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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Incuntré, -trey, Incountrie, -trey, n. Also: innecuntrey, incuntry(e, -cuntrie, -cwntra, -country. [In adj.] The inner part of a country; an inland district. Also freq., the Scottish Lowlands as opposed to the Highlands and Isles. (Only in Sc. use.)(a) 1542 Hamilton P. I. 158.
Men of the incuntray of Scotlande
1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 218.
Gyff the incwntra war wysly rewllyt
1563 Reg. Privy C. I. 245.
This oppin wrang, being done and committit in the incuntre beside North Berwik
1565-6 Ib. 432.1567 Ib. 585.1569 Ib. II. 34, etc. 1570 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) I. 84.
1587 Acts III. 461/2.
The gude and peceable subiectis in the Incuntre
1587 Reg. Morton I. 155. 1593 Crim. Trials I. 298.
To the common benefeit of the haill inhabitantis of the Laulandis and in-cuntrey
1596 Dalr. I. 2/7.
Before I begin the historie of the Inne cuntrey, I wil first … descriue the quarteris and boundes of Scotland
Ib. 4/20.
Bot [Britain is] twa hundir thousand pace brade in the in cuntrey
Ib. 33/18, etc. 1602 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 232.
[He] reducit the samyn [isle] to als gryt obedience as ony pairt of the mane and in-cuntrie
1606 Melrose P. 21.
The present misreule of the incuntrey, and vnquietnes of the heylandis
1628 Conv. Burghs III. 259.
The incuntreyis which before was susteynit with the commodities of these guides
(b) 1597 Acts Jas. VI 21/15.
Quhen ony thieues repairis in steiling within the Incountrie
1609 Acts IV. 437/1.
Outlawes … harmeing his maiesteis good subiectis by thair darnit stouthes in the Incountrie
a1634 Read Buch. 20.
The shoar syd of Jura is manured and the incountrie is cled with woods ful of deir
1635 Grant Chart. 339.
There is a nomber of the … brokin lymmars of the Hielandes that of late hes brokin louse, and in troupes and companeis comes doun to the incountrie
1643 Baillie II. 74. 1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 250.
If a gentleman's sone would seeke to raise a tenant in the incountry, he would flattly deny him, telling him he would give him land in the Highland
1669 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. III. 53.
Attemptes committed … upon good and peaceable subjects of the incountrey
attrib. 1603 Moysie 124.
Sum incountrie men

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"Incuntré n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 25 Jan 2025 <>



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