A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Land-mal(e, -mail(l, n. Also: laund- and -mall(e, -mail(l)e, -mell, -meill, -meall. [North. ME. (1390–1) and e.m.E. landmale rent for land.]
1. In Orkney and Shetland: A rent payable by tenants of King's, bishop's, church or udal lands, but not by udal proprietors. = Landskuld n.See also Captain F. W. L. Thomas What is a Pennyland? in Soc. Ant. XVIII. 269 f.(a) 1502 Orkney Rentals i. 18.
Le bow eadem insule ix d. terre but scat quia boirland ant therof in land male iij lastis iij s. 1502 Ib. 88.
vij d. terre ley & payis na land male 1508 Ib. 80.
Now all the scattis and land male of the said xiij d. terre in William Sinclairis handis for thre pundis Scottis 1514 Rec. Earld. Orkney 89.
The fornemmit four merkis … salbe allowit in the laundmales and ogude, safar as it extendis to 1563–64 Ib. 272.
I culd nother get land malis nor lous gudis fra my fatheris executoris 1576 Orkney Oppress. 16.
Vptaking our landmale and dewitie callit wadmaill with ane wrang mesour Ib. 61.
Thai war in use and wount of befoir to pay thair scatt and landmales of butter and ulie at Laxfurde 1595 Orkney Rentals ii. 4.
Halla j d. terre, inde pro rege j farding terre, ane iij farding terre uthel … payis in buttir scat viij mks., … and in land male of the farding terre pro rege iiij setts. cost, tant. flesche, ½ pultre(b) 1502 Ib. i. 4.
Nether Knarstane ij d. terre & j farding ant. in butter scat xvj d. … et in land maile the tua pennie terre & j farding pro rege ant. xx m. … , in scat & land maile all gevin indurand my lordis will to Donald Greme in his fee except [etc.] 1502 Ib. 6.
In land maile of iij d. terre pro rege et iij d. terre conqueist ant. of the haill ij lastis 1569 Canongate Ct. Bk. 87.
I have intromettit with the said reverend faderis deweteis within the boundis of Ȝeitland to witt the teindis and landmailles 1587 Reg. Great S. 468/1.
Reddend. annuatim pro comitatu Orchadie 63 lastas 23 milas 3 lie settingis 4½ marcas victualium vocat. coist … et pro lie scattis-silver et land-maillis 109 lib. 8 sol. 1 den. 1595 Orkney Rentals ii. 6.
Holland … payis in teynd for King and uthel vj m. [etc.] … and in scatt, land maill and teynd of j d. ob. terre pro episcopo viij m. [etc.], … thre farding terre kirkland thair payis in land maill ij meils [etc.] … and in teynd [etc.] 1627 Rep. Parishes 227.
The grassoums are payit usually in money and the landmaills in butter and course cloth called wadmell(c) 1546 Soc. Ant. XVI. 196.
The sayd Margrat and hyr brother … ar … agreyt of all land landmelis gudis geyr 1587 Reg. Great S. 467/2.
Rex … dimisit D. Joanni Maitland … comitatum Orchaden., dominium Zetlandie, … cum tolloneis, custumis, lie wattall, forcop, landsettertun, scattis, land-mellis, wrak, weth, wair et aliis juribus et devoriis a 1700 O'Dell Hist. Geog. Shetl. 248.
Pays yearly of landmells pro rege(d) 1602–4 Shetl. Sheriff Ct. 98.
Equalie devydit betwix the said Robert and Thomas with the haile landmeillis and profeits thairof 1604 Ib. 117.
xvi merk butter restand be them for the landmeillis of the saidis landis 1623 Orkney & Shetl. Test. I. 92.
Restand awand … to the Kingis Maiestie in land meillis four meillis of malt flour(e) 1587 Orkney & Sh. Rec. I. 212.
For the thrie pennyland of kinges land called Cursetter in scat, land meallis and teind ane barrell butter [etc.] 1621 Orkney & Zetl. Test. MS. I. 72.
Awand … to the gudman of Hous in landmeallis iij li. xij s. 1627 Orkney Rentals iii. 45.
Ryssay … ane half d. land, … is fewit be James, bishop of Orkney, to Robert Chalmer, and is augmentit be fewar in land meal 4 m. 3 s. malt, and 4 lispund butter 1628 Goudie Shetl. Antiq. 179.
Dunrosness. Landmeallis. Soundburght xx merk vj d. the merk, xl cuttell, butter 6 lb. 4 pence
2. In Lanark: The rent paid by the tenants of the burgh's common lands or ‘burgh acres’ collectively (plur.), or (sing.) by one tenant for a particular holding of this land. 1570–1 Lanark B. Rec. 54.
The compt of the land malleis quhilk William Hetoun gederit 1572 Ib. 68. 1575–6 Ib. 70.
The land mallis extendis to xxij li. xx d. 1582 Ib. 88. 1590–1 Ib. 102.
Peying yeirlie for the said tua akeris of land viij s. of ballie land maill Ib. 103.
That all that hes commoun landis and heretage be put in the tounis rentell … quhairby that the thessaurar … sall seik na ferder bot the herettour and renteller thairof for the land maillis, borow maillis, and ballie land maillis 1706 Ib. 273.
The unreasonable imposition upon his aiker … , within the burgh, of five shilling four pennies of land maill, because of ane little house builded therupon, wheras formerlie the land maill of the said aiker was onlie sixteen pennies Scotts yearlie
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"Land-mal n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 10 Feb 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/land_male>