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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Jadge, Jage, Jedge, n. Also: jege. [F. jauge. These forms appar. only Sc. Cf. Gage n.2]

1. a. An instrument which was used to verify the dimensions of a standard measure or other vessel (as a barrel for fish, etc.) of a standard capacity; a gauge. b. The standard to which such measures or vessels must conform.(a) 1581 Conv. Burghs I. 124.
Tuicheing the iadge of guidis nocht of the twn mesour, … ordanis Edinburgh to caus mak ane generall iadge
1581 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 195.
To v[i]sie the messouris … of the pek and furlott, and confer the same with the jadge brocht from Lythgow
1603 Conv. Burghs II. 157.
That ilk brugh … caus mak … all thair mesouris of stovpeis of quart, pynt [etc.] … conformeable to the jadge and stovpe of Sterling
1607 Ib. 242.
The generall conwentioun of burrowis … anent the jadgeis and mesouris standart
1624 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 231.
Ane jadge of the barrelles of quhyt fishes and beiff
1658 Conv. Burghs III. 472.
The saidis barrellis … [are to] be exactlie maid according to the richt jadge and measur prescryvit be actis of parliament
1667 Irvine Mun. II. 95.
That ilk brugh have the standert of the weights from the brugh of Lanerk and the jadge or jug from the brugh of Stirling
(b) 1584 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 343.
The heiring and quhyte fische … , the treyis thairof to be jageit conforme to the jage and standart
(c) 1579 Conv. Burghs I. 81.
The jedgis of euery burgh and sey poirt to be conforme to the jedge of … Edinburgh
1608 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 295.
Gif ony of the saidis hogheidis and barrellis beis nocht of the rycht jedge
To mak ane jedge according to the rycht jedge of breid and lenthe for tryell of the saidis missouris
1618 Acts IV. 586/1.
The provest and baillyes of Linlithgo … produced … their said measure and firlot with the jedge which is their warrand thereof
The same measure and firlot being fund agreable with the said jedge
1641 Ib. V. (1817) 506/1.
[Salmon barrels,] that they keipe the rycht jedge both in the leanth of the staves [etc.]
1679 Edinb. B. Rec. X. 363.
The kings Majesties gift anent the jedge of fishes

2. A standard rod used for measuring or verifying length, etc. 1594 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 119.
[The council] ordanis the thesaurer to caus mak ane jadge of irne of sevin quarter lang … and that to be ane mesure of the faddome of burne-wod
1624 Peebles B. Rec. I. 365.
The Ruid Mylne; the overstane aucht inches … conforme to the jedge … , the nether stane ten inches at the ey … conforme to the said jedge

3. a. A specific measurement of size. 1573–4 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 10.
The said quarriouris sall … wyn at Grantoun Craig tua thousand pece stanes betuix ten jege and thrie jege

b. A limit of extent which a proposed new building or building alterations must not exceed.Also jedge and warrand, the licence issued by the Dean of Guild empowering the applicant to proceed with the building additions or alterations within the limits authorized. 1643 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII. 25.
To come … owtwith their present sydwall conforme to the jadge presentlie given unto them with this provisioun that they rais their new sydwall plum right up conforme to the said jadge
1649 Ib. 201.
That no … nighbours … presume … to … stricke out dooris or windowis or hight chimneyis [etc.] … till first they acquaint the dean of gild [etc.] … thairwith that they may take inspectioun and give jedge and warrand to proceid
1659 Ib. IX. 159.
The dean of gild … to give jedge to the baxters their bigging … within the dam that they doe nothing … prejudiciall to the touns dam
1665 Ib. X. 4.
[The town council] graunts libertie, jadge, and warrand to the … chirugians to proceid to the building … of the said hous
1695 Acts IX. 412/1.
There is no register keeped of jedges and warrands for bounding of lands within burgh [sc. Edinburgh] albeit there are several acts of the toun council appoynting a register to be exactly keeped of all the saids jedges and warrands granted by the Dean of Gild

4. Attrib. (in sense 1) with maister = Jadgear n. 1579 Conv. Burghs I. 81.
That … thair be elected … certan jedge maisteris at every sea poirt … for setting of all gudes nocht of tun mesour

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"Jadge n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 16 Feb 2025 <>



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