outyn warians
1535 Stewart 42688.
King Malcolme … In France that tyme hes maid with him [sc. King Henry] till go; In that beleif withoutin variance, To brek the band betuix Scotland and France
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 392.
Ȝe say that no man, to this hour Hes found in erth perfyte plesour, Without infortunat variance
b. 1678 Glasgow Merchants House 138.
They all without varience acceidit that thir should be ten shilling addit to the present excyse of ilke maske of malt

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"Varianc n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 29 Apr 2024 <>



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