A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Gird, Gyrd, v.1 P.t. and p.p. gird, girdit. [ME. gird(e, gerd(e, gorde, gurde (c 1205), of obscure origin.]
1. intr. To ride rapidly or with force; to rush or spring. 1375 Barb. ii. 417.
With that come gyrdand, in a lyng, Crystall off Seytoun ?1438 Alex. i. 1344.
He gyrd throw renk with sword in hand Ib. ii. 1623.
Gaudifeir … Come gaily girdand him agane Ib. 1644.
He … Gyrdit fast by and socht him nocht a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 86.
With that come girdand in greif ane woundir grym sire 1513 Doug. x. xiv. 161.
Eneas gyrd abufe hym with a brayd 15.. Clar. ii. 925.
Full knichtlie com thir men of armis cleir, Girdand so fast as ane fireflochtis glance
2. tr. To draw (a sword) quickly. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 848.
Thai … girdit out suerdis on the grund grene
3. tr. and intr. To strike or smite; to pierce. ?1438 Alex. i. 1815.
Ane Arraby with ane dart … Gyrd quyte throw his body out a1500 Henr. Fab. 1014.
With that the meir gird him vpon the gumis 1513 Doug. ii. vii. 118.
Hypanys eik and Dymas … war by thar fallowis throw gyrd bath twa Ib. x. vi. 109.
The dynt … throw the corslettis glydis, Gyrd throw the cost persyng baith the sydis
b. intr. To make a stroke, deliver a blow. Usually in leit gird. c1450-2 Howlat 834.
The tuchet gird to the golk & gaif him a fall a1500 Rauf C. 149.
He leit gyrd to the King, … And hit him vnder the eir a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 105.
Thair vith the grume … leit gird to schir Kay Ib. 934. 15.. Christis Kirk 141.
Thay girnit and leit gird with granis
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