A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Lesch(e, Leisch(e, Lisch(e, n. Also: leych, leys(c)h(e; leasch(e; lysch, lish; leesh; leich(e, leach(e; leiss. [ME. lesh (north., 1456–7), lesshe, leeshe (15th c.), e.m.E. lesh(e, leysshe (Skelton), leashe (1552), lyche (north., 1560), var. of ME. lece (a 1300), les(e, lees, lesse, e.m.E. lease, OF. lesse, laisse.]
1. A leash or thong for securing an animal, espec. a coursing-dog's or a hawk's leash. Also attrib. in leschsilvir.Also Dogleisch(e n.(a) 14.. Acts I. 327/2.
That fre man may folow the rach in the Kingis forest alsfer as he may cast … his lesch 1504 Treas. Acc. II. 462.
For leschis for the Kingis halkis 1506 Ib. III. 345.
For tua leschis and tua dog collar irnis to the King 1525 Ib. V. 259.attrib. 1507–8 Ib. IV. 95.
To ane falconar of the lard of Spottis in lesch silvir of ane halk giffin to the King(b) 1375 Barb. vii. 414.
The King … rais & his leysche [H. leesh] till him drew … And leit his houndis gang all fre c1420 Wynt. vi. 1860.
He … in till a leysh [v.rr. lesche, leisch] had grewhundys twa 1502 Treas. Acc. II. 153.
For half ane calfskin to be halk leischis 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4375.
Into ane leische my hound for to se led 1599 Misc. Maitl. C. III. 342.
For leischis, mussellis, collaris and doges cupplis 1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II. 429.
[They] knitt him in his dogges leische and … caried him to his plaice of Castlemilk(c) 15.. Clar. iv. 1778.
The hunds fra monie ane leasch dois out glyde(d) 1497 Treas. Acc. I. 366.
For chessis and lischis vj d. 1513 Doug. v. ix. 94.
He that the lysch [Sm. lische] and lyam in sondir drave(e) 1542 Acts & Decr. I. 141.
Ane leiche of silk and ane doig coller scrivit with siluer(f) 1550 Perth Hammermen 77.
Ane dog leiss
2. transf. A set of three (hounds). b. fig.In this sense usually uninflected in the plur. 1549 Corr. M. Lorraine 307.
Twa leychs [pr. leyths] of dogis 15.. Clar. ii. 1736.
The uther thre … gave thre leich of hundis beninglie Unto the King 1552 Reg. Cupar A. II. 107.
Thai … sall nwrice ane leiche of gud howndis, with ane cuppill of rachis for tod and wolf a1568 Bann. MS. 156 a/35.
Twa leisch of grew hundis I saw alswa 1599 Crawford Mun. Invent. 30 June. II. 211.
To get your lordship ane leich of the best [dogs] I mayb. 1655 Fugitive Poetry II. xxviii. 5.
Clanchattan, Clanchamron and Clanich And the Clan Greigor in a lish
3. A leash used for whipping a person. b. A stroke or lash with such a leash. (Cf. Lesch(e v.) c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 71.]
[With ane doig leich I schepe to gar thé schowt Ib. 100.
Thow … with thy giltin hippis That for thy lounry mony a leisch hes fyld [M. hes money leische befylit] 1630 Orkney Bp. Ct. 74.
The fornemitt persounes … vnmercifullie skourgit … the said Edward with leaches, leasis and beltisb. a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 45.
Lat him lay sax leichis [M. leischeis] on thy lendis
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"Lesch n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 16 Sep 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/lesche_n>