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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Hag, n. Also: hagg(e. [Northern ME. hagg, hag (a 1300), a break or chasm (in a cliff), ON. hǫgg, a cutting stroke, cutting down of trees, a cleft in a mountain; and cf. Da. hag, a notch.] a. A notch. (Also in the mod. dial. in the same context.) b. ‘A pit or break in a moss’ (J). See also moss-hag, s.v. Mos n. 6. a. c. A portion of a wood marked off for cutting. —a. 1540 Lynd. Sat. 4435.
Than stryk ane hag in to the post
b. 1533 Boece i. vii. 49 b.
Vtheris, nocht knawing the cuntre, wandering amang haggis, sewchis and gattis, quhare the gate was brokin
Ib. v. ii. 166 b.
The cuntre was to thame vnkend, quharethrow thai happynnyt amang haggis, sewchis and vthir sic brokin gatis
1687 Shields Hind Let Loose 236.
Mountains, muirs, and mosses, in whose hags and holes they were forced to make dens and caves to hide themselves
1688 Elegie Death James Renwick 5.
Even when in wandering he had no repose, But haggs, or hiding holes
c. 1602 Crawford Mining P. 12 Oct.
To cutt the saidis tries of the foirnameit woddis ... be sik haggis or portiones ... as thay sall think expedient
1641 Melrose Reg. Rec. I. 89.
Ane hagge of wood callit the rest of the wood within the bounds of Calfhill
1677 Galloway P. 13 Feb.
The said Alexander Thomsone binds him to dyk and inclose evrie years hag at Hallouday efter the cutting therof
1689 Ib. 20 Sept.
A sufficent heed deck along the heed of the wood from the ligatt of the last hagg up to the strand

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"Hag n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 20 Jan 2025 <>



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