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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Stallang(e)ar, -engar, -ing(e)ar, n. Also: stal- and -er, stallangiar, staulynger, stalaner. Abbrevs. stangear, strange(a)r. [North. e.m.E. (once) stalinger (1523), OF estalagier, f. estalage Stallage, with nasalisation, as in Passinger n., Mes(s)inger(e n., etc. Also in 18th c. Sc. dial.] A tradesman or craftsman, not a member of a guild or incorporation, who, by payment of a fee, was allowed to carry on his business, in a more or less restricted fashion, within the burgh. Also attrib.Applying chiefly or ? only to a person, otherwise qualified, but unable to meet the expense of becoming a burgess, for a limited period of time.(a) 14.. Acts I 27/2.
Of stallangearis [Bute MS 158b stalangearis] and mersaris tol. Ilke stallangear sall mak fyne with the borow greffis eftyr as thai may accord or ellis he sall geyf a halpeny ilke marcate day
14.. Acts I 31/2.
Gif a stallangear aw ony dett til a burges it sall be leyfull to the burges to tak his pund … quhar that evir he fyndis hym … Na stallangear may hafe … loth cut or cavyll wyth a burges of ony maner of merchandise but in the tym of the fayris
1438 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 48.
[If a hammerman] be maid maister … and than … freman … and gif he beis sufficient in his craft, and not of powar to mak his expenssis hastely vpoun his fredome, he sall bruk the priuiledge of a stallanger for ane yeir and na langar
1470 Prestwick B. Rec. 15.
Novdir … man no weman, fre na stalangear, inhabitant the said burghe
15… Old Dundee I 21.
Tuiching burgesses and stallangeris … in taking of places at the fair
1527 Greyfriars Convent Dumfries 306.
Andro Bell pottar is maid stallanger for ane ȝer
1532 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 124.
Under the pane viii s. the burges, ii s. the stallanger and xii d. the servand man
1561 Inverness Rec. I 67.
Allegeand him to be admittit nychtbour quhilk he is nocht, bot ane stallangar
c1567 Thomson Hist. Dundee App. x.
1587 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 226.
That nane on landwart … brew ony except frie stallangeris
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v Stallangiatores.
Stallangiatores, a stallo, creamers or forraine merchandes quha within burgh in the time of faire or mercat, payis certaine dewtie for their stall or stande in the quhilk place they sell their merchandice: For it is ordained that ilk stallanger sall either agree with the Provest of the burgh in the beste form as he may: or else ilk mercat daye sall paye to him ane halfe-pennie
1632 Cullen B. Ct. 27 July.
That na man cast feall nor wther guiding thairin … except the stallengers of this burghe as thai war wont to cast thaim of auld as thair proper moss
1681 Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 158.
[Robert Sivewright, gunsmith] is admitted stallanger in St. Ninians Raw upon payment of £6 Scots yearly
(b) 1481 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 40.
Ilk stallenger pure body that may nocht beir the cost of burgesry
1526–7 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 84.
1541 Elgin Rec. I 65.
That na stallenger cum to the markat of vittellis afoir ane hour efternovne
1578 Inverness Rec. I 264.
The jugis hes admittit Johne Anderson to wse the priwilege of ane stalleangear that is to wse brewing to the feist of Michaelmes nixt
1632 Cullen B. Ct. 27 July.
And na stalenger nor onfreman to hawe moss nor mak moss at thair awin hand
1650 Elgin Rec. II 271.
Everie merchand … quha sall prophane the Lords day by wnlawfull travailling sall … pay four merks … everie shopkeiper ather frie or stallenger, 30 s.
1665 Peebles B. Rec. II 63.
That no stranger … exerce ane friemanes trade above ane year after their incomeing, under the notion of stallenger
1700 Dumfries Fleshers.
No freeman or journeyman nor stallenger of the said trade
(c) 1541 Elgin Rec. I 65.
That nan kep aill or refuis to sell the samyn to ony persone for money … and the stallingeris to sell continewallie quhill it lastis
1570 Inverness Rec. I 195.
Prowyding that nane of the … stallingearis by nodyr skyn hyde pled nor lit quheit woll
1573 Inverness Rec. I 230.
Thais quha ar electit stallangearis for this present yeir … be astrictit … for to com to the Kingis Myln
1592 Elgin Rec. II 28.
William Young, stallinger, induellar in this burgh
1681 Kirkintilloch B. Ct. 120.
That the rolle of stallingers sall paye conforme to the particullar stint rolle new layde on
1686 Dumfries Fleshers 10 June.
Desyreing he micht be buiked and admitted stalinger at the said traid for ane yeir
1695 Retours I Inq. Spec. Kirkcudbright (378).
2 stallingers de lie Ferrie de Crie
(d) 1543 Edinb. Hammermen 163.
The tynkleris that ar staulyngeris of thair awin fre will
(e) 1495–6 Perth Guildry 142 (21 Jan.).
(f) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 65 (B).
Of a stangear to be pundyt of a burges. Gyf a stalangear [A. a stranger] aw ony det til a burges [etc.]
14.. Burgh Laws c. 61 (B).
Qwhat a strangear sal gyf or the kyngis burges [A. Of how mekil a man may be burges]
attrib. 1581 Elgin Rec. I 163.
That na stallinger browstar … sall to ony landwart persone … ony draff
1535–6 Perth Guildry 201.
That na freman … be merchand to ony onfreiman gudis bot if thai sall advertis the den of gild therof … And quha beis fund convict doand in the contra sall pay vi s. viij d. of stallanger fe & amerciament
1548 Perth Guildry 256.
All vnfremen sall pay v li. of stallinger fee
1670 Old Ross-shire I 307.
£80 of … fines … of Courts … receaved be him and £78 of stallinger fies
1562 Inverness Rec. I 77.
Be resson of the liberte of thair land tha aucht to be stallynger fre and to pay na stallynger siluer quhilkis of resson aut to brew and sell ayll in the saidis landis stallinger fre
1562 Inverness Rec. I 77.
The inquest forsaid hes fundyn … the heretouris of the saidis landis to be ay stallinger fre be resson the said land is barron burgessis land
1582–3 Elgin Rec. I 170.
Achilles Greiff … wer decernit in ane unlaw of 13 s. 4 d. for non-payment of thair stallinger siluer
1631 Cullen B. Ct. 22 Nov.
The said day the officiars ar ordanit to poynd for the taxation and stallenger siluer restand bygane
1634 Cramond Cullen Ann. 38.
Few dewteis, maills, stallenger siluer [etc.]
1609 Inverness Rec. II 73.
Item, ordanis Alexander Robertsone, litstar, to pay for his stallinger vsinge that craft onlie ten lib. for this ȝeir; or ellis to gif ane hundert pundis money to mack him frie burges

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"Stallangar n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 12 Feb 2025 <>



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