Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)
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First published 1965 (SND Vol. VI). Includes material from the 1976 and 2005 supplements.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
MAK, v., n. Also makk (Sh. 1949 New Shetlander No. 18. 47), mack (Per. 1712 T. L. K. Oliphant Lairds of Gask (1870) 18, Sc. 1716 D. Warrand Culloden Papers (1925) II. 106; Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 37), mac (Sc. 1787 J. Elphinston Propriety II. 125); maik (Dmf. 1874 R. Wanlock Moorland Rhymes 20; Fif. 1875 A. Burgess Poute 8), mek (Cai.1 1933), meck (Uls. 1880 Patterson Gl.); meak (Slk. 1824 Hogg Shepherd's Cal. (1874) 364); meik (Slk. 1714 V. Jacob Lairds of Dun (1931) 240). Sc. forms and usages of Eng. make. Hence makker (m.Sc. 1898 J. Buchan John Burnet iv. ii.), meker (Uls. 1879 W. G. Lyttle Readings 67); makkar, maakar (see 4.), Sc. forms of Eng. maker. [mɑk, but em.Sc.(b), sm. and s.Sc. mek, s.Sc. ‡mɪək]
Sc. forms of Eng. make.Ork. 1952 R. T. Johnston Stenwick Days (1984) 25:
" ... Thoo forced him tae leave Orkney, an' emeegrett tae Austrellia, an' he hid a gey herd time o'd workin' in the mines an' herdly makkin' enough tae bring up his femly. ... "m.Sc. 1987 Dave Brown and Ian Mitchell Mountain Days and Bothy Nights (1992) 55:
'What d'ye mek o' that mug tryin' to keep us oot o' the doss. Someboddy'll stick it on him wan day, so they wull. ...'Abd. 1996 Sheena Blackhall Wittgenstein's Web iv:
Naebody, as far's I ken, telt Beethoven the pianie sud anely be eesed fur the twa midmaist octaves. Sae fit makks Doric ony different?m.Sc. 1997 Liz Niven Past Presents 11:
Whit kinna cratur
Canna let a lass
Mak claes fir her bairn?Edb. 1998 Dawn Louis Turner in Neil R. MacCallum Lallans 51 12:
It wes here that A saw Rabbie last. Lauchin, jokin, as lood as ye please, makkin us aw smile.
I. v. A. Vbl. forms — inf. and pres.t.: as above; pa.t.: med (Sh. 1891 J. Burgess Rasmie's Büddie 15, 1949 New Shetlander No. 16. 43), medd (Abd. 1924 Scots Mag. (Oct.) 57; Sh. 1949 New Shetlander No. 19. 26); maid; meed (Ork. 1880 Dennison Sketch-Bk. 6; Cai. 1909 D. Houston 'E Silkie Man (1935) 21; Ork. 1911 Old-Lore Misc. IV. iv. 184); rarely makkit (Slg. 1950); pa.p.: made. [med, mɛd, s.Sc. + †mɪəd].
Sc. form of Eng. made.Ork. 1956 C. M. Costie in Neil R. MacCallum Lallans 51 (1998) 6:
An this meed the folk sae mad they vooed they wad caa oot the Shapinsay Volunteers if they didno geung awa at eence.m.Sc. 1988 William Neill Making Tracks 51:
Slae o the bleckthorn
afouth on the tree,
ye pit me in mind
o a tink limmer's ee,
wha langsyne in hairst
med a gowk oot o me.
B. Usages: 1. in combs. and phrs. with advs. or preps.: (1) to mak aboot, (i) to be in the process of preparing (Sh. 1962); § (ii) to change places (Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928), Sh. 1962); (iii) to pass from hand to hand (Ib.); (iv) to fail to keep time in rowing (Ib.); (2) to mak by, (i) to overtake, pass; to excel (Cld. 1880 Jam.; Uls. 1953 Traynor; Ags., w.Lth., Kcb. 1962); (ii) to make money or gain advantage by, profit by (Ork., ne.Sc. 1975). (3) to mak doon, (i) to dilute the strength of spirits (Sc. 1825 Jam.; I. and em.Sc.(a), Ayr., sm. and s.Sc. 1962); (ii) to prepare a bed by turning down the bedclothes before it is used (Sc. 1825 Jam.; Cai. 1903 E.D.D.; Uls. a.1908 Traynor (1953)). Gen.Sc.; (iii) to reduce into smaller fragments, to crumble, grind, etc. (Abd., Per., Wgt. 1962); (4) to mak for, (i) to prepare for, make ready for, be on the point of, freq. followed by an adv. with omission of v. of going (ne., em.Sc., Ayr., Uls. 1962). To mak for it, to get married, “to take the plunge”; (ii) of weather: to show signs of, to “look like”, to tend to. Gen.Sc.; (5) to mak fore, to benefit, profit, be of advantage. See Fore, n., 2.; (6) to mak into, — intil, (i) to make or force one's way into (Uls. 1953 Traynor; Cai., Fif., Lth., Kcb. 1962); (ii) tr. in phr. to mak into somebody, — thing, to recognise, to make out (a person or object) for what he or it is (sm.Sc. 1962); (7) to mak in wi, to curry favour with, to ingratiate oneself (Sc. 1825 Jam.; Cai. 1903 E.D.D.; Uls. 1953 Traynor; I.Sc., Cai. 1962); (8) to mak o', (i) to fuss over, to pet, to make much of, to cherish (Sc. 1782 J. Sinclair Ob. Sc. Dial. 21). Gen.Sc. used ironically in 1925 quot. Hence making(s) o', cosseting, petting, fussing over (Abd. 1962); (ii) to profit by, get the best out of, be successful with; (iii) to do with, to put; (9) to mak on, (i) to pretend, to feign, to make-believe. Gen.Sc. Hence as a n., a pretence, a make-believe, a humbug; an imposter (Mry.1 1925; Sh., ne.Sc. 1962); (ii) to make or keep going (a fire). Also in Eng. dial.; (10) to mak out, (i) to succeed (in reaching), accomplish (an end), to manage (Cld. 1880 Jam.). Gen.Sc. Freq. in phr. to mak it out. Obs. in Eng.; (ii) specif. to make a living, to keep going, to thrive, to succeed (Sh., Abd., Ags., Uls. 1962). Also in U.S.; (iii) to extricate oneself (Sc. 1825 Jam.). Now dial. in Eng.; (iv) to acquire, to get hold of, procure (Sh. 1914 Angus Gl., Sh. 1962, mak ut); (v) to set out on a journey, to proceed, to make for (Wgt. 1962). Now only dial. in Eng.; (vi) to make up (weight) (I., ne., em.Sc.(a), wm.Sc. 1962); (vii) in ppl.adj. made out, fatigued, exhausted; (viii) to prepare a dish of, get ready (a meal); (11) to mak oot ower, to send a sheep dog round a flock to gather them (Sh. 1962); (12) to mak ower, to recover from, survive; (13) to mak through wi, to bring to an end, to struggle to a conclusion (Cai. 1903 E.D.D., Cai. 1962); to make a success with, make a profit on. Obs. in Eng.; (14) to mak to, (i) to go towards, to proceed towards (Ork., Ags., sm. and s.Sc., Uls. 1962). Obs. in Eng.; (ii) to make wisps from the straw passing out of (a threshing mill) (Abd. 1962); (15) to mak up, (i) gen. in phr. to mak it up, with inf. or n. clause: to plan, to contrive, to arrange (Sc. 1825 Jam.), specif. to plan to get married. Gen.Sc.; (ii) to rise up, get out of bed; (iii) to make (a bed) (Sc. 1825 Jam.). Gen.Sc.; (iv) to make rich; to establish successfully in life (Ork., ne.Sc., Ags., Uls. 1962); to compensate, remunerate, reward; (v) to mount, ascend; (vi) in fishermen's taboo lang.: to break (Sh. 1881 Williamson MSS., 1914 Angus Gl., Sh. 1962); (vii) Sc. law: of a title, to complete, make good, establish fully; (viii) to dilute spirits to their proof strength. Obs. in Eng; (ix) with on, til(l), to: to overtake, to catch up with (Sc. 1825 Jam., -till; Gen.Sc. 1962, -on); (16) to mak up for, = (4) (ii) (Ork., Abd., Ags. 1962); (17) to mak upon anesel, to prepare, to get ready (Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl., 1908 Jak. (1928), Sh. 1962); Phr. to mak a wheel apon, to wheel round, to swing round (Sh. 1975). (18) to mak up wi; (i) = (15) (ix) (Abd., wm.Sc. 1962); (ii) only in pa.p. made up wi, pleased, elated with (Bnff., Ags., Edb., Dmf. 2000s); (19) to make weel, to make good (Ork., Fif. 1962).(1) (i) Sh. 1951 Sh. Folk Book II. 1.:
Nicht efter nicht I'm herd dem rinklin dir pots an' dir pans juist laek folk makkin' aboot a supper.(2) (i) Cld. 1880 Jam.:
I maid by him in an hour.(ii)Edb. 1894 J. W. McLaren Tibbie & Tam 118:
She'd be sure to mak' by it.(3) (i) Ayr. 1885 J. Meikle Yachting Yarns 7:
It gangs a michty lot faurer in the way o' makin'-doun than your Custom-hoose-superveesed stuff.(ii) Slk. 1810 Hogg Tales (1874) 291:
Betty, my dear, make down the bed, and help me to it.Sc. 1816 Scott Antiquary xxv.:
We'se mak ye down a bed at the lodge.Sc. 1937 St. Andrews Cit. (16 Oct.) 9:
The beds were being made down.(iii) s.Sc. 1774 Dmf. Weekly Mag. (1 Feb.) 254:
We hear from Kelso, that Sir James Douglass has ordered a large quantity of oats to be made down into meal, and distributed amongst the poor people on his estate.Sh. 1962:
Geordie wis makkin da livers doon ta oil.(4) (i) Sh. 1896 J. Burgess Lowra Biglan 36:
I tink him an Jessie . . . 'ill be makkin for it noo afore lang is geen.Sh. 1898 Shetland News (8 Oct.):
Dem 'at's gaien ta mak' for hit in winter wid be tinkin' as muckle aboot edder tings as da hairst!(ii) Abd. 1920 C. Murray Country Places 5:
O it's little we care gin the furth it be fair, Or mochie or makin' for snaw.(5) Cld. 1825 Jam.:
Dearth frae scarcity maks nae fore to the farmer.(6) (i) Cld. 1880 Jam.:
He could mak intil the quay in the darkest nicht.(ii) Rxb. 1958:
A couldna mak ye into onybody = I could not recognise you.(8) (i) Sc. 1722 Ramsay Three Bonnets (1800) 544:
An' ye shall never want sic things, Shall gar ye be made o' by kings.Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 39:
Ye maun mak o' her, kiss her o'er and o'er.Sc. 1818 S. Ferrier Marriage I. xxx.:
Mary's head is on her shoulders to little purpose, . . . if she can't stand being made of when she goes amongst strangers.Ayr. 1822 Galt Provost xiii.:
Mrs Pawkie . . . took in the bairns . . . and we made of them.Sc. 1828 J. W. Carlyle New Letters (1903) I. 29:
I have not been so made of since very long ago.Sc. 1847 R. Chambers Pop. Rhymes 282:
Them that gant, Something want — Sleep, meat, or makin' o'.Lth. 1851 M. Oliphant Merkland I. xi.:
The bits o' dawting, and good things, and makings o' that ither bairns fecht for, he heeded not.Per. 1890 H. Haliburton Sc. Fields 131:
He was flattered and “made o',” here to induce him to hide the seamy side.Gsw. 1898 D. Willox Poems & Sk. 67:
Women, ye ken, like tae be made o' an' especially in matters o' this kind.Gall. 1901 R. Trotter Gall. Gossip 25:
And folk mak's o' them, an treats them, an sets them on tae drink.Abd. 1925 D. Scott Hum. Stories 26:
Ye'll jist hae tae gie ma back the saxpence I gaed ye for it, or I'll get ye bonny made o'.Sc. 1928 W. Duke Scotland's Heir 53:
No doubt His Majesty makes of your Royal Highness.(ii) Per. 1897 C. M. Stuart Sandy Scott 25:
Gin ye're to make o' the Scriptures, ye maun work them as ye would work your land.Abd. 1923 H. Beaton Benachie 198:
The druggist tried it bit didna manage; dive ye think ye wid mack o' o't?(iii) Sc. 1811 Edb. Annual Reg. lxxiii.:
What have you made of Mr B.?Sc. 1824 S. E. Ferrier Inheritance lxxiii.:
It was inconceivable, too, what he made of himself all day.(9) (i) Mry. 1889 T. L. Mason Rafford 18:
If a cripple ane (or ane makin' on often) wis carriet tae ane's door, ye had to re-cairry him or her tae yer neebour's.Bnff. 1924 Swatches o' Hamespun 36:
Ye'se get oot o' that bed o' yours shortly my laad; makkin-on there.Abd. 1929 J. Alexander Mains & Hilly 18:
There wis a lot o that craiturs a rael mak' on.Kcd. 1933 L. G. Gibbon Cloud Howe 203:
Chris put up her hand to his throat, making on that the button there needed re-sewing.Sh. 1948 New Shetlander (Jan.–Feb.) 11:
He med on dat he wid alloo dem ta tak him.Abd. 1993:
Jist mak on ye didna hear me. (ii) Sc. 1772 Edb. Ev. Courant (22 June):
Joseph Gibson, an old man who makes on the pit fires.(10) (i) Inv. 1733 Trans. Gael. Soc. Inv. XI. 176:
As he attempted to make the best of his way home he always staggered, stumbled, and fell down, and could never have made it out if Mr Charles and his servant had not come to his assistance, one under each arm.Abd. 1759 F. Douglas Rural Love 13:
Sair bent upon his sword he lay, And scarce made out three miles a day.Sc. 1773 Boswell Tour (1 Sept.):
It is a terrible steep to climb . . . however, we made it out.Sc. 1819 Lockhart Scott xlv.:
He is making out a meditated visit to Killarney.Ayr. 1823 Galt Gathering of West 273:
Considering how lang it is sin' ye promis't to tak' me to Embro', I'm sure ye might do waur than mak' it out noo.Bnff. 1866 Gregor D. Bnff. 113:
He's a gueede heep better noo, an' macks oot t' meisle awa a biscuit till's brackfast.Abd. 1895 J. Davidson Old Abd. Ministers 131:
Tysday's the Huntly Market. Div ye think ye could mak' oot till Feersday?(ii) Sc. 1830 Perthshire Advertiser (19 Aug.):
Try and make it out at home; if you come here [Canada], I am afraid you will repent it.Sc. 1840 Carlyle Heroes v.:
Byron, born rich and noble, made out even less than Burns, poor and plebeian.Uls.
Traynor (1953):
I made out a good living. I made out well.Abd. 1936 D. Bruce Cried on Sunday 8:
The Stronachs his made oot rael weel on't [the land] onywey.(iv) Sh. 1886 J. Burgess Sketches 110:
Da boys wis managed ta mak' oot tree aald fuskets.Sh. 1922 J. Inkster Mansie's Röd 26:
Weel, we made oot da supper, Magnus, atween put an' row, but hit fairlies me if der mony ta get da year.(v) Sc. 1816 Scott O. Mortality iii.:
Four of the Duke's friends . . . made out to lead the victor to his presence.Sh. 1879 Shetland Times (22 March):
Going in, in all haste, and putting on her mantle, her father said, “Is doo makin' oot ony wy, my hinnie?”(vii) Sc. 1832 Sc. Jests (Chambers) 154:
He'll be sae made-out when he comes back, that he'll no be able to say bo to a calf.(viii)Abd. 1875 G. MacDonald Malcolm vi.:
Wull I mak oot the parritch?(11) Sh. 1949 New Shetlander No. 16. 43:
He took his famous dug “Nan” an staandin by wi an apron or shaal med oot ower, while every wife wis ready fir ta drive dem in ada krü.(12) Per. 1827 Justiciary Reports (1829) App. 7:
He and her sister still ill-used her and “that she would not make o'er this”.(13) Sc. 1825 Jam.:
He maid throw wi' his sermon after an unco pingle.(14) (i) Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 93:
I wandert, wissing that I were at hame; Bat wist na whither I made till 't or fae't.Sh. 1891 J. Burgess Rasmie's Büddie 47:
Noo, whaar Ill-Helt's du makkin till Dis aerly i da moarnin?Cai. 1902 J. Horne Canny Countryside 20:
“Ye're makin' till 'e toon!” reminds the passer of the drift of his steps.(ii) ne.Sc. 1909 G. Greig Folk-Song No. IV. 2:
It tak's four o' us to mak' to her [threshing mill], Till we could wring oor sark.(15) (i) Rxb. 1820 Scots Mag. (June) 533:
The elder daughter was accounted as “rank a witch” as her mother. One evening the deil's wind, as it was proverbially called, having begun to blow, two young men, more resolute than their neighbours, “made it up” to go and look in at the old woman's window, to see what passed between her and the man in the “side black goun”.Fif. 1864 W. D. Latto T. Bodkin xxxii.:
We made it up atween us that we wad haud north to Aberdeen at the New Year.w.Sc. 1869 A. Macdonald Love, Law & Theology xvii.:
That couple ower there . . . a doot they're makin 't up.Sc. 1894 L. Keith Lisbeth i.:
She and that good-for-nothing Niel have made it up to meet Phemie.Sh. 1900 Shetland News (13 Oct.):
I heard dem makin' up 'at dey wir a' ta vot fir Wason.(ii) Cld. 1880 Jam.:
I canna mak up in the mornin ava', implying dislike or disability.(iv) Sc. 1714 J. H. Thomson Cloud of Witnesses (1871) 78:
He made them aye up, sometimes with an hundred-fold in this life, and heaven after.Sc. 1825 Jam.:
Thus when we receive any thing useless or inadequate to our expectation or necessities, it is ironically said, “Ay! that will mak me up!” or seriously, “Weel, that winna mak me sair up”.Slk. 1827 Hogg Shepherd's Cal. (1874) ix.:
Your master will soon be sic a rich man now, that we'll a' be made up.Cai. 1872 M. McLennan Peasant Life 292:
Oh me! what but the Lord may be tae mak' us up for the loss o' oor ain puir lass!Abd. 1903 E.D.D.:
That little bittie winna mak' me up.(v) Rxb. 1925 E. C. Smith Mang Howes 2:
On the tother hand — the richt — the road wunds aboot the Green an makes up the brae.(vi) Sh. 1892 Manson's Sh. Almanac:
Maansie wis headin a lump whin we never kens till da wadder raebaands made up, an da sail tuer.Sh. 1899 J. Spence Folk-Lore 130:
To enable them the more readily to find the lines in the event of making up.(vii) Sc. 1722 W. Forbes Institutes II. iii. 85:
Some Heirs, as those substituted in Bonds immediately to the original Creditor, want not to be served for making up their active Titles.Sc. 1830 W. Chambers Bk. Scotland 260:
When the infeftment, or corporal seisin, follows upon either of these forms of process, and is only recorded in the register of seisins, in the language of the law, “the titles are made up”.Sc. 1852 A. Hendry Styles of Deeds 139:
The title should be made up by general service and notarial instrument.(viii) Ags. 1904 W. M. Inglis Ags. Parish 158:
“There”, pointing to a fine stream, “is whaur the “Bairn” and his men used to mak' up before gettin' the whusky into Dundee”.(ix) Sc. 1881 A. Mackie Scotticisms 59:
To make up to a person, meaning to overtake a person in walking, driving, etc.Gsw. 1937 F. Niven Staff at Simson's iii.:
They slowed down. Peter made up on them.(17) Sh. 1836 Gentleman's Mag. II. 591:
I maks apo mee ta tak oot ma box oot o' ma weasket pokkit. Sh. 1892 Manson's Sh. Almanac:
I widna gaeng oot ower da door da day, bit wir men seemed anxious ta mak a drawin doon — sae I'll gae awa in an mak upa me.Sh. 1898 Shetland News (3 Sept.):
Lat wiz mak' apo' wiz, der a lok at dü i' da mödow.Sh. 1898 Shetland News (3 Sept.):
Shü made a wheel apon her, an' guid to Betty's side.Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928):
De coo is makin' upon her, the cow is raising her back and getting into a posture of attack in order to charge.(18) (ii) Sc. 1883 M. Oliphant Ladies Lindores viii.:
If ye had a man, ye would be muckle made up wi' him.Sc. 1886 Stevenson Kidnapped xxix.:
I'm no very caring about that either. I wouldnae be muckle made up with that.Fif. 1895 S. Tytler Kincaid's Widow xii.:
I'm no muckle made up wi' a' the licht you've thrown on what for Jean, Leddy Wedderburn, has ta'en to walkin' sae late in the world's history.m.Lth. 1897 P. H. Hunter J. Armiger vii.:
He's after oor young leddy, an' he'll be muckle made up wi' her if he gets her.Kcb.6 c.1930:
Onybody could a dune the same sae ye needna be sae made up aboot it.Edb. 1938 Fred Urquhart Time Will Knit (1988) 124:
I said to your father, 'Ye're welcome to her Geordie,' an I lifted ma
hat and curtsied three times. Puir man, he wasnie made up wi' her when
she presented him wi' a son like you." Edb. 1994:
She's really made up wi her new hoose.(19) Sc. 1935 F. Niven Flying Years iii.:
I hope you mak' weel at the boat-building.
2. Other combs. and phrs.: (1) mak-a-dü, mak'kadu, (i) v., to make a pretence or affected show (I.Sc. 1962); (ii) n. a pretence, a “screen” (Sh. 1914 Angus Gl.; I.Sc. 1962). Used attrib. in 1880 quot. = pretended; (2) makk-but, Sh. taboo word for a boat. Cf. But, v.; (3) makdoon, n., a garment which has been made down or altered to suit a smaller wearer (Sh., Ork., n.Sc., Per. 1975); (4)make-him-rich, a prolific variety of barley; ¶(5) makemention, n., a comment, an informative statement. Only in Galt; (6) maksleepie, adj., soporific; (7)to mak better, to improve, to get better (Sh. 1962). Hence to mak a better o', to improve upon, to do better with, freq. in neg. contexts. Gen.Sc.; (8) to mak it better to somebody, to make it worth someone's while; (9) to mack ceremony, to stand on ceremony, to fuss, to scruple (Ags., Uls. 1962); (10) to mak exercise, to carry out family worship (Sc. 1800 Monthly Mag. I. 322). See Exerceese; (11) to mak fashion, to make a pretence of; to make an attempt at. See Fashion; (12) to mak a fend, see Fend, n., 1. (1); (13) to mak mair fit, see Fit, n.1, II. 23; (14) to mak naething o' it, of an unwell person: not to improve in condition; to fail to show signs of improvement (Sc. 1903 E.D.D.). Gen.Sc.; (15) to mak one's ain of somebody, to capture or arrest someone; (16) to mak rich, to become rich, to make money (Sc. 1787 J. Elphinston Propriety II. 125; Lth., Wgt. 1962); (17) to mak way, to set about, to prepare (I. and ne.Sc. 1962).(1) (i) Sh. 1891 J. Burgess Rasmie's Büddie 63:
Da same as tunder wis his growl, He widna faase aboot a sowl An mak-a-dü.(ii) Ork. 1880 Dennison Sketch-Bk. 67:
We kent there wus nee mak'-a-deu drinkers i' the company.Sh. 1897 Shetland News (15 May):
For a kind o' mak adü I lightit mi pipe.Ork. 1956 C. M. Costie Benjie's Bodle 152:
Mairi meed on as if sheu wad faint, bit hid wis cheust a mak'-a-deu tae git roond tae Lowrie's side.(2) Sh. 1932 J. M. E. Saxby Trad. Lore 180:
No bit of a boat might be given its proper name at sea. . . . The boat itself was the makk-but, or the taur.(3)Abd. 1909 J. Tennant Jeannie Jaffray 62:
We'll sune ha'e nae makdoons to hap their backs.(4) e.Lth. 1794 G. Buchan-Hepburn Agric. E. Lth. 76:
This species of seed [barley], although new in this county, is very well known in Aberdeenshire, where from its prolific quality, it is called make-him-rich.(5) Ayr. 1834 Galt Lit. Life III. 2:
Having, as I have made a makemention, the measles, I had after them a sore time o't.Ib. 37:
I set down this makemention.(6) Ayr. 1826 Galt Last of the Lairds vii.:
Mr Glebantiends was, to a certentye, a vera maksleepie preecher.(7)Sc. 1858 D. Webster Sc. Haggis 24:
Having . . . asked how James was — “He's makin' better”.Edb. 1876 J. Smith Archie and Bess 10:
Sae let's be thankfu'. We canna mak a better o't.Kcb. 1893 Crockett Raiders i.:
Noo, Gil, ye are next. See you an' mak' a better o't.Abd. 1928 A. Black Sketches 15:
A' richt than; we canna mak' a better o't I suppose.(8) Sc. 1819 Scott Bride of Lamm. xiii.:
If onything about Peter Puncheon's place could be airted their way, John Girder wad mak it better to the Master of Ravenswood than a pair of new gloves.(9) Per. 1712 T. L. K. Oliphant Lairds of Gask (1870) 18:
Let me intreat you not to mack seremony to accept this bill.(11) Sc. 1824 Scott St. Ronan's W. xiv.:
The bits of pictures that he made fashion of drawing.(15) Sc. 1818 Scott H. Midlothian xviii.:
I'll make my ain of him, either one way or other — wait for me here.Slk. 1822 Hogg Perils of Man (1972) xxix.:
The half o' the expences there wad lye to him at ony rate; and if he made weel through wi' his hides, mayhap he wad pay the halewort.(15) m.Lth. 1811 H. Macneill Bygane Times 47:
Some in the Land couping trade, Wha live in constant expectation O' making rich by speculation.(17) Abd. 1922 G. P. Dunbar A Whiff o' the Doric 15:
Some noo made wye their teeth tae pyke.
3. Combs. with ppl.adj. made: (1) made diet, a cooked meal as opposed to a cold snack (Sh., Abd., Ags. 1962); (2) made lee, a deliberate falsehood (Sh., ne.Sc., Lth. 1962); (3) made-like, having an unnatural or artificial appearance, feigned, assumed (Sh. 1962); (4) made tie, a man's bow tie sold with the bow ready tied (Sh., m.Sc. 1962).(1) Abd. 1920 A. Robb MS.:
Can ony o' ye tell me faur ye'll get a made diet on the sabbath nicht — guid boilt sowens an milk.(2) Slk. 1823 Hogg Shepherd's Cal. (1874) i.:
Ye're telling me a downright made lee.(3) Sc. 1816 Scott O. Mortality xxxviii.:
I jaloused his keeping his face frae us, and speaking wi' a made-like voice.(4) Dmb. 1931 A. J. Cronin Hatter's Castle ii. xiii.:
A small wiry man, uncomfortable in his stiff, shiny black suit, his starched dicky and tight “made tie”.
4. As in Eng., to compose a speech, piece of writing, poem, etc., in specif. Sc. constructions: to mak a prayer, to say a prayer, to mak (up) a sermon, to write a sermon (Sc. 1825 Jam.). Gen.Sc.; to mak Latin, to write Latin composition. Obs. in Eng. Hence maker, -ar, maakar, makkar, a writer of verse, a poet. The spelling makar has now become gen. in liter. use, esp. in reference to the Sc. poets of the 15th c.; makin, the writing of poetry.Sc. 1828 Scott F. M. Perth ii.:
“Aha! so thou canst play the maker yet?” said the glover. “What, shall we have our ballets and our roundels again?”Sc. 1871 P. H. Waddell Psalms 3:
An' hinmaist, the Hebrew Makars, gran' an' a' as they war, had a schule-man's gate o' their ain.Abd. 1874 N. Maclean North. Univ. 15:
Dive ye think ye can mak Latin as ye mak yer ain language? Na, na, my man!Abd. 1875 G. Macdonald Malcolm xxiii.:
I wad mak sangs. . . . But I'm no a makar, an' maun content mysel' wi' duin' my wark.Dmf. 1875 P. Ponder Kirkcumdoon 1:
He was nae speaker, and for makin' a prayer he cudna hud the caunle to Elder Blair.Knr. 1895 H. Haliburton Dunbar 52:
Unless I mak' to this man's mind, Howe'er its bias is inclin'd, My makin', sir, 's no' worth a mite.Sc. 1896 Henley & Henderson Burns IV. 105:
Thus in Stanza v. that maker [Allan Ramsay] is referred to as alive.Sh. 1896 J. Hunter Da Last Foy 6:
Afore you gang I tink du'll mak' a prayer.Hdg. 1903 J. Lumsden Toorle 163:
Sune's he heard o' him, Monboddo Coft his buik, conn'd ev'ry line Ask'd its “maakar” doun to dine.Sc. 1908 Cambridge Hist. Eng. Lit. II. 239:
With James I the outlook changes, and in the poems of Henryson, Dunbar, Douglas and some of the minor “makars” the manner of the earlier northern poetry survives only in stray places.Abd. 1920 C. Murray Country Places 26:
Still, still they pipe your mavises, though sair the Makkar's miss't, For Death that coffins a' the lave your sangs can never kist.Sc. 1948 Scots Mag. (Dec.) 233:
Soutar's astonishing versatility . . . as a makar of “bairn rhymes” as he called them.Sc. 1960 T. Crawford Burns 75:
To “make” a perfect work of art, in the sense which underlies the old Scots word “makar”, or 1979 Alexander Scott in Joy Hendry Chapman 23-4 (1985) 70:
Gey late, owre late,
the rebel makar
has won his hametoun's
Freedom. m.Sc. 1988 William Neill Making Tracks 39:
thir auld singers are gane
til an airt whaur nae
makkar is thrang,
faur ben in a lown o ma
I dwyne for the want o a sang. Lnk. 1991 Duncan Glen Selected Poems 34:
makar stauns alane
and desires the river flowin
as me you. Sc. 1991 Tom Hubbard ed. The New Makars 6:
have said little about the poems in this anthology; they can speak for
themselves. Only living makars are included, and I have been concerned
to give space to both senior and younger figures. Sc. 1991 John McDonald in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 89:
the laser-licht o consciousness wrochtin
a spectrum oot frae the prisom o the makar.
5. Of a mason: to dress (stones).Abd. 1920 A. Robb MS.:
Masons maks steens, but they dinna brak them.
6. To knit (Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928), Sh. 1962). Vbl.n. makkin, a piece of knitting. Phrs. to mak aff, to cast off stitches (Sh. 1914 Angus Gl.); to mak in, to push a knitting needle under the arm ready to start knitting. Comb. makkin-belt, a leather pad stuffed with straw or horse-hair, fastened at the waist, and used for holding one needle firm while knitting (Sh. 1962).Sh. 1900 Shetland News (31 March):
Shu made in hir waer, an' dan raikid aff a grain o' worsit aff o' her clue.Sh. 1922 J. Inkster Mansie's Röd 10:
Sibbie pat da open'd letter i' her pocket, an' set hir doon ta mak.Sh. 1955 New Shetlander No. 41. 8:
Fader wis pitten by his pipe an' midder her makkin'.Sh. 1957 Scotsman (13 Nov.) 6:
Nowadays it cannot be expected that young women will sit “makkin” hour after hour as their mothers did before them.
7. To prepare the ground for sowing and planting, to make a tilth (Ork., ne.Sc., Per. 1962). Vbl.n. making.Slk. 1794 T. Johnston Agric. Slk. 26:
It is then harrowed, and the weeds taken off, and receives the last ploughing (called making).Bnff. 1866 Gregor D. Bnff. 101:
The neep laan geed a' intil ae lappert lump, an' it took a poor o' wark to mack it.e.Lth. 1885 J. Lumsden Rural Rhymes 187, 209:
From seed-time till after the turnips were made, . . . After turnip-making-time I kept the horses in the cattle courts, . . . Horsman made a suggestion with regard to the “making” of turnips, which I think worthy of being noted . . . He conceives that this mode of turnip cultivation would afford far greater security against subsequent summer “drooth”.Bnff. 1923 Banffshire Jnl. (24 July) 2:
An' mak' the grun we jeest cuidna.
¶8. To plant, cultivate, grow. Prob. due to a Gaelic speaker's incorrect use of Eng.Hebr. 1884 Crofters' Comm. Evid. I. 684, 712:
Do you get any ground to put potatoes in? No, only I got a little this year to make potatoes in the place I have spoken of. . . . A few years ago we were forced to make potatoes for the proprietor; for fear of vengeance we submitted. The people of four townships made them on our peat ground.
9. tr. To treat dung in a midden so as to mature it properly (Arg.1 1937), to make manure; intr. of the dung itself: to mature, become fit for use (Cai., Abd., Per., Lth. 1962).
10. absol. Of food in the process of cooking: to thicken, set or infuse, as porridge, jam, tea (I. and ne.Sc., Ags., wm.Sc. 1962).Abd. 1882 G. Macdonald Castle Warlock xxiii.:
Mony's the time I haud my tongue till my hert's that grit it's jist swallin' in blobs an' blawin' like the parritch whan it's dune makin', afore I tak it frae the fire.
11. To interfere, to meddle, commonly in phrs. to mak or meddle (em.Sc.(a), sm.Sc. 1962), — mell (Sh., Kcb. 1962), to have to do (with), tamper, to get mixed up (with). Now only dial. in Eng. See also Mell.Edb. 1773 Fergusson Poems (S.T.S.) II. 89:
But mak or meddle betwixt man and wife, Is what I never did in a' my life.Sc. 1817 Scott Rob Roy xxvii.:
See ye neither meddle nor mak, nor gie offence wi' that clavering tongue o' yours.Fif. 1832 Fife Herald (23 Aug.):
But there's ae thing I want to ken before I make or mell wi' ye.Arg. 1838 Justiciary Reports (1842) 76:
I am neither making, nor middling, nor touching your bear.Cai. 1869 M. Maclennan Peasant Life 28:
He'll neither meddle nor mak' wi' the like o' her.Abd. 1882 W. Alexander My Ain Folk 156:
Jean has a min' o' 'er nain; an' I sanna mak' nor meddle far'er wi' 't.Ayr. 1887 J. Service Dr. Duguid 286:
Daur to mak or mell with the literal meaning thereof.
12. Gen. with neg. or interrog.: to be of (no) consequence, (not) to matter, (not) to make a difference (n.Sc. 1808 Jam., n.Sc. 1962; Bnff., Abd., Ags. 2000s). Occas. used positively. Obs. in Eng.Sc. 1726 Ramsay T.-T. Misc. (1876) II. 118:
Gi'e me a lass with a lump of land, . . . Though daft or wise, I'll never demand, Or black or fair, it maksna whether.Edb. 1773 Fergusson Poems (S.T.S.) II. 188:
But makes-na, now it's got a sweel.Lnk. a.1779 D. Graham Writings (1883) II. 39:
I doubt she be dead already, and nae body seen her but ye and I and oursels twa; an' she had been fair o'er seen it maksna.Ags. 1826 A. Balfour Highland Mary II. 235:
An' I could tell wha let you see the road; but it maksna.Sc. 1829 Jacobite Minstrelsy 226:
Young Charlie's sword is by his side, Come weel, come woe, it maksna whether.Abd. 1832 W. Scott Poems 82:
Tho' she deny, it disna mak' a fig.Kcb. a.1849 W. Nicholson Poet. Wks. (1897) 197:
It makes na here for garb or gear.Slk. 1875 Border Treasury (26 June) 539:
Aboot Stobo, or Eddlestoun, or it maiksna muckle what other village.Sc. 1881 A. Mackie Scotticisms 42:
What does it make?Abd. 1918 W. B. Morren The Hert's aye 12:
The man 'at says it's fail't is blin' Ti mony a thing 'at mak's.Cai.11933:
“A'm only goin' doon t' 'e river”, he said. “Hid dizna mek'” she replied firmly, “A want ye t' go a message”.Bnff. 1939 J. M. Caie 'Twixt Hills & Sea 7:
“Life's a shortsome thing”, quo' she, “the meanin' doesna mak'”.Abd. 1993:
It disna mak. Fit dis't mak?
13. To contribute, stand good for.Sc. 1883 Abd. Weekly Free Press (3 Feb.):
Her father made a bow o bere, Her uncle he gae twa pound mair.
14. In Sh. usage: to think, to consider, to hold an opinion (Sh. 1962).Sh. 1891 J. Burgess Rasmie's Büddie 58, 77:
Na, güd trüth! I mak it's idder; . . . An so I says, “I hear da voe, I mak he's blaain harder”.
15. Used impers. with reference to weather: to produce (rain, snow, fair periods, etc.) (Sh., Cai. 1962); to threaten (rain, etc.) (Kcd., Kcb. 1962).Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928):
“He made a ri”, a storm arose, . . . “he is makin' (a guid) suk”, a good, drying wind is blowing, . . . “he is makin' a lomm”, . . . the weather is improving.Cai.9 1946:
To make rain, snow, sleet etc. is to rain, snow, sleet, etc.
16. To come to the point of breaking, of a wave; to break, to snap. Cf. O.N. gera, of the sea, and 15. above.Sh.10 1962:
Da sea med; da line med.
17. Of cattle: to make (flesh), put on weight, look sleek and fat.Ork.5 1962:
The kye began tae mak.
†18. Golf: in ppl.adj. made, within one shot of the green.Sc. 1887 R. Chambers Golfing 94:
A player, or his ball, is said to be “made”, when his ball is sufficiently near the hole to be played on to the Putting-Green next shot.
19. In ppl.adj. made, affected, concerned, in a state of stress, gen. with pain, illness, overwork, worry, vexation (ne.Sc. 1962), freq. with qualifying adv. sair, etc., sorely harassed, plagued, oppressed, hard put to it (Sh., n.Sc., Ags. 1962).Abd. 1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xlix.:
She was jist a kin' o' made like, an' wud 'a unco fain hed a bodie's sempathy.Ags. 1896 A. Blair Rantin Robin 170:
I was richt wae to see sae mony wyce-like chiels sae sair made wi' travellin sae far in sic weather.Abd. 1914 A. McS. The Bishop 33:
Some o' them 'll be sair made to scrape the rent thegidder.Abd.15 c.1930:
I wis never made for meal to ma brose, but mony times scant o' milk.Abd.30 1960:
He's awfu made wi himsel, noo that he's nae weel, bit his wife says there's little the maitter wi him, and that he's sair made stringin ingins.
II. n. As in Eng. Sc. usage: possibility of improvement or alteration, formativeness (see quot.).Abd. 1919 T.S.D.C.:
“There's nae mak in a man aifter he's thirty”; his character is formed before that age.
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