Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)
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First published 1971 (SND Vol. VIII). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
STAMAGAST, n., v. Also stamma-, -gust, and now more freq. in deriv. forms stam(m)agaster, stam(m)i(e)-, -y-, stammer-. Also misprinted slammy-, and second element ¶-gant. [stɑmɑ′gɑst(ər)]
I. n. 1. A disgust or nausea at food (n.Sc. 1808 Jam., stammagust); whatever causes this; more gen. a source of displeasure or repulsion.Mry. 1873 J. Brown Round Table Club 34:
They're a perfect stamagast — a perfect scunner tae me.
2. A great and sudden disappointment, an unpleasant surprise, a shock (ne.Sc., Ags. 1971).Abd. p.1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 187:
The news brak out and flew unto the glen, An' pat an unko stammagast to Ken.Abd. 1920 R. Calder Gleanings 7:
As great a stammagast as Jamie Buck got fan he set a girn to tak a hare an' catch't a muckle cat.Kcd. 1932 L. G. Gibbon Sunset Song 36:
With one of them he'd met a sore stammygaster.Abd. 1940 C. Gavin Hostile Shore xiii.:
They'll fair get a stammygaster this week when the thing arrives o' Friday.Abd. 1981 Christina Forbes Middleton The Dance in the Village 11:
Then ae simmer day oot o' the blue
We got a stammagaster
She announced that she wis leavin' Abd. 1996 Sheena Blackhall Wittgenstein's Web iii:
Twis a stammygaster fin a wee Scots pedant screived tae me (fair set on garrin me agree wi him) that the grammar an spellin o Lallans wis fit Scots poetry sud be aa aboot!
II. v. 1. To sicken with a surfeit of food, to nauseate in gen. (Ags., Fif. 1921 T.S.D.C., stammagant; Abd., Fif., wm.Sc. 1971).Abd. 1922 Swatches o' Hamespun 67:
The scumficin' reek an' heat stamigastered her.
2. To affect with sudden astonishment or disappointment, to flabbergast, bewilder (Rxb. 1921 T.S.D.C., stammergastit; ne.Sc., Ags., Dmf. 1971).Abd. 1891 J. Leatham Ancient Hind 12:
I wiz clean stammagaster't at this.Kcd. 1933 Scots Mag. (Jan.) 255:
So fair stammy-gastered they were with the news.Abd. 1957 Bon-Accord (21 Feb.):
The maist stammiegasterin' racket o' their hale career.
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"Stamagast n., v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 16 Sep 2024 <>