A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Abit, n. Also: abyte, ab(b)eit, abet, abbat. [ME. abit, abite, etc. (13th c.), OF. abit, variant of habit Habit n.] Habit, dress; in early use, religious dress. a1400 Leg. S. xxxi. 286; etc.
Wenand [that] scho man had bene In-to sic abit cled c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxx. 3.
Sanct Francis … With ane religious abbeit in his hand Ib. 28.
To tak the abyte a1578 Pitsc. II. 6/5.
Ane abet maid acording to the order [of the garter] 1600-1610 Melvil 184.
I gead a-land, and reposit me in my sie abbat
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"Abit n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 4 Nov 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/abit>