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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Bawbé, Balbé, Babé, n. Also: bawbee, balbie, babie, babbe. [App. a shortening of Sillebawbe, the territorial designation of Alexander Orrok, appointed master of the mint in 1538.] A silver coin originally having the value of three, and subsequently of six, pennies Scots; a bawbee. 1538 Reg. Privy S. II. 401/1.]
[At Linlithqow, 13 Aug. Ane Lettre maid to Alexander Orrok of Sillebawbe makand him maister of the cunȝehous and maister changeour of the cunȝe gold and silver, for all the dais of his life
(a) 1553 Lanark B. Rec. 28.
He wantit na mair mony nor tua crounis of weycht and tua bawbeis
1558-66 Knox I. 373.
So that with us thair did nocht remane the valour of a bawbie
16.. Hopetoun MS. in Cochran-Patrick Coinage I. 96.
The said James [Atcheson] being commandit to worke bawbeis, he altogether refusit. … First thair was cunyeit of bawbeis of iii d. fyne xvj in the ounce. The cause of thir bawbeis cunyeing was the warres that schortlie begowde betuixt ws and England
Ib. 97.
The maist part of the saidis bawbeis were coinyeit of clippit soussis quhilkis than were proclamit in France for bullion, and send heir to be conuertit in bawbeis
1683 Ann. Banff I. 162.
All he tooke furth theroff wes but a bawbee
(b) 1556 Crim. Trials I. i. 393.
Henry Wynd, burgess of Dysart, convicted of striking ffalse and fforged money, called Balbeis, and issuing them among the lieges
1563 Edinb. B. Deeds 103.
Alsmekill as the doloure geifis owther in plakis or balbeis or testaneis
1567 Reg. Privy C. I. 510.
Ony of the saidis hardheidis, plakkis, balbeis, or ony uther maner of layit money
a1570-86 Maitl. F. clxxviii. 26.
The hyre women gettis na balbeis [Q. babeis]
1582 Treas. Acc. MS. 116 b.
He wes … to thoill law for the brecking of the balbeis & vther money … during the tyme of … examinatioun
1588 St. A. Kirk S. 623.
Sche said, ‘I haif na mair bot ane balbe’
1593 Edinb. Test. XXV. 256.
In plakis & balbeis
1681 Colvil Whig's Suppl. i. 65.
We will give … Achisons, Balbies and Placks
(c) 1544 Treas. Acc. VIII. 308.
Lettres direct to Strivving dischargeing the babeis cunȝeit be the queme
1554 Reg. Privy C. I. 152.
My Lord Governouris Grace … ordanis my Lord Thesaurar to deliver furth the prenting irnis that imprentis the babeis to the Maister Cunyear
1560 Stirling B. Rec. I. 73.
[He] producit ane leddorone wallat with gold, silver tua s. peces, plakis, babeis, hardheidis, and sic uthir usuall money
1567 Acts III. 43/2.
It is thocht neidfull that all nonsunt be proclamit to vj d., babeis to iij d., plakis to ij d.
1568 Reg. Privy C. I. 642.
To … se forder triall tane anent the allegit cunyeing of fals babeis
1576 Waus Corr. I. 130.
Your plak sall wyrth mair nor ane wthir mans babbe
1675 Alford Rec. 245.
I would have bought as much bread and wyne in Aberdeen for a babie
1623-1709 Lanark Presb. 116.
Two bad shillings, and a thrie and a babie
1697 Foulis Acc. Bk. 220.
For tobacco and the proclamatioun anent the french babies

b. Attrib. with loaf, peice. 1680 Foulis Acc. Bk. 57.
To my wife in babie peices
1681 Corshill Baron-Ct. 156.
Ane bawbee peice of earnest he got frae him
1689 Foulis Acc. Bk. 112.
For 2 babie loafes to Peggie

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"Bawbé n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 12 Dec 2024 <>



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