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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Strik(e, Stryk(e, Straik(e, v. Also: strikk, strick(e, stryik, stryck, strek(e, streck, streik(e, streick, streek, streack, strak, stirk(e. P.t. strak(e, strack(e, strakk, straik(e, straick, streak, strik, strok(e, stroik, stroak(e, strouk, strouck, strook(e, struk(e, struik(e, struck, struicke, strikit, straikit, streikit, stract. P.p. strikin(e, -yn, -en, strikkin, -en, strykin, stryk(k)yn, strykyne, strickin, -en, strictin, strekin(e, -yn, strekkin, -en, streikin, strakin, -en, strokin, -en, strocken, strukin(e, -en, strukkin, -en, strukne(d, strwkin, struccin, struckin(e, -en, struckkin, struikin, streukin, stirkin, stra(c)k, stroke, strick, stru(c)k, struct. [ME and e.m.E. strike(n (Layamon), stryke (Rolle), streeke (1603), stricke (1639), p.t. strac (Orm), strok (c1320), strek (c1350), strak(e (1400-40), strooke (1557), strucke (1627), stroake (a1650), also stryked (Chaucer), striked (1400), p.p. stryken (Trevisa), striken (c1400), strekyn (1417), strykyn, -en (both a1450), stricken (1542), stroken (1560), stroke (a1566), strooken (a1577), stricke (1583), strocken (1592), striked (1596), strook (1599), strucken, strucke (both Shakespeare), OE strícan, p.t. strác, p.p. stricen.]

I. To deal a blow to, hit, beat.

1. tr. To hit (a person or animal), usually with the hand or with an implement; to kick (also, of a horse). Also fig.pres. a1400 Leg. S. ii 121.
To strik this man, sir, ȝe misdo
14.. Acts I 8/2.
Gif wythin gyrth … ony man thruch ill will lyftis his neff to stryk an othir
14.. Acts I 384/2.
Gif that ony man strikis ane other manis best throw ir or hatrent
1456 Hay I 116/26.
He that strykis his falow but caus resonable, aw to tyne his hede
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2227.
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts xxii 19.
I was closand togiddir into presoun, and strikand [L. cædens; P. betinge] be synagogis thame that beleuet into thee
1551 Hamilton Cat. 87.
He that strikkis and slais a man or a woman, lat him dee the deed
1560 Rolland Seven S. 7839.
Of knichtheid it is aganis the aith. Outher ȝoldin or deid man for to strike
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 68.
The larde of Grange … had gewin charge … to stryk the said Henrie with a batton
1596 Dalr. I 323/6.
Thay began to rug and reiue, stryk and stick ilk vther
1643 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 1.
For etling to strik the said Isobell with ane brasin pan
1673 Corshill Baron Ct. 113.(b) 1639 Articles of Militarie Discipline 8.
If any officer do strick any of them with his hand, … he shall losse his right hand
(c) 1642 Culross 197.
If ever he be found hereafter to straike his wyf
(d) 1626 Aberd. Council Lett. I 247.
My mane nether did streik him nor tak any thing frome him
1622-6 Bisset II 261/12.
He that strekis any person, with [his] hand feit or utherwyse, salbe plundged or douked our the heid thrie sindrie tymes or doukes in the seæ
1632 Glasgow Weavers 70.
William Pollok … violentlie output the said deacon and theis present with him … schoiring to strek them
1653 Glasgow B. Rec. II 259.
Sundrie of the wreights … with cleukis and balstones in thair hands, and paseing frae house to house … strecking the people thairin
1660 Rothesay B. Rec. 46.
The said Archibald did streck him and putt his gluiffes on his handis and maid him his prissouner
1668 Rothesay B. Rec. 160.
Quhen Donald Ure was sitting on a strull [? = stuill], John Galie wricht did streik the said Donald with his fute till he fell
p.t. a1400 Leg. S. ii 115.
Thane Nero hym in gret ire strak
a1400 Leg. S. xlv 295.
Julyane … gert carwe hire tong in twa Bot … scho strak Julyane in the e Vith it, & lettyt hyme thane to se
1453 Ayr B. Ct. 3 Oct.
Caterine Aharre … strakk the alderman dispituosly
1456 Hay I 29/32.
And sum thai strake, and sum thai revit jowellis fra
1497–8 Acta Conc. II 152.
[They] cruelly dang and strak him
1522–3 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 67.
I wald na man strak ane best
(b) c1500-c1512 Dunb. Asl. MS II 243/31.
Quha straike thé now thow tell ws tyte
1530 Alloway Baron Ct. 23 Aug.
Be the hair of the heid [scho] hald him & straik him with hir neffis
1568 Lanark B. Rec. 42.
George pullit ouip ane flesch cruik and thair straik the said Jhone Faucht
(c) 1540 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 225.
I saw nocht quhen James Saltoun strack thir ky in the medo … bot quhen I come hayme Jhone of Lauder … said to me that James straik thaim evyll and kest ane roung at thaim quhen he mycht nocht ourtak thaim
1620 Inverurie 207.
The saids persons … being … at ther unlesum games and pastymes, … strack, dang and keist and kepit uthers, trublit, molestit the haill town [etc.]
1681 Banff Ann. I 160.
Robert Duffus … stract and beatt him with ane staff
(d) 1557 Digest Justiciary Proc. B 140.
William Fischear … claife his neis with ane schovle and strik and dang him to the effusioun of his bluid
(e) a1568 Bann. MS 31b/19.
Malcus me struk till Caiphas I past
1671 Rothesay B. Rec. 197.
It was prowin that ather of thame struik utheris yesternicht and that John Ker did strek Adame this day
(f) c1590 Fowler I 210/5.
And quhils her heide was boued her brest shee strooke And … Pourd furth her sighs [etc.]
1651 Kingarth Par. Rec. 29.
McClashen … confessed that quhen More NcIlrevie gave him ill words that he lifted his hand to her but strook her not
1671 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 22 April.
He hes deponed that Johne Carsan strook Johne Thomson in Auchnefad
1691 Cramond Kirk S. III 23 April.
James Red came to Agnas Crauford's house, and when he saw Elisabeth Crie there, he strooke her with his feet
(g) 1664 Melrose Reg. Rec. II 110.
He nether stroak nor bled the said defender
(h) 1460 Hay Alex. 1398.
[He] saw Alexander cumand to visie the feild Strikit his steid and hit him in mid the scheild
p.p. 1460 Hay Alex. 3208.
Than com Dawcline and … saw Ladynis haid strikin ane Greik
1551 Hamilton Cat. 151.
He was strykin with neiffis
1561 Dumfries B. Ct. 16a.
Villiam Reid hes vnressonable streikin Dauid Curror
1567 G. Ball. 193.
Ȝe serue to strickin be with roddis
1574 Reg. Privy C. II 418.
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 342.
My lord regent being halkand … wes struckin be his hors
c1575 Balfour Pract. 627.
1630 Justiciary Cases I 147.
Alexander was maist rigorouslie strukin be the devill uith ane battoun
1641 Misc. Spald. C. II 235.
Thay say he had striken a man, whereof he died
?1645 Colmonell Kirk S. 1 May.
Complaining that they both had stricken and birrst his wyfe, being within a month of her tyme
1676 Meikle Old Session Bk. 98.
William Barnat having strocken and wounded William Sangster the last Lords day
1680 Inverness Presb. 97.
He had struck his own wife with a joint stoole
1694 Peebles B. Rec. II 147.
After Andrew wes stroken he called John Stewart [by an abusive name]
fig. 1567 G. Ball. 33.
He wil thé stryke with His maist fatherly wand

b. To hit or kick in, on, over (etc.) a specified part of the body (once, on the helmet). Also reflex.To strike (someone) in the nek, see Nek n.1 2 c.(1) pres. 1567 G. Ball. 218.
Did not Apame in lyke case, Allace, allace! Straike that greit king vpon the face?
16.. Hist. Kennedy 42.
He strekis Pantoskane with his suord gairdis on the feace
1640 Dundonald Par. Rec. 467.
According to the qualitie of the faults the maister shall inflict punishment, streking some on the loof with a birk wand
1673 Argyll Justic. Rec. I 28.
The said pannell did with the great end or butt of his pistoll most cruellie stricke and wound the said John McCallum in the head to the effusione of his blood
p.t. a1400 Leg. S. xii 180.
Judas for wrake Rubene in the nek sa strake With stane til he fel deyd
1606 Reg. Privy C. VII 185.
With a brydle he leisheit and strake the said compleiner over all the pairts of her body
1640 Aberd. Council Lett. II 241.
The said capitane … strak the said Johne Douglas with his rod athort the shoulderis and said for his lyiff luck not back againe
(b) a1500 Seven S. 1445.
Scho … straik him [sc. the dog] on the hed, And brak his harnis
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 410.
Ane seruand of the bischopis … on the cheik straik him vncurtasly
1533 Bell. Livy II 212/31.
Paperius straik the Gaule on the hede with ane evore staff
1556 Peebles B. Rec. I 233.
[He] straik the said James on the forret with ane roung
1569 Reg. Privy C. II 62.
[They] straik the said Walter Chepman … with bauch strakis upoun his heid
1572–3 Reg. Privy C. II 205.
Stevin Urde … cruellie straik the said Jonet upoun hir schulder blaid with the kavill of ane mylne
c1610 Melville Mem. 32.(c) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2124.
He tuke a gret spere … And stroik him so in-to the syd That [etc.]
c1515 Asl. MS I 240/27.
[He] straik him in at the colere and down in the body
(d) 1565–6 Inverness Rec. I 131.
[He] struike me vpon the face wyth his stekit naiff
1586 Reg. Privy C. IV 118.
[They] struke him upoun the heid with ane Jedburgh stalff
(e) 1581-1623 James VI Poems II 7/14.
Jehoua ryse my God preserue me nou Quho stroke my foes on iaue & on chaft bone
1663 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I 400.
Robert Carsill … with a great carr syd strok him upon the head
1684 Peebles B. Rec. II 113.
He strook her on the arm with his staff
p.p. ?a1500 Remembr. Passion 163.
O Lord Jesu, that tholit tobe strikin in the nek
1549 Compl. 92/35.
Ȝe sal nocht alanerly be iniurit be euil vordis bot als ȝe sal be violently strykkyn in ȝour bodeis
1616 Rogers Social Life III 301.
Quhilk kow they fand lyand strikit on heid and feit
(2) c1475 Wall. ii 51.
Ane othir he straik on a basnat of steille
(3) 1535 Stewart 16069.
Nathologus In his sermone aganis Athartonus Reprevit him … Of the same thing straik him self in the necc

c. With various adverbial and prepositional complements.(1) a1400 Leg. S. vi 91.
Thar-fore ryse of this place I ne vil, Til a hund that hand brinnge me til, That nov has strekine me so sare
1512 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 19.
The said Jhone strak … the chek of this said Elen blac
1540 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 225 (see 1 (1) p.t. (c) above). 1600 Crim. Trials II 183.
Fy! Strik him laich
(2) 1596 Dalr. I 123/6.
Quhen nout fechtis togither ane be strukne to deid [etc.]
1597–8 Misc. Spald. C. I 179.
Ane of the cotteris … passit raslie to lous the oxin, and in doing theirof was strukin deid
(3) ?1438 Alex. ii 1688.
For Gaudefeir at the first meting Straik him to erd
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1878.
Sum [sc. birdis] with ane staf he straik to eirth on swoun
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 157/206.
Baith hors and man he straik till eird
15.. Clar. i 763.
The earle he sought out … And strak him to the erd … Then leuch the earle and said … ‘Or I to luging went Ȝe me wnarmit, contraire my intent
a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 19.
The said Sir Chrystell … straik at erd him that had the king in handis
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 135.
He … struicke ane of thame breadlingis with his sword to the eird
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 135.
[The sheep] ran furious … and strak baithe man and beist thay micht ouirtak to the ground
1606 Inverness Rec. II 48.
The said William with ane battown, straick me … to the grownd thairwithe
1612 Inverurie B. Ct.
Compeirit James Fergus and deponeitt he saw the said William Bothwell strukkin to the earthe bott saw na bluid
1672 Alford Rec. 183.
John Irving … strack the foresaid Janet Thomsone to the ground with ane elvand
(4) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2926.
Thelogonius … gaif him sic a sodane dusche With his clos neif one the nek so, That he his crage straik ewyn in two
(5) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2794.
The kyng … stroke Achilles frome his hors
a1540 Freiris Berw. 554 (M).
Ȝe haue him strikin quyt out our the stayr
16.. Hist. Kennedy 48.
His horse kaist him, and straik his airme out of juntt, in the schudder

d. With cognate object. Also fig. or in fig. context. ?1438 Alex. ii 4850.
He and I straik sic ane straik … That I na wist quhethir it was nicht or day
1531 Bell. Boece II 380.
Thay straik him iii or iv othir straikis
1600 Crim. Trials II 156.
The rest straik swme straikis at Mr. Thomas and he at thame
1609 Inverness Rec. II 70.
That … ye … dang and stracke the said Magie Jenor dyveris straickis … with your handis and feit
1678 Forbes Baron Ct. 319.
Alexander Straquhan … did cast the said Georg Gairdner in the myr and straik him thrie or four stroaks one the head with ane trie
fig. c1460 Wisd. Sol. (STS) 409.
Ȝhit quhen he strikis, he strikis his straik sudanly quhen he seis thai wyll nocht amend
1570 Cal. Sc. P. II 112.
[The hasard of battle] whaire God streke the stroke contrary to expectatione

e. tr. Of a schoolmaster: To hit (a pupil) by way of corporal punishment, to chastise physically. 1672 Grant Burgh Schools 198.
[The Paisley schoolmaster] does strek the bairnes severely

f. transf. To strike bluid, to strike (a person) in such a way as to draw blood. 1657 Rothesay B. Rec. 268.
The said proveist and baillie … hes … fynet the said Allexander Jamiesoune for the said bluid struck and wrong done

g. With a missile as subject. Cf. 4 b below. 1679 J. Somerville Mem. II 250.
The same bullet stroke a handsome and stout youth

2. To stab or cut (a person or animal) with a sharp weapon. Also with specification of the site of the wound. Also reflex. Also, to strike (a person) deid (also, to deith), and to strike throw, to pierce, run through. Also fig.(1) 1375 Barb. xi 598.
Sum … Stryk [E. stekyt] stedis, and ber doune men
a1400 Leg. S. vi 663.
Thare bischope … With a swerd strak hym in hy
?1438 Alex. i 118.
Ferrand … straik the first sa rigorusly That throw the bodie he him bair
1551 Innes Sketches 356.
And be way of murthure straik him with quhingearis and crewellie slew him
1560 Rolland Seven S. 7599.
It happinnit him to haif His awin byknife, and … Thairon scho straik hir hand a litill we
c1590 Fowler I 67/10.
I saw … Phoebus … With Cupids bow and with his dart lye strukned verye sore
1596 Dalr. I 225/25.
He sett furth a law that quha with his nife had strukne a preist, he soulde he punised by ane escheit
1641 Misc. Spald. C. II 235 n.
He fell in some quarrelling with the young man, and with his whanger stroke him, whereof presentlie he died
1669 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 257.
(2) 1375 Barb. xvii 381.
The vallis of the toune than wer Sa law, that a man with a sper Micht strike ane othir [vp in] the face
a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 266.
Brandisand the spere … [He] Strak the dragone … In at the throt
?1438 Alex. ii 4105.
Porrus straik … Him in the scheild that schynit bricht
c1420 Wynt. viii 4896.
In till the mowth strykyn wyth a spere
1456 Hay I 64/9.
Thay traytouris ran on him and strake him throu the body
1476 Acta Aud. 42/1.
To … ger ane officiar stryke him throw the hande that wrate the said write
c1475 Wall. i 413.
Apone the hede in gret ire he strak ane; The scherand suerd glaid to the colar bane
1502–3 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 97.
Be it a man to be strukin throw the hand, and be it a woman to be brint on the cheik
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1586.
And cruellie with this mortall dart, He straik the squyer throw the hart
1592 Lanark B. Rec. 109.
Jhone Cudbert … straik and bludit the said Gawin on the craig with ane suord
1601 Crim. Trials II 363.
[They] first straik him with ane fork in at the leask
1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 406.
He strook him above the heart with ane whyt-hafted knyff of seaven inches long
1631 Justiciary Cases I 168.
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 44.
1667 Highland P. II 35.
(3) reflex. a1400 Leg. S. x 488.
He … his gret sorow for to slak, Hyme-selfe into the stomak strak
1533 Bell. Livy I 125/25.
Scho straik hir self with ane dagare
1600-1610 Melvill 21.
I … strak my selff … an inche deipe in the inwart syde of the left knie even to the bean
(4) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2124.
He … straik hime deid down frome his hors
a1500 Rauf C. 818.
Thay sture hors at that straik strikin deid lay than
a1500 K. Hart 394.
All that ganestude he straik deid
1533 Bell. Livy I 162/5.
Ȝoung Tarquyne ran him sidlingis throw the body with ane spere, and straik him dede to the ground
c1590 J. Stewart 90/363.
Lang speitchles lay he strukin almeist deed
1657 Balfour Ann. IV 127.
He was stroke dead throughe the head by one of the enimey
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i 649.
Hir trew knicht … Was strikkin to deith for fault of hir [sc. Venus'] supple
(5) a1400 Leg. S. x 436.
A felone freke … come be-hynd [hyme] at the bake, & owt-throw with a swerd hym strake
1500 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 86.
[They] invadand him with cruell wawpouns and drawin swordis, for the quhilk caus thai sall be had to the trone and thair hands to be straken throch
Arundel MS 244/181.
O thow left hand of Crist, quhilk wes strikin throw with a cruell naile
(6) fig. 15.. Clar. i 168.
Cupid, … with his scharp grindine dairt Full suddanlie hes strukine hir to the heart
c1590 Fowler I 239/9.
The heavens … Inforced death to stryke hir with hir lance

b. To sever (the head, a limb, etc.) fra (the rest of the body); to cut (something) in two, divide with a cut.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 526.
He gert a basare ga strik S. Johnis hed hym fra
a1400 Leg. S. xxxviii 465.
He bad men suld … strik fra thame lym eftir lyme
c1420 Wynt. viii 2058.
Fra ane he strak swne the rycht hand
1563–4 Crim. Trials I i 441.
His heid to be strykin fra his body, and his body querterit
a1578 Pitsc. I 299/30.
Williame Meldrum laird of Binnis … the knappis of his elbokkis strikin fre him
1611 Reg. Privy C. IX 146.
[They gored an ox and] strak the taill from him
1616 Crim. Trials III 384.
Thair [sc. the sheep's] spaldis and legis wer strukin away fra thame in maist barbarous maner
c1650 Spalding II 428.
The said Alexander Leslie persewis Mr. James Clerk, and strikis a lug fra him
1652 Glasgow B. Rec. II 242.
Ane burges bairne, quha had the knap of hir elbow struckin from hir be ane of the sojouris
(2) a1400 Leg. S. i 362.
Than Nero bad a man suld ga, And strik Symonis nek intwa
c1420 Ratis R. 252.
Ane armit man in mydis his ryge Baith irne and steil & flesch & banis His awne hand straik in twa at anis
1460–70 Innes Sketches 507.
Quhilk baillye passit to the said land and straik the sommys in twa and hewyt the plwche
c1475 Wall. ii 112.
The thrid he straik throuch his pissand of maile, The crag in twa
c1475 Wall. (1570) v 149.
The grundin sword … baith craig and hals bane In sunder straik
a1500 Sir Eger 222.
My steed lay sticked a little me fro, And his lay stricken the back in two
1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas iii 222.
The anchore roape, With shyning sword vnsheath't, in twaine he stroake

c. To lance or cut (a vein). c1420 Liber Calchou 450.
Certanly bledyng be tymys of the vanys that I sal tel sal haf it away, bot if thu passis xxiiij ouris the matter is gaderit & hardnyd & wil nocht out of the vayn gif it be strykin
a1500 Seven S. 1561.
He … bad the barbour strike the vane That scho mycht bleid alsmekle agane

d. To cut, chop, slice (meat) (in or to pieces). a1500 Henr. Fab. 270.
Thay … went to meit, With all coursis that cukis culd deuyne, Muttoun and beif strikin in tailȝeis greit
1597 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 27 Feb.
Enteritt ane carcage of beiff strekin to xxx pece
1598 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 5 May.
Enterit ane fed ox fra my Lord of Rothous strekin to xl pece

e. To cut or slit open (a letter). Cf. 45 c below. 1682 Edinb. City Archives Letters II (86).
I wes advysed to strick open on of your letters

f. ? To cut a stick for use as a staff or club. 15.. Christis Kirk 143 (M).
Sum straikit stingis sum gadderit stanis

g. To inflict (a wound); to mark (a tree) with a cut or notch. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4639.
He straik … Into hir arme ane wound baith deip and braid
1596 Dalr. II 215/3.
Bot verie oft he bannit that hand quhilk thay woundis straik not better
1607 Fam. Rose 294.
All … the wood and growand treis … within the wood of Daltalecht … and as the samyn is markit and struckin with ane yeacks fra tre to tre benethe the young grouthe vpon the haid of the hill

h. To prick, goad (a horse) with spurs. 1375 Barb. iii 121.
[He] strak with spuris the stede in hy
1375 Barb. xx 458, etc. ?1438 Alex. i 1453.
With spurris tit straik he the steid
a1500 Rauf C. 812. a1500 Seven S. 977.
His palfray strake he with his spure
a1500 Seven S. 1300.
He his hors with spurris scharpe Straike and tarijt nocht to carpe

i. fig. Of a feeling, emotion, sense, impression, etc.: To pierce or wound, as with a sharp weapon. Also const. at, in, on and to (till) the hart. a1500 Henr. Fab. 311.
Till her hart straik mony wofull stound
1490 Irland Mir. II 73/12.
For his grace euir strikis one the saule
a1500 K. Hart 401.
So sweit ane smell as straik vnto his hart, Quhen that he saw Dame Plesance at his will
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 10/98.
Methocht compassioun, … Than straik at me with mony ane stound
c1540 Lynd. Syde Taillis 113.
Of filth sic flewer straik till his hart, That he behouit for till depart
15.. Clar. iii 1471.
Of misbeleife the stound struike to his heart
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2482.
Quhen I hard the noyis into the well, Vnto my hart thair straik ane cruell knell
1596 Dalr. I 148/28.
It straik sik a cnel to his harte, that he [left Britain]
a1651 Calderwood III 15.
God strake suche terrors in my heart

3. intr. To deliver a blow with a sharp weapon. Also const. at.Also, once, of fishing (? with a fish-spear).(1) ?1438 Alex. ii 1890.
He liftit his hand-axe hie And straik als fast as he micht dre
?1438 Alex. ii 2693.
He couth … Stryke with sword and couer him with sheld
c1420 Wynt. viii 2250.
The lele Scottis men, … Strykand before thame manlykly
1456 Hay I 116/15.
Quha ever strykis with wappin or other villaynis manȝe, … he tynis the hede
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 830.
Quhen he is stuffit, thair strike, and hald hym on steir
c1475 Wall. x 366.
He straik with his scharp groundyn glawe
1494 Loutfut MS 132a.
The fift way is takin of kepyn of the strykar for & he strik with the ege he mon lift his armis
1513 Doug. ii ii 77.
Quhy tary I my deth? And ȝe lyst, stryke
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1504. c1678 Reg. Panmure I lxv.
They … fell upon him [sc. Archbishop James Sharp] … and … so streak upon his hind head that peises of his skul was lost
(2) 1375 Barb. iii 142.
Then the king … Strak at the tothir wigorusly
1513 Doug. xii v 214.
Vphesit he hys braid ax rude and squair, And akwartly strake at hys aduersar
1538 Lynd. Justing 54.
Straikand at James, his swerd flew in the wind
15.. Clar. i 999.
Clariodus than straike at him [sc. the lion] belyve Under the lymbe and upward in the thie
1562 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XV 49.
[He] drew his quhinger and straik at dyvers of the said nichtbouris
1570 Bann. Memor. 58.
When his angelis … did follow you with two edged swordes; and, … quhan thai struike at ȝou, ȝe did declyne and jowke in the water
1558-66 Knox II 11.
The Maister struik with his speir at La Battu
1600 Crim. Trials II 296.
He bad him stryk laich at his bellie
1629 Dundonald Par. Rec. 292.
1658 Cramond Kirk S. I 30 May.
Jon Inglis … having bein delaited for fishing on the sabbath day, … denyed that he strook at any fish

b. To aim a blow or blows with the hands or feet, or with an implement (at, apoun, etc. (another, a thing, etc.), also att (a blow)).(1) ?1438 Alex. ii 4235.
The ane straik with the armit neif
a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS No. 1001.
Mint er ye strike
1660 Alyth Par. Ch. 97.
[She] did fight, strick and swear on the Lord's day
1668 Corshill Baron Ct. 79.
The … inqueist … found the said Williame Wyllie in ane wronge to come within her boundis and there stricke
1678 Justiciary Ct. Rec. II 315.
Savoy, where death was inflicted upon a person who but strake with a batton
1678 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 278.
[He] followed me with ane staff and … stroke severall tymes and would have wounded me if I had not kepped the stroakes
1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World Suppl. xii.
That the declarant should imploy her to spick for her to the Queen of Farie, and strik and battle in her behalf with the said Queen
(2) c1475 Wall. iv 246.
The wachman had a felloune staff of steill At Wallace strake, bot he kepyt hym weill
?a1500 Dewoit Exerc. 68.
Thai fell tratouris … strikand apoun ȝour blist face, and ȝeid with oppin handis and lukin newis
1507–8 Treas. Acc. IV 99.
Item … to the smyth quhar the king straik at the stedy in Leith
a1540 Freiris Berw. 498 (M).
Quhen I bid ȝow stryk stryk hardelie In to the nek se that ȝe hit him richt [sc. with a cudgel]
1585 Glasgow Prot. IX 152.
[They] enterit with handis and feit at my yet, straik thairat to have broken the sloat wp [etc.]
1591 Crim. Trials I ii 357.
The Earll of Bothuell … strake vith ane hammer at his maiesties chalmber dore
1619 Perth Kirk S. MS 20 April.
William Scobbie wobster … denyit that he straik at hir dor with ane stone
1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 290. 1630 Justiciary Cases I 144.
The devill … gave the said Alexander command to tak that battoun … and thairwith to strek thryse upone the ground and to charge him [sc. the Devil] to ryse up foule theiff
a1646 Wedderburn Voc. (1709) 26.
Dirige recta versus foramen, strike directly upon [sc. towards] the hole
1664 Rothesay B. Rec. 78.
The said Mathow yesternicht haid a drawin sword and did streck at John Kers dore thairwith
1684 Stranraer B. Ct. 23 Dec.
James Mcmaister dyar deponit … hard Patrik Cuikis stryck at some persone with his nive
1695 Peebles B. Rec. II 151.
James Sheill … strook att him with both his hands and that his hat and peirieweig went of
1626 Garden Worthies 98.
God gave him … strength to strick even att the boldest bloes

c. Of a bird of prey: To deliver a blow with its beak or talons. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 164/100.
The egill strong at him did stryke, And rawcht him mony a rowt

4. tr. To hit or cut (an object, etc.) with an implement, etc. Also proverb. and fig. 1375 Barb. x 179.
[Than hastyly he suld] stryk with the ax in twa The hede-soyme
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1164.
He straik the burd with ane wand
a1500 Seven S. 1633.
I rak bot litill To strik this ymage for to se How that he may rewengit be
1494 Loutfut MS 38b.
Mayllets ar maid of … hard tre or ellis of hevy metall for to strik … hard thingis
1533 Boece 242.
The confederate kingis with thare armye assailȝeit with all kinde of instrumentis … to subuert the Wall of Adriane … How sone the wall was strikkin it fell
1572 Sempill in Sat. P. xxx 163.
As quheit is strukin for [= fro] the stra besyde
a1646 Wedderburn Voc. (1709) 26.
Bene tibi cessit hic ictus, that is well stricken
1658 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 186.
[The defender … ] did severall tymes strake the said watter and did catch … every on of the said tymes the number of tuo fisches
proverb. 1646 Baillie II 359.
Strick the iron while it is hott
?1665 M. Bruce Six Dreadful Alarms 17.
Well kens he to strick the iron while it is hot
fig. a1500 Sir Eger 663.
I strake the nail upon the head

b. Of a missile: To hit, impact against (a thing). 1592 Crim. Trials I ii 358.
Ane bullet strooke the lintell of the gaitt

c. ? To dam, divert or otherwise utilise the water of (a stream). 1466 (1471) Reg. Great S. 215/1.
And quhare that north burn sekis in south upon him [he shall have] fredoume to strike it even furth quhare it was wont to rin

5. To fight (a battle). Also (once), to streik the vangarde (of battles), to fight in the vanguard. Also fig.(1) 1375 Barb. xi 348.
The battale of Bannokburne, strykyne & vonyng be gud kyng Robert the Bruce
1375 Barb. xiii 152.
Thar wes the battell strikyn weill
c1420 Wynt. ii 1392. 1456 Hay I 60/22.
Mony grete batailles was strikin agayn the Franche men be Julius Cesar
c1475 Wall. x 245.
Quhen Bruce his battaill apon the Scottis straik
1531 Bell. Boece II 401.
1533 Boece 113.
1533 Boece 135.
In his few legiouns was men ynewe to strike the instant batell
1533 Bell. Livy I 66/16.
1544 Treas. Acc. VIII 292.
To ane barbour in Glasqw, eftir the feild strikkin on the mure of the samyn, to by droggis to help to cure certane of my lord governoris servandis hurt thair
1547 Misc. Spald. C. II 34.
Walter Cullen … departtit in the feidill of Peynky, striken betuixt Scoitland and Ingland
15… Warrender P. (SHS) I 277.
The feild of Pinkie wes strukin upoun the xi of September 1547
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1956.
Nynus … was the man … In erth that straik the first battell
a1578 Pitsc. I 273/28. 1596 Dalr. I 247/27.
Thair is a felloun feild, and a strang struckin, thair [etc.]
1598 Crim. Trials II 72.
(2) 1622-6 Bisset I 64/24.
The erle of Fyfe sall have and streik the vangarde of all battellis
fig. 1562-3 Winȝet I 78 margin.
A sair battel aganis Longinus struk Johne Knox

b. intr. Of a battle: To be fought. 1532 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 125.
This hors vas tane with theiffis that day the feild of Melros straik

6. tr. To remove with a blow or swing of the hand, or with an implement. Const. out or from.(1) c1420 Wynt. v 640.
Wyth a walkarys perk but dowt The harnys all war strykyn owte
1442–3 Ayr B. Ct. 28 Jan.
& nane vnfre bak na brede vnder the payn of the lede bodum strikyn out
1450 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 12. c1475 Wall. vii 1182.
The rowar [sc. wooden pin] out he straik with gret slycht
1492 Myll Spect. 291/23.
This theif … had his teith strikin out befor
1533 Boece 601b.
The ymage of the crucifixe falling fra the rude loft apon his heid, straik out the harnes apoun the paythtment
15.. Lichtoun Dreme 50 (M).
Had nocht bein I loutit in that steid I had strikin ane lump out of my heid
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4350.
Be the hind heillis this hound than did scho tak And all his harnis out on the wall scho straik
(2) 15.. Clar. v 1178.
He on them ruschit than with awfull faire … Straiking thair steidis from them on the greine
1609 Garden Garden 53.
From both He struke the sting

b. To remove forcibly, eject (persons, etc.) from (fra) one place to another. 1525 St. A. Formulare I 269.
The maledictioun of God that … straik thame fra the hevin to the deip pott of hell

7. To drive, thrust, hammer home (a blade or other pointed instrument) (in (etc.) a person's body or betuix parts of the body). c1420 Wynt. iii 104.
The nayle than on his hewyde scho set And strake on fast wytht that malyhet … throuch his hewyde
c1475 Wall. ii 99.
A felloun knyff fast till his hart straik he
1533 Bell. Livy II 10/6.
With thir wourdis he straik the dagare to the hiltis in his douchteris breist
1599 Reg. Privy C. VI 49.
Drawing his body, nek, armes, and feit togidder within the boundis of ane span, [they] straik wadgeis betuix his schailbanes quhill the blude birsit oute
1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas iii 387.
The cursed blaide … Which in her breast vnto the hilts she strak
1629 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. III 42.
They … strake the heid of ane speir throw her left foote
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 285.
If any man draw ane knyfe within the king's court to doe hurt therwith, the knyfe should be stricken through his hand

b. To set (a plough) (in the ground). Cf. Strek(e v. 9. 1563 Prot. Bk. J. Drummond 32b.
That the said William … streik his pleugh labour manur sett and dispone thairupoun at his plesour
1579 Edinb. Test. VII 180a.
I leue to George Gourlaw … ane ox quhen he streikis his pleuch
1582 Prot. Bk. J. Robertsone 19b.
Cristan Lummisden … passit entrit and straikit twa plewchis in the said landis
1599 Reg. Privy C. VI 43.
Gif evir he streikit ane pleuch thairin thairefter, that they sould hoche his oxin and have his awne lyffe
1602 Reg. Privy C. VI 368.
[The complainer's plough was] streikit and gangand, [tilling part of the said lands]
1607 Reg. Privy C. VIII 15.
[That the said James's servant] streikit his plewis in the orcheard and yaird of the abbay and teillit the same
1635 N. Meldrum Forteviot 53.
Mr. Edvart Richardsone, … past to the ground of the glybe of the kirk … and causit strak plouk therein and maid reid land and sindrie foris therein
1699 Misc. 3 Spald. C. II 113.
[He] did streack a pleugh upon the mains of Glenbucket about Bartholday

c. To pull or push (without implication of force). 1560 Rolland Seven S. 9554.
Of his gorget ane buckill or twa he fretts. And straik his gorget doun vpon his breist

8. Of a serpent or spiny fish: To wound with its fangs or spines. a1400 Leg. S. x 67.
Thai cuth, be thare enchawnment, Ger serpentis strik men ful sare
1494 Loutfut MS 33a.
For he that hauntit him [sc. a type of fish with sharp spines] nocht be subtilite suld fynd him strikin with the pointeurs of his eeris

9. Of lightning, thunder (perceived as a destructive force) or other natural forces: To hit violently and with damaging effect (a person or thing). Also const. down.(1) a1400 Leg. S. iii 222.
And thonnere [cam] in that sitht-war That strak till ȝerd all that war thar
a1400 Leg. S. vi 373.
A fyr-sclauchte [pr. -schauchte] of the hewyn … Thane Thomas … Saw stryk the ȝerd
c1420 Wynt. v 4396.
Gret erddyn [sc. an earthquake] and felowne Strak howssys and gret towrys downe
1531 Bell. Boece I 286.
The branchis and levis of treis war strokin with thonder, and wederit
1549 Compl. 60/18.
Sche vas on the feildis for hyr recreatione, quhar that the fyir slaucht straik hyr
1570 Sat. P. xvii 172.
Swa mony stormes at onis Struke neuer land sa sair
1611 Fugitive Poetry II ii 4/13.
Me thocht a fearfull fyre … Of kindled coales cam rushing from the clouds And strake upon the towne with furious thouds
(2) 1581 Burne Disput. 168.
Julian … placed his awin image thair, quhilk was strukin done vith the thundir

10. Of God, chance, etc.: To afflict (a person) (with suffering, disease or death), esp. as a punishment. a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 287.
Sic lustful het sal be hir in, & eftyr hyr stirke sal I Nere wodnes & frenesy
1513 Doug. xii x 104.
Ane chance of mysfortoun, that all the tovn With womentyng straik to the boddum doun
a1538 Abell 44a.
He wes nocht on punist for … he wes strikin with the hand of God
1549 Compl. 24/29.
Ande gyf ȝe remane obstinat ande vil nocht be correckt, I [sc. God] sal strik ȝou vitht ane plag
1562-3 Winȝet I 127/25.
Ananias and Saphira wes strukin … be ane word of Petir to the deth
1558-66 Knox II 338.
Goddis hand can not long spayr in his anger, to stryck the head and the taill
1558-66 Knox II 398.
Maister Hendrie Sinkclare … whome God after straik according to his deservingis
a1585 Maitl. Q. 281/32.
Cruel deith … for to straik thame wes nocht soir effeird
c1590 Fowler II 59/34.
It is writtin he was strukkin miraculouslie be the hand of God
1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 45.
Gif King Ozias was iustlie strukin be God with leprosie
1662 Crim. Trials III 618.
If any of them sould twitch or tramp wpon any of it [sc. the chopped-up meat] … it sould strik thaim with byllis

b. intr. 1490 Irland Mir. III 68/34.
To expel fra him his mortale innemy … that the ire and wengeans of God strik nocht suddanly on him
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lxx 33.
Lord! hald thy hand, that strikken hes so soir
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5097.
Thoucht Deith tyll euery man resortis; Ȝitt strykith he in syndrie sortis
1558-66 Knox II 340.
He will stryck, or it be long, yf His law … be permitted thus manifestlie to be contempned
1629 Boyd Last B. 119.

c. Of a ruler: To mete out punishment, to forcibly chastise subjects. 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 62/11.
Quhen ye haue be the seuerititie of iustice anis setled youre cuntreis & maid thame kenn that ye cann strike

d. tr. To inflict (something) upone (a person). c1460 Wisd. Sol. (STS) 406.
Item he sais that God strikis his sentens sudanly vpone wykyt men

e. Of a disease: To afflict or attack (a person). Chiefly passive: To be afflicted with (be, of) a disease. Also 1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 4.
Ane feuir mast wikit quietlie and theiflie strikis the patient
passive a1400 Leg. S. x 480.
Yrtacus thane sa vgly Wes strekine als with mysalry
a1400 Leg. S. xli 341.
Constancia … Of foule lepre wes strikine
1531 Bell. Boece I xxiv.
Throw thair … glutone, thay ar strikin oftimes with … dangerus and irremediable infirmiteis
1533 Boece 33b.
Thareftir was the king be felloun plagis strikkin
1533 Boece 322b.
Quha attemptit the samyn … , be blyndnes or furiosite war strikkin
1533 Bell. Livy I 192/20.
He past hame to his hous sa hale as he had never be strikkin with ony infirmite
a1538 Abell 17a.
He wes strikin with ane wehement dolor in his bowellis
1558-66 Knox II 282.
The father may be stricken with a phrensye, in the which he wold slay his awin childrene
1572 R. Bannatyne in Knox VI 634.
Mr. Knox was stricken with a grit hoist
1577 Crim. Trials I ii 70.
Quhen sindrie of his cattell wer strickin with seiknes
1596 Dalr. I 290/18.
With that foul seiknes, quhilk the Greikis gonorrhæa call, he was strukne
ellipt. 1629 Black Orkn. & Shetl. Folklore 106.
Ye … said he sould repent yesterdayes work and the same day ane ox strick of his deit

f. intr. Of a law, legal sanction, etc.: To apply, take effect. Also const. at, against.(1) 1579 Reg. Privy C. III 237.
This mater is thocht to be civile, quhairupoun deprivatioun aucht not to stryke be ony law or custume yit ressavit within this realme
(2) c1630 Scot Narr. 34.
Observe, here, also the superintendent is joined with the bishop, and the articles strick at both
(3) 1593 Misc. Maitl. C. I 60.
That the censures of the kirk striken aganis thame may be feirit be thame
c1630 Scot Narr. 162.
Inferior ministers … darr not displease others by the execution of discipline, lest it should strike against themselves
a1634 Forbes Rec. 478.
And as to the law quhairupon they wer accuissed, the samen could not stryke against them, for diverse reasones
1611-57 Mure Psalmes cxix 84.
Thy judgments stryk Against my foes when shal I sie?
1681 Stair Inst. iv l § 6.
Inhibitions are only personal, and do not strike against any right made by the heirs of the person inhibited
1686 Mackenzie Observ. (1687) 22.
This Act … stricks only against such as interpret the kings laws so, as to make them a meer cloak for doing un-justice

11. fig. To mete out sharp punishment or retribution. Also, to strike at, to attack, to seek to undermine or overthrow.(1) 1456 Hay II 47/11.
Force of curage … strykis on all sydis, and defendis the honour of knichthede agayne all vicis
a1568 Bann. MS 92b/63.
So is ane juge withowt intellectioun Quhilk in his hand beiris the suerd of justice quhen he suld strek hes no cognitioun Bot [etc.]
a1568 Bann. MS 281a/3.
Eschew the swerd of wengeance or it stryk
a1605 Montg. Sonn. vii 7.
To his Majestie … Quhen ȝe sulde stryk, I wald ȝe vnderstude; Quhen ȝe suld spair, I wish ȝe were bening
1640 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 606.
Seeing … the covenant standeth fast for ever … let Him strike and nurture
(2) 1641 Baillie I 310.
When at once the head of Strafford and the root of Episcopacie are strokin at
1641 Mure Caledons Complaint 20 title.
Dareing (most ignobly) to streck at the honour of this deeply afflicted nation
1694 Misc. Spald. C. II 165.
The Committee finding that the questions proposed do strick at the root of Presbyterian government

12. tr. a. To make, obtain (fire) by friction. b. intr. To strike in fyr, to catch fire, combust spontaneously.a. 1375 Barb. vii 153.
Thai slew the veddir … And [strake] [E. slew] fyre for to rost thar met
b. c1475 Wall. viii 1056.
Barrellis off pyk for the defens was hungyn thar; All strak in fyr, the myscheiff was the mar

c. tr. Of a musical instrument: To produce (a note) as a result of the plucking of a string. Also, in fig. context of a person: to pluck (a string). 1587-99 Hume 58/217.
Nor famous lute of cunning Amphion, Struike neuer note so pleasant to the eir
fig. 1600-1610 Melvill 78.
[The ministers of Edinburgh] … with a wonderful consent in varietie of giftes, all strak on a string and soundet a harmonie

13. a. To coin, mint (money, coins) (in specified denominations or for a particular value). Also ellipt. and fig. b. To cause (a coin) to be minted. c. To convert (bullion) in (coins).a. (1) 1424 Acts II 6/1.
That … the king ger amende the mone and ger stryk it in lik wecht and fynes to the mone of Inglande
1451 Acts II 40/1.
That thare be strikyn ane new penny of golde callit a lyonne
1451 Acts II 40/1.
Item fra this new grote be strikin & proclamyt … than the grote that now rynnis for vj d. sall discende to iiij d.
14… Statut. Sc. Ch. 6.
We curs … Al thaim that strikis fals monee or clippis the kingis monee without leyff
1519 Edinb. B. Rec. I 190. 1533 Boece 183.
Donald … was the first Scottis king quhilk strake the cunȝe and prent of the goldin penny
1532–3 Acta Conc. MS II 133.
To cunȝe and stryk vjxx stane wecht of allayit money
1556 Crim. Trials I i 394.
William Nasmyth … accusit of … forgeing … certane fals testanis … being with [William Hendirsoune] in cumpany the tyme he struik the said testanis and nocht reweland the samin
a1578 Pitsc. II 129/10.
All the said money was strikin heirefter to be of that same printt
1581 Reg. Privy C. III 397.
That thair suld be peces struccin of the fynes of ellevin deneris
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 44.
(2) 1572 Reg. Privy C. II 136.
Quhilk money is divisit and strekin in haill and half pecis
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 344.
Throw occasioun of greit quantitie of fals counterfit money, plakis and lyounis, vtherwayis callit hardheidis, struckin in cunȝie in the tyme of the gouernament of the quene drowarier and regent
(3) 1529 Edinb. B. Rec. II 15.
For his bying of the kingis money apone ane hyear prys na it is strykin for
ellipt. 1596 Dalr. I 178/33.
Golde and silver peices, on the ane syde with the image of the haly croce, on the vther syde with his awne image he commandet to stryke
fig. 1714 Cloud of Witnesses (1714) ii.
This is … the Mint where all the other more visible causes of the bloody violence the people of God meet withall, are struct and framed
b. 1567 Inverness Rec. I 158.
Ane pece gold price xl s. strekin be our wmquhill souerane King James the Fyft to Johne Reid merchant
c. (1) 1451 Acts II 40/2.
That the master of the mone sal ansuer for al gold and siluer that salbe strikyn vnder hym
a1578 Pitsc. II 198/4.
And tuik all the quenis siluir weschell and struik siluir quhilk straik was the xxx schiling peice
(2) 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 117.
The lordis causit streik the quenis wark in xx shilling, xxx shilling and x shilling peices quhilk extendit to aucht stane wecht
1580 Reg. Privy C. III 287.
[600 stone weight of] utter fyne sylvir [shall be] cuinyeit and strikin in half-merk and fourtie-penny pecis
1632 Aberd. Council Lett. I 360.
The pryce of gold and silver strickin in grit peices of money … remane in the intrinsecall goodness weght and pryce as they ar at this present
1639 Johnston Diary 1A 56.
It is thoght fitt that everie man give in his silver and gold work to the coine house to be striken in money

d. To impress (something) with a stamp. e. To impress (a device) upon (something).d. 1598 Reg. Privy C. V 472.
Quhilk seill and stamp salbe applyit to leid, and the same leid, being sua strukin and prentit with the said stamp, salbe hungin to every wobe, pece and steik of claith
e. 1532 Edinb. Hammermen 1.
Ane[n]tis the strykkin of the said Johnis merk … he allagait the said Thomas Hovme of his awin fre will is content nocht till stryk his merk quhilk is ane Greik J bot allanerlye ane Greik T
1599 Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 277.
To strike his mark upon knyffis or any wark or to sell them

14. intr. a. To rap, knock (? with a gavel or hammer, at an auction, to signal a successful bid). Const. to (the bidder). b. To deliver a rap or knock with the foot, to kick (an object).a. 1496–7 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 71.
That the provest strike to till na man that biddis for the commoun rentis, bot that he tak souertie thairfoir
b. c1475 Wall. vi 237.
Wallace … Straik at the dure with his fute hardely

15. tr. To beat or sound (a drum). Also ellipt.Freq., as part of the process of raising recruits for an army. 1570 Cal. Sc. P. III 166.
[That they permit not] drum to be strikkin or trumpet sounded
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 113.
Thai straike the grand drwme, and went to these same houses, seikand the same man
1571 Bann. Memor. 159.
The said captane, … caused strek the drvme out throw our said burcht
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 3.
That they [sc. the lords] might have power to stricke the drume for gathering of men of warre
1577 Mill Mediæv. Plays 277.
Jhone Fywie … confessis that vpon … Sanct Tobertis ewin he passit throche the toun strikand … ane of the commone drumis of the toun … and … promisis neuir to streik ane drum agane without the command of ane magistratt
1577 Reg. Privy C. II 641.
Licence to stryke drummis, display handsenȝeis, and lift and collect the saidis cumpaneis of futemen
1583 Stirling Presb. in Mill Mediæv. Plays 289.
On Sonday last thair was ane drum strwkin in the brugh … & Maij playis vsit
1587 Reg. Privy C. IV 212.
[Forbidding any one] to rais ony bandis of men of weare, … stryke drummis or use ony weirlike provisioun to that effect
ellipt. 1613 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 10 Feb.
The said Nicoll … to play & stryke throw this toun … in all proclamationis at the croce, … mustarde dayis, the dayis of the visitatioun of the tounis merchis, [etc.] … and incaice the wedder be fowle, quharby the swasches may not gang openlie … he sall stryke under stairs, at everie part of the toun to mak warning of the tyme of nycht

b. To cause (a drum) to be beaten. 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 38.
Lord Seatoune … made no small brage that he wold enter in the towne of Edinburgh and stryke his drume in despite of all the cairles
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 136.
The Regentis suddartis … strack there drvme, desyring all that wald tak wages of the king [etc.]

c. To beat out (a particular message or summons) on a drum. a1578 Pitsc. I 300/6.
He … gart strike ane lairum and blaw his trumpatis and rang the common bell
c1650 Spalding I 340.
Generall Ruthven, … seing no appeirans of help fra the King, … resoluit to strik the parle be drum
1659 Glasgow B. Rec. II 414.
That no persone be fund vaigand on the streitis after the taptow [= tattoo] be struckin

d. intr. Of a drum: To sound, on being beaten. 1572 Peebles B. Rec. I 342.
The haill inhabitantis … to be in ane reddynes, quhen the swische strykis or commoun bell jowis
1580 Perth Kirk S. in Chron. Perth 52.
As well by young men as women, with their piping, and drums striking before them, through the town
1600 Crim. Trials II 245.
Quhairat, thair wes sic joy, that the cannonis schott, the bellis range, the trumpettis soundit, the drumes strak

16. tr. Of a clock or bell: To indicate (the hour of day) by striking or pealing. Also, with a numeral denoting a particular time.(1) 1503 Reg. Soltre 158.
For ane knok that strikis the houris iiij li.
1554–5 Edinb. B. Rec. II 300.
For twa faddom of ane greit cord to caus the greit bell streik the hours quhen the knok wes away
1692 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 313.
To cause the said clock strick the hours swifter, that the people may not wearie in telling of them
(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 114/66.
And quhill the bell had strikkin ten The wowf hes drest him to his den
1518 Acta Conc. MS XXXII 66.
Eftir that nyne houris at evin be strikin
1529 Edinb. B. Rec. II 8.
At na persone house the samyne [sc. meal] within houssis quhill iiij efter none be strykin ilk day
1532 Facs. Nat. MSS III xx.
That all the lordis sall … sit quhill xi houris be strikin
1532 Linlithgow B. Ct. 15 Nov.
Johnne Baxster … to bryng the nexttis … to the mercat cors of Linlithgow on Satirday … or to pay the xx s. or it strik xij ouris
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 13.
Thay sal reid vnto viij houris, the quhilk being strokin, the bel sal ryng to the medicinis lesson
1573 Crim. Trials I i 512.
And as I was cumand hame, it strake ten hours
1594 Glasgow B. Rec. I 159.

b. intr. To produce a note or tone indicating the time. 1635 Edinb. Test. LVII 91b.
I leawe to … my brother my knok presentlie hinging and streking within my hous
1669 Dumbarton B. Rec. 85.
The town clock is altogether faultie and does not strike
1694 Hist. Carnegies II 265.
Hearing the knock strick, he asked if it was fyve

c. Of (a particular) time: To be indicated by the striking of a clock.1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 2b.
How sone xi or xii houris respectiue strykis the saidis lordis sall remane na langar
1622-6 Bisset I 153/13.
Alsone as twelf [houris] streikis … the keipare of the knok … [shall] nethir hald the knok abak, neithir haist the houre fordwarde
1639 Aberd. B. Rec. III 190.
That the bell of Gilbert Leslies schooll salbe preceislie rung … at sex houres in the morning, thaireftir a little befoir sewin till the hour strick

d. Of an alarm bell or tocsin: To sound. 1560 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 83.
But incontinently there strooke ane allarum in the campe

17. tr. To cause (a person) to fall suddenly in or be seized with (throuch) (fear, astonishment, etc.).(1) 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 220.
Quhydder that I wes strickin in extasie Or [etc.] … Bot … in myne fantasie I hard this dolent lamentatioun
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 35.
Mony of thame wer suddanely strikin in sum feir, leist … thay micht be chargeit for halding the quene as presoner
c1590 Fowler II 127/23.
Quhair as the conspyrer suld be terrefyed … before the executioun, so … he must be strekken in feare euen efter the attempt
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 210.
He wes strukin in grit extasies and transis
(2) 1533 Bell. Livy I 120/6.
The King was strikin [v.r. stirkin] haistelie with na les fere than hevy thocht
1562-3 Winȝet I 40/24.
Sulde nocht … that foule lippre quhairwith scho wes plagit … stryk ȝow with feir?
1596 Dalr. I 38/3.
The rude peple … strukne throuch a vane feir that … thay cum nocht sum tyme to skaith
1596 Misc. Spald. C. I 95.
The womann … striken with sic feir, feill deid
1622 Crim. Trials III 596.
Thomas Scot of Abotishall, … being strukin with a terror of conscience … for his ewill cariage
1634 Johnston Diary I 244.
My heart was stroken with a sensible reverence of a deytie at my remembrance of H. N. death
1660 Honours Scotl. 115.
I am struk with amasement to think that my [Lord Marischall] should in the least coutinanced him

b. To cause (a feeling) to appear suddenly. 1603 Philotus 966.
I charge the heir, That thow straik in my hart na feir

18. To deprive (a person) of one of the faculties or senses, as if by a sudden blow. 1611 Fugitive Poetry II ii 3/12.
A huckstar's stools Owr which I step'd: but soone wes strucken blind With fearfull fyre flaught
1625 Lithgow Poet. Remains 68.
The other speechles stands, One tears strick blynd, another wrings his hands
1661 Elgin Rec. II 296.
All this tyme she was struckine dumbe and lost her speich till sche haid come most halfe ane myll
1661 Reid Auchterarder 222.
Coming to his own house, he was strucken speechless and lost the power of ane of his sides

b. In hyperbolic use, expressing the temporary effect of a sudden shock. 1600-1610 Melvill 256.
The bischope was dasht and strukken als dum as the stok he satt upon!

II. Of going, proceeding, moving from one place to another.

19. intr. Of a person: To make one's way, go, pass; to force one's way into (in) (a room); to climb over (an obstacle). Cf. Strek(e v. 8. c1590 Fraser Wigtown 392.
And I stryikand hame, my boy … folowit me with ane drawin suorde
1600 State P. (Reg. H.) No. 108/9.
They saw the saidis defendaris persew the duris of the chalmeris quhair his maiestie … was and stryk in thairat
1654 Cramond Ch. Grange 17.
Playing at football, but not taken up in parties, but confusedly some strack over deck and som over a stack of corne

b. p.p. Strickin in age (eld), (weill) strickin in ȝeiris, having passed into old age; advanced in years.(1) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2621.
I am now so strikin in eld, That I the kynryk may nocht weld
1566 Reg. Privy S. V ii 138/2.
Mathew Heriott, burges of Glasgw, is ane corpolent man streikin in aige
1573 Reg. Privy S. VI 412/2.
Be ressoun he is struckin in aige and is not able to … supplie the cure … himself
1587 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 4 May.
Johne Mortymere ansrit & said that he on no wayis wald accept vpon hym to be ane juge in that cauce … he was ane man strukin in aige
1623 Perth Kirk S. MS 14 May.
Scho being ane voman strukin in age
(2) 1584 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 191a.
The said Patrik is becum aigeit and struikin in ȝeiris
(3) 1596 Dalr. I 154/13.
Metellan weil strukne in ȝeiris … depairted frome the land of this lyueng
1650 Lamont Diary 23.
Old Inchdearnie … depairted out of this life, being a man weill struken in yeares

c. Bettir strukne in ȝeiris, older, more mature. 1596 Dalr. I 336/4.
Eftir King Wilȝeam, his sone Alexander succeidet to the croune of Scotland. Quhen now he was bettir strukne in ȝeiris and had establischet his cuntrie throuch [etc.]

d. Of smoke: To rise (up). 1456 Hay I 26/10.
Sanct Johne sawe a grete stern fall … in the erde, and … it semyt that thare rais out a reyk, and strake up in the hevin agayne

20. To proceed in a particular direction. a. Of a path or boundary (with specification of direction). b. Of a pain in the body.a. 1375 Barb. vi 238.
With that a litill rod he fand Vp toward the crag strikand
1388 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 14.
[To divide lands] begynand on the west part of the Lowssy Law strekand west … tyl the west syde of that ilke land and sa north tyl the Fyssare falde
1420 Liber Calchou 447.
The qwylk lande … strykkis to the west ende of vedryng medow
1456 Liber Aberbr. II 89.
The boundis … syne strikand north our betwen the proper landis of Arbroth and the commoune
1585 (1587) Reg. Great S. 415/1.
As the commoun gait strikis ewin eist to the calsay and brig of the Bow
1611 Reg. Panmure I xci.
The barony of Panmor extendis … fywe Scottishe myles beginand at the sowthe fra the Ross heawen … and strikand northward to the bak hillis of Carmyly
b. 1680 Laing MSS 423.
Ane extraordinar paine that cumes from his short ribes one the left syd and stryks from that to his hert

III. To impinge on, make contact with.

21. Of a moving body: To collide with, crash into (wpon) (someone or something else). a. intr. b. tr. and ellipt.a. 1460 Hay Alex. 1893.
Thay straik to-gidder baith with sic a force That baith thair speiris sounderit doun in dros
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 743.
The gyder straik the shippis, And ather on vther laid thair clippis
1626 Garden Worthies 138.
Wnto the Border Lands neir England, where The torrent Arve does strick wpon the strand
b. ?14.. Ship Laws c. 14 (A).
A schip is cummyng to hawyn … & brekis his festynyng Ane other schip cumis & strikis him & he is hurt of the strak & sunderit his wynis
ellipt. ?14.. Ship Laws c. 14 (A).
The master of the schip aw to suer … at thai strak nocht thar thankis

c. tr. To (collide with and) break, smash, knock (with adv. phrase describing the result of the collision). 1490 Irland Mir. III 157/28.
He thocht that a stan come fra a montane and hill without handis or operacioun of man and strak this ymage to sounder
1603 Moysie 116.
His horse fell and strouk his choulder blead out of lithe

d. To cause, precipitate (something) (as the result of a collision). 1632 Lithgow Trav. ii 62.
A great lake [= leak] was stricken into our ship

22. intr. Of a vessel: To run aground, hit (on, upon a rock, etc.).(1) 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1370.
It was ane pieteous thing, … To heir the dulefull cry quhen that scho [sc. the ship] straik
(2) 1501 Treas. Acc. II 101.
For losing of Will Merymouthis bote, quhen scho straik on ground
1643 Dunkeld Presb. II 23.
Declared that the boat wherein he was crossing struck upon the water and hindered him from coming in time
1662 Lamont Diary 155.
The boat-men went to shooue off … the boat strake wpon a sand bed [etc.]

23. Of light or heat: To fall or play (apone) (a surface). c1490 Irland Asl. MS 60/10.
Gif all the licht of the son and the heit of it strik apone a stane quhar thair is ane drope of watter it sone dryis it

24. Of a sound: To penetrate in (the ear). 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 46.
The word streiks not sa soone in your ear but the thing signified be the same word coms in your mind

25. tr. To come into, occur to (a person's mind). 1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1964) 256.
About the year 1676, when there was som scarcity of grain, a marvellous illapse and visione strongly struk the imaginatione of two women in one night

IV. To lower, let or take down.

26. tr. a. To lower or cast (a fishing-net) into water. b. To strike sail(s), to lower a sail or sails (as part of the manoeuvre of bringing a ship to a standstill; also, as a token of surrender). Also in fig. context. Also absol., without sail. Also erron., in Dalr.: To hoist or set sail prior to departing.a. 1456–7 Aberd. B. Rec. MS V ii p. 796 (24 Jan.).
That naman of this burgh nor vthiris stryk ony nettis on ony fischeyhngis pertenyng to the commitee of this burgh quhil thai haue owtred and paijt thair fermes and maeles of al termes
b. (1) a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 489.
Thai saylyt a quhyle, Til thai come nere the Ile of Iy, & thare saile strak
1558-66 Knox II 12.
The said Andro and his companioun streicking saill, and making as thai wald cast anker hard besyde thame, burded thame both and carried thame to Dundye
a1578 Pitsc. (1728) 101.
The English-men; … shot a great canon … at the Scots, thinking they should have stricken sails at their boast
1610 Crim. Trials III 105.
Haveing strukin saill and cassin anchor
1622-6 Bisset II 237/19.
Unless throw hir [sc. a ship's] schutting or conbatting sche streik saillis
1664 Pitcairn Spiritual Sacrifice 524.
Contrary blasts … to make us streek sail and give over
1685 Lauder Observes 162.
When theyr ship came by the fort at Gravesend they streiked their saill
(2) absol. c1420 Wynt. ii 1620.
And tuk wpe sayle and helde thare trade, In Tybyr quhyll thai strekyn hade
c1420 Wynt. vi 927.
And in that rade Thai wald stryk, and thare tak land
c1475 Wall. ix 110.
He wyll yow hayll, quhen that he cummys yow ner; With out tary than mon yhe stryk on ster
c1475 Wall. ix 139.
Stryk, doggis, ye sall de
c1475 Wall. x 847.
Be than the barge com on thaim wondyr fast … He cryit, ‘Stryk’, bot no ansuer thai maid
1513 Doug. iii viii 9.
We strike at nycht, and on the dry strandis Dyd bawne and beyk oure bodeys
1535 Stewart 317.
Sone tha let saill and straik into the raid, And ankeris caist to hald thair schipis fast
a1578 Pitsc. I 185/23.
The schip strak in the raid of Leyth … and gaif hir self fourtht as ane passinger witht wyne
a1582 Sir Colling 151.
Four and tventie greit schipis Vas strukin in the raid
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xlviii 111.
We struik at Cestus, and at Abydon; Quhair passing ships are rypit, euery one
c1678 Lauder Observes 258.
If the captain who first possest hir, or the captaine who by his guns made hir streick, … should cary the prize
(3) 1596 Dalr. II 307/9.
The Frenche shipis beginis to lous thair anker, and stryk sail at Bristoo [= Brest] [L. e porta Brasto … solvunt] … and passing by thir narrow seyis … tha land in the riuer of Forth
1596 Dalr. II 333/3.
Tha causet the Frenche men (and) Alemanis … to be sent till France, quhen al was radie to stryke sayle [L. cum omnia ad navigationem parata essent]

c. In fig. context: To strike (one's) flag, to surrender. 1689 J. Carstairs in Durham Blessedness Death (1713) To the Reader.
To secure an interest in Him … in comparison of which all other interests are but … inconsiderable, to which they all ought to cede and give place, and as it were, to strick their flag and lower their top-sail

27. To take down, dismantle. 1517 Treas. Acc. V 122.
For the key silver of the said chymnay or the syntreis war strikin iij s.
1554–5 Edinb. Old Acc. I 149.
To sevin men to streik the rest of the skaffald

28. To discharge (a load). 1521 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 208.
The chaggeris … sall … strik thar ladis at the Mercat Cors

V. Of drawing or marking with lines.

29. tr. To mark (a tree) with a (chalk) mark. Cf. 2 g above. 1539 Treas. Acc. VII 218.
For calk to strik the treis witht

b. To draw (a line or lines) on a surface. 1555–6 Edinb. Old Acc. I 194.
Item for calk to the wrychtis to strik the lynis on the tymmer vij d.

30. To cancel, delete with a stroke of a pen. 1641 Baillie I 303.
Their motion to petition the Parliament … is evanished; as also the petition for upholding of the Bishops is strucken in the list

VI. In various idioms denoting bargaining.

31. tr. To strike hands, to clasp another's hand, as a token of striking a bargain. Also const. with (another, his hand). Also, to strike one's hand in (with) another's hand that, to strike a bargain (with another) that something be done. Also fig.(1) 1533 Boece 68.
Straking handis intynit and sparkit with inemyis blude … thay swore that … thay suld revenge the innocent slauchter of thare prince
1533 Boece 467.
Malcolme [and] … Makduff … syne straking handis, gevand and takand faith
(2) 1653 Peebles B. Rec. II 21.
The forsaids persones, … ar reconceilled, and straikit hands with otheres and hes promeised to keepe neighbourheid [etc.]
(3) 1385 Red Bk. Grandtully I 138*.
The forsayde Syr Robart and John faythfully heht, strekand thair handys in myne, bodely makand gude fayth that [etc.]
1676 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 229.
Whither or not the said Charles Corsane did straik his hand in the said Johne Wilsone hand that the goods sould be restoired bak againe to him
1678 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 257.
It is referit to his aith whither or no … he struke hands with Jean Neilsons hand for payeing hir four pund six shilling Scots
1679 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 311.
[He] strouck his hand in mend that he shuld give unto me [an ox]
fig. 1685-8 Renwick Serm. 213.
When infinite love and infinite power strike hands together

b. To unite (oxen) (in a plough). 1678 Forbes Baron Ct. 318.
[William Menie to] stryk oxen in a plewch with James Duncain and sall bear good neighbourhood with him, wnder the payne of ten libs.

32. a. To ratify, agree the terms of (a bargain). b. To fix (a price; here, of grain) by agreement.Cf. Feir n. and Fiar n.2a. 1533 Boece 213b.
[We] mon … strike the bargane with hardyment as did oure eldaris
b. 1674 Glasgow B. Rec. III 184.
James Andersoune, chamberland … to give fourtie penneis doune to the tennentis of Provand of ilk boll of beir of the Provand fier, … in respect the same was promist … quhen the said fear was strukin

VII. Used with adverbs.

33. To strike away, = 39 a. a1500 Henr. Fab. 1023 (Bann.).
With that the mere scho gird him on the gumys, And strake the hattrell of his hede away

34. fig. To strike (a person) back (from), to repulse, drive away from (a course of action). c1556 Knox IV 103.
Thai … with violence restraynit, and with tirranny straik back [1583 bet back] frome the rycht way (that is frome Chryst Jesus him self) suche as wold have entirit into possessioun of the lyfe everlasting

35. To strike by, to consign to oblivion, cancel. 1457 Reg. Dunferm. 344.
All thingis concernyng the said mater o tyme bygane strekyn by & fullely remyttyt

36. To strike down. a. To fell to the ground with, or as with, a blow; to chop down (trees). Also in fig. context.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xli 312.
He gert thonnir & fire-slacht Stirk done the payanis thar stracht
1448 Acts I 351/2.
He … that strikis doun ane man of hors bak in the chais … or that strikis him doun throu justing of wer
1456 Hay I 164/35.
Sutelteis … that men may us to barate thair inymyes, as … to fynd wayes to stryke doune thair banner or thair standart
1456 Hay II 48/15.
Sa kepis the sadill him that he be nocht lichtly put fra his hors; for quhen he war doune strykyn, than war his honour lawe
1460 Hay Alex. 3379.
A knicht … Quhilk Perdicas before had strekin doun
1460 Hay Alex. 3937, etc.
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 487.
[They] had strikken doun Knichtis of Grece
c1475 Wall. v 943.
Schyr Jhone the Grayme, Ay strykand doun quham euir he mycht ourhy
c1515 Asl. MS I 244/26.
[The king] gart strek mony of the towris dovn with the gret gwn
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 27/68.
Bissines … Straik doun the top of the foir tour
1531 Bell. Boece I xxxi.
Ane terrible beist … [that] straik doun gret treis with the dint of hir tail
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 772. 1562-3 Winȝet II 8/17.
As this reul dounthrawis the errour … nocht without cause we nameit it bayth a waippin and a werklume to strek doun a faa
(2) c1420 Wynt. v 4921.
Saynct Benet gert stryk all downe Kwthlys that in devotyoune Carlys oysyd … off fals mawmentrys

b. quasi-proverb. To mak a staff to straik oneself doun, to make a rod for one's own back. c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 384.
He … maid ane stalwart staff to straik him self doun

c. To melt down (precious metal). 1594 Crim. Trials I ii 339.
The saidis twa drinking peceis of gold to be strukin doun and cunȝeit in fyve pund peceis

d. To strike (a person) down (a sum of money), to charge (a person) (the stated amount) less (than he would normally have to pay). 1456 Peebles B. Rec. I 115.
Andro Melnar has tan the meln of Peblis … and the sayd balyeis … has strekyn hym don v nobelis becaus he layd don viij pond be for hand in thar mestour

37. To strike furth. a. To make an opening in a wall for, to drive (chiefly, a door- or window-opening) through a wall. b. To dig out, excavate. c. To knock out, remove with a blow.a. 1539–40 Treas. Acc. VII 346.
j dur strikkin furtht in the est end of the munitioun hous
1564 Edinb. B. Deeds 132a.
To strike furth ane dur in the north sid wall of the nether chalmer
1566 Edinb. B. Rec. III 218.
He promeist … to strek furth and caus big ane dur and entrie to this yeard
1616 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 141.
Ordanis David Aikinheid … to strek furth agane the tua wyndowes in the eist kirk
1677 Edinb. B. Rec. X 318.
The toun thesaurer to straik furth and make uther sufficient gavill lights in the … tenement
1678 Edinb. B. Rec. X 338.
He could not without the councills libertie straik furth ane enterie [in the arch of the West Bow] and cary up his turnpyck therby
b. 1650 Glasgow B. Rec. II 186.
Piter and John Johnstounes to aggree with craftismen to streck furthe ane laid for the new walk mylne
c. 1552–3 Edinb. B. Rec. II 178.
Thai will straik furth the caldrownis boldomis apprehendit in ony personis handis quha brekis the statutis

38. a. To strike in, to enter in, add to (a ledger, etc.). 1500 Halyb. 264.
My brother left with me to be sald to his profyt, and to be strykyn in ower rakynyn, a pak of Carsay

b. To strike in with (others), to join with (others) as a partner or confederate; to agree with (a doctrine). 1660 Wodrow Hist. I (1828) 70.
They were apprehensive of designs hatching … not from the public resolutioners, but Mr. Sharp, and others who struck in with them
1669 Jus Populi 75.
Whosoever shall condemne this late act of defence … must … strick in with all the rabble of the sworne enemies of our Church and Reformation
1669 Jus Populi 111.
Our surveyer perceiving … what a groundlesse … assertion this … is, thinketh best to strick in with Lex Rex and grant [etc.]

39. To strike of(f. a. To remove by cutting off with a sword, axe, etc.(1) 1375 Barb. v 641.
The king … Vatit the sper in the cummyng, And with a wysk the hed of-strak
a1400 Leg. S. xii 410.
With ane ax his hewyde Thai strak of
a1400 Leg. S. xxviii 630.
The basare … A scharpe sword son has tane To strik hyr hed of
c1420 Wynt. iii 9.
And off hys fyngrys, everilkane, And off all his tays … The utmast endys … Qwyt was strekyn off
c1420 Wynt. vi 1040.
He gert stryk off hys twa handys
1456 Hay I 110/17.
Sanct Petir … strake of Malcus ere
1560 Rolland Seven S. 3901.
The first maister, tak and stryke of his heid
1612 Jurid. Rev. X 470.
Efter hir death her twa armes fra the elbak doun to be struken off
c1650 Spalding II 32.
The executioner strak of his heid at ane blow
(2) 1508 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 117.
That euerye thre cuppillis sall tak the lenth of a windeous pipe staf and the laging of thame strikin of
1578 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 56b.
Mr. Robert … causit straik of the lok of the souith chalmer

b. To knock off with a blunt instrument. 1533 Bell. Livy I 116/22.
He straik of the hedis of the chesbowis … with his club

c. To drive (a golf ball). 1632 Justiciary Cases I 205.
The said golf ball … was streukin af be some other persone quho thane was playing within the kirk ȝaird

d. fig. To cast off (affe). 1596 Dalr. II 216/23.
Tha … gyue a stark counsel in possible haist to stryk affe that ȝok

e. To cancel by or as by a stroke of the pen, to cross out from a written record. 1531 Liber Aberbr. II 503.
The lard of Grange teynd schawys ar defalkyt and of strikyn in the haill wictualis
1570–1 Lanark B. Rec. 54.
Strekin of the James Bannatin in his land maill for begin of the cunsall hous, lv s. ij d.

40. To strike on (upon). a. Of persons: To attack. b. Of a legal remedy: To apply to, take effect on (a person, cause, etc.). c. To pass on (something) (in another's hands).a. 1456 Hay I 41/35.
Romel … strake on his brothir … and slewe him in the mountaigne
1460 Hay Alex. 7.
Ane dragon … straik vpoun the prince of Armene
1460 Hay Alex. 1386.
On na wyse thai mycht Strike on the vangard for subtiltie nor slycht
b. 1549–50 Cupar B. Rec. 14 March.
The saidis jugis ordanit the panis of lauboris to strik upon the said Dauid
1550 Reg. Privy C. I 95.
Providing aluayis that this present act and ordinance strik nocht upoun yule, pasche, patron dayis, mariagis nor bankettis to be maid to strangeouris
1571–2 Reg. Privy S. VI 293/1.
To be convict for being fra the raid of the sege of Edinburgh … or for the being fra ony uther raid or raidis straiking upoun the said Samsoun sen oure soverane lordis coronatioun to the dait heirof
1580 Mill Mediæv. Plays 278.
The act maid of the draggoun holl to strek wpoun Dauid Rollok becaus he is conuict off braking of the samyn
1590 Mill Mediæv. Plays 170.
That nain of thair peroschineris presume to use May playes vpon the Sunday wnder pain off the censuris of the kirk to stryk vpon thame
1593–4 Cal. Sc. P. XI 265. c1630 Scot Narr. 70.
That synods, presbytries and particular sessions medle with no causes whereupon his [sc. the king's] laws strike, but fornication and such like slanders
c. 1540–1 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 230.
I … craiffit hyme iiii s. that I gaif his wyf … and prayit hyme to strik one the iiii s. in Done Strang handis for the said iiii s. that I craiffit hym

41. To strike out. a. = 38 a. b. ? To fashion, beat out of iron. c. To set out energetically (to do something). d. Of a thing: To burst out of its setting. e. Of a person's face or body: To break out in a rash of boils or blisters. Also, of a boil: To erupt.a. 1618 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 107.
For … a dore in Mr. James Aytounes hous in the abbay that wes strukin out xl s.
1622 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 139.
For ane pair of cruikis to the door that wes strickin out in the midwall abone my Lord Chancellaris kitchin
1629 Soc. Ant. I 109.
That … there be ane window strickin out, whilk will wonderfullie decore and beautifie the kirk
1641 Aberd. B. Rec. III 270. 1648 Dunferm. Kirk S. 25.
The new entrie and dore to be stricken out in the northeist side of the kirk
1649 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 95.
To repair the chappell … with powar to … strick out lightis and ane entrie, and to caus fyll and lay the floor with daillis
1649 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 201.
That no … nighbours … presume … to … stricke out dooris or windowis or hight chimneyis [etc.] … till first they acquaint the dean of gild [etc.] … thairwith that they may take inspectioun and give jedge and warrand to proceid
1669 Edinb. B. Rec. X 55.
That James Arbuckells haveing strucken out ane jawholl in his wall adjacent to my window he therby cast watter and filth into my hous in at the window
1683 Meikle Old Session Bk. 193.
The minister asked the heretors and session if they thowght fitting of som more windows to be struken owt for more light
b. 1626 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 202.
For tua menes wadges ane day in helping to strick out the flaill of the utter yett [Cf. M. Works. Acc (ed.) II 191, For thrie gades of Swaines irne … for the flaill of the utter yett]
c. 1668-9 Fraser Lawfulness Separ. 58.
If either the judges of the law ratify it, and none strikes out to pursue it, he hath sufficient title thereby to possess his lands
d. c1650 Spalding II 242.
Ane schip ladnit with victuall lying in Ithan, ane plank strak out of hir syde, and fillit with salt water [etc.]
e. (1) 1629 Black Sc. Witches 6.
The pannel by her witchcraft caused Isobel Frend her face strike out
a1670 Scot Staggering State (1872) 57.
Sir James Baillie … having eaten a small parcel of them [sc. poisoned tablets] … struck all out in blisters
(2) 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 167.
The boil … quhilk struck out was deadlie and sheweth also the weight of the disease

42. To strike throw, = 37 a. 1647 Glasgow B. Rec. II 126.
It is condiscendit … that ane doir be strukin throw betwix the twa for his hous
1652 Lamont Diary 40.
She caused … a doore to be struken throughe the wall of her chamber for to goe to the wine cellar
1660 Lamont Diary 124.
Johne Paterson … strake throw new doores in the leater meate roume
1661 Lamont Diary 139.
Hir Ladyshipe cawsed Johne Patersone strike througe a doore throwgh the vtter greine chamber, to be ane entrie to that vselese rowme formerly called the Hawck howse
1677 Edinb. B. Rec. X 312.
The Councill grants libertie to William Hoome … to straik throw a door in the west syd of the callender hous

43. To strike to. Of a vessel: ? To come to a standstill, heave to. a1568 Bann. MS 210b/21.
And quhen ye feill that all the perrill is past And that the wind is rowine let her stryk to

44. To strike together, to collide, come into collision. a1400 Leg. S. xlii 261.
The erde steryt sa felloun[l]y, That al the cyte in til hy Schuke & to-giddire strake

45. To strike up. a. To forcibly open or break down (a door or gate). Also, of the wind: To blow open. b. To open up, undo (a container, etc.) in order to take out the contents; to take out (the contents) from a container. c. To open (a letter or document) by breaking the seal.a. (1) c1475 Wall. iv 242.
With his fute the ȝett he straik wp rycht
c1475 Wall. ix 1647.
Dowglace strak up the dur
c1475 Wall. xi 681.
Wallace in haist straik wp the chawmir dur
1498 Acta Conc. II 291.
[They] come to Schir Adam of Murray place of Duncreif at mydnicht, strak up his durris [etc.]
1543 Blackfriars Perth 229. 1588 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 520.
Craftis childer quha come to the yett … with ane jest and fore hammer to haif strukkin vp the samyn
1610 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. II 156.
[He] … strak & dang up his chalmer doir to haue takin his lyf
(2) a1538 Abell 76a.
Than thare come ane thud of wind and nocht alanerlie straik wp the kirk [dur] bot als it dang it to the todir kirk wall
b. (1) 1498 Halyb. 148.
Item rasauit … 2 sekis of woyll … I strak thaim up and maid 3 pokis of thaim
1541 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 109.
Thai will strik vp thair girnellis and mak the samyn patent to all persouns of that pryce
1552 Edinb. B. Rec. II 168.
The said punsioun and gudis thairin to be eschete to the townis vs, and … the said thesaurer to caus strik vp the samyn on Monunday nixt tocum at the mercat croce, and thair [to be] rowpit
1560 Edinb. B. Rec. III 84.
That all maner of personis resortand to this burgh with hors corne to be sald … sall nocht stryk vp nane of thair ladis afoir ix houris be strykyn
1568 Cal. Sc. P. II 731.
The said box wes strikin up becaus we wanted the key
1583–4 Burntisland B. Ct. 18 Feb.
The saidis Alexander and Johine Credo had cawsit pers and strak vp ane punchone of Rochell wyne
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. I 113.
And or ewir ony body gat knawledge of hir deitht, thow hed strukin wp hir keist, and spulȝeit hir haill geir
1610 Crim. Trials III 106.
The … pirates … strak and brak vp the kistes and vther lokfast lumes
1622-6 Bisset II 224/1.
[That] pacquettis, bollis, maillis tunnis etc. be nocht struckin up to the awnaris hurte quha maid the expensis
(2) 1467 Acts II 87/1.
That na gudis be schorne nor strikin vp in na wise in to the maisteris defalt
1529 Edinb. B. Rec. II 8.
That na maner of personis … that bringis ony meill to this merket … stryk vp the samyne quhill ix houris befor none
1552 Edinb. B. Rec. II 165.
That na maner of woll … be strikin up other inwith buithis or outwith
1573–4 Reg. Privy S. VI 441/2.
1584 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 343.
Jadgeris of fische [to] … caus all the heiring and quhyte fische that sall cum within … Leyth … to be strukin vp, visitet and wraket
c. 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 230.
Thaj held the said ambassatour, and struik vp the writtis send to the nobilitie
1595 Cal. Sc. P. XI 646.
1628 Conv. Burghs III 278.
They being informit that he vsuallie strykes vp the merchands lettere … [ordering] that he desist therfra

d. intr. Of a leak in a vessel's side: To open up. Also in fig. context. 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 211.
[Convict] for … being of the foir-knawledge of the lek that strak vp in the Quenis schip
1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 179.
A great laike strooke up in thair shippe
1638 Henderson Serm. 161.
Can there be any safe when a leak is strucken up into a ship, if it be not helped?
1685-8 Renwick Serm. 502.
A ship loaden with fine wares, who, when they were not far from land, a leek struck up in the ship

e. tr. To begin (an event). 1631 Edinb. B. Rec. VII 93.
That the wooll mercatt of this burgh sall not be struckin up nor begin before sevin houres in the morning

f. tr. ? To search for, seek to find. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 520.
It is true many are striking up a new way to heaven, but my soul for theirs if they find it

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