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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Conduce, v. Also: conduse. [ME. conduce (c 1475), L. condūcere.]

1. tr. To conduct, lead, guide. 1490 Irland Mir. I. 17/4.
Sene twa thingis are necessare to leid and conduce ws to … Paradice
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 180/11.
Scho it is that gydis, reulis, & conducis all his werkis and doyngis

2. intr. To contribute to something. 1490 Irland Mir. I. 55/15.
Preserue ws … fra the aduersite of the waurld, that conducis nocht nor helpis nocht to oure saluacioun

3. tr. To engage (a person) for service; to hire.In common use from 1530 to 1600. 1493 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. 338.
Johnne Rossale, masone, was conducit and hirit … for ane ȝer to remane in thar seruice
1494 Dunferm. B. Rec. 54.
[The] alderman and balyeis … conducit him yeirly [as chaplain] als lang as he seruit the morne seruice
1531 Bell. Boece I. 147.
Thay conducit certane fischaris … to gide thame throw the said dangeir
1535 Stewart 18925.
Tua fair ȝoung men … He hes conducit with gold, riches and fe, To feinȝe thame as tha Scottis sould be
1539 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 164.
That thair be ane cassay makar feyit and conducit for daly wagis
1547 Treas. Acc. IX. 115.
To other tua men conducit be Robert Wyderspone siclike to remane in the castell
1560 Rolland Seven S. 5910.
Ȝe haue aneuch of gude money and gold, For to conduce the fairest on the mold
1574 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 21.
The haill communitie … conducit Johnne Cowpar to pas euerie day … throw all the rewis of the toune playand upon the almany quhissil
1596 Highland P. I. 153.
He hyrit, intyzit, perswadiet and condusit umquhill Gillipatrick Oc Mackellar to execute the said wickid … enterprise
1613–4 Misc. Spald. C. V. 139.
The … meassonis and barrowmen that wer conducit … for weiklie wages
1645 Peebles Gleanings 310.
Johnne Ker … conduceit to be thair schooldoctour … fra Witsonday 1645
1653 Peebles B. Rec. II. 13.
Richart Porteous conduceit herd to keepe the tounes schep upon Venlaw
1688 Rec. Old Aberd. I. 145.
[Each tenant … to pay four pounds] for conduceing and outreiking the four militia souldiours of foote to his majesties service
1689 Buchanan De Jure 37.
Who for greater gain may be conduced to fight
refl. 1541 Elgin Rec. II. 62.
James Falconer sall conduce him with ane master and nocht to pas bagane within this bruchg
1621 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 96.
He hes conducit himselff to gang to Bohemia to play the sogeor

b. To hire the use of (a vessel, etc.). 1531 Bell. Boece I. 256.
He conducit ane gret nowmer of schippis … to cum in Albioun
1533 Boece xiii. vi. 509 b.
Quhen he was arrivit in Flandris … he conducit ane schip to Scotland
1558 Treas. Acc. X. 353.
For twa hors wagis conducit to the said Niniane to turs his claithis of Edinburgh to the said castell
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 121.
The said Johne … conducit ane fischeing boit of Pittinweme to transport thame to Lowthiane
1600-1610 Melvill 168.
My cusing … conducit a bott to carie a town of his portage wyn about to Carell
a1639 Spotsw. Hist. (1677) 330.
Gowry … conducing a ship gave out that he would forthwith depart
1662 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I. 139.
She was immediatlie caried and taken away in [a] coach conduced of purpose be William Hamiltoun

c. To let out on contract. 1569 Peebles B. Rec. 316.
The … communite hes conducit and feyit the walling of the said tovne … of Peblis

4. intr. To make a bargain with one. c 1550 Corr. M. Lorraine 442.
I have conducit with ane honest … sklaitar that sall beit the hail louging
1620 Stirling B. Rec. I. 152.
The saidis provest [etc.] … hes conducet & apointet with him … that he sall have in stipend [etc.]
1630 Stirling's Royal Lett. II. 488.
We think it expedient that yow conduce with artificers … for putting them in such good ordour as is requisit

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"Conduce v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 12 Oct 2024 <>



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