A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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Rus(c)h, v. Also: rus(c)he, russh, rwsch; rwisch, rwysch; rousch; rus, russ-. [ME and e.m.E. rus(s)che(n (14th c.), ruyse (Manning), ruse (c1450), AF russher, var. of russer, OF reüser, ruser (c1240 and 14th c. in Larousse).‘The development of some of the senses may have been helped by a feeling of phonetic appropriateness’ (OED).]Cf. Brusch(e, Frusch, Dusch, Dasch(e, Lusch, Lasch(e, Ras(c)h(e, verbs which, with Rus(c)h, and perhaps others of the same phonological pattern, seem to generate fairly freely a similar list of senses, more or less deriveable from the parent sense but also, it seems, influenced by other members of the group.
1. tr. To force (an opponent or opposing group) to move from a place (in a specified direction) by the application of superior force or by violent impetus; to force or press (abak, etc.). Cf. Ras(c)h(e v.2 3.(a) 1375 Barb. viii 324, 327.
The hors … ruschyt thar folk in thar flynging Swa that thai … War skalyt in soppys. … The king that saw thaim ruschyt swa [etc.] Ib. xiii 169. Ib. xvii 146.
The Inglis men … gan thaim payn To rusche the Scottis-men agayn ?1438 Alex. i 1769.
Thay rushit thair fais sa sturdelly … Thay gart thame remufe furth of that plais Ib. 1877.
[They] Stonyit the kingis company And ruschit thame ane weill gude way Ib. 1964.
And than Gaderanes the folk of Grece Rushit abak ane waill gude space Ib. 2408.
Micht we him rusche … Abak a lytill [etc.] Ib. ii 9009.
In to his armis he him tuke And rushit him till all he to-schuke … But turne or tuke thay worslit sua, Rushand and rugand to and fra Ib. 9269.
Thay of Effesoun rushit [F. reüsent] ware; Clarus and his than rushit sua That to thare dykes he gart thame ga c1420 Wynt. viii 3504.
Men sayis that the Inglis thare On bak a gret space rwyschyd ware(b) 1375 Barb. xii 527 (C).
The Scottis men fast can thame payne Thair fais mekill mycht to rus [E. frusch, 1571 rusche; rh. refus]
b. To rusch (a person) (doune, to the erd, undir feit, etc.), to throw down forcibly, to knock down. a1400 Leg. S. i 527.
The hound … schot on Symeon … And to the ȝerde hym vndirnethe Ruschit Ib. vii 200.
Tha … ruschyt done the rychtwysman c1475 Wall. iii 193.
Reth hors repende rouschede frekis wndir feit a1578 Pitsc. II 39/31.
They ruschit thame rouchlie to the earth 1589 St. A. B. Ct. 15 Aug.
Mergaret … straik the said Androw and ruschit him to the eird 1624 Crim. Trials III 573.
Rwschet 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii (1699) 235.
He thereupon ran and rushed the said Main … to the ground under his feet
c. To take or carry (a person) (to a place) by forcible means. Also fig. 1577 Reg. Privy C. II 627.
The said thesaurare … put violent handis on the said complenar, ruschit him to the Tolbuith [etc.]fig. a1568 Bann. MS 33b/33.
Ruschit [Makc. MS russit] on the croce thir wirdis did thow repeit 1583 Sempill Warning vii 8.
Ane rewthfull revar will nocht be russet to rew 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 255.
While the king is musing … upon the greatness of the Lord's benefits, and rushed in admiration of [etc.]
d. With a material thing as object: To tear up, remove violently; to tear to the ground, tear down. c1420 Wynt. iii 333.
Conyhe and rabet bath he brak And ruschyde [W. bruschit] wp thai yhattis thare Ib. viii 2103 (Au., E2).
Wp sturdely he ruschyt [R. bruschyd] the dure c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4047.
The gret tempyll of Salamone … Thay ruscheit rudlye to the ground
e. To inflict (a violent blow) on an opponent. c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 755.
Euerie man did his diligence … Ruschand on vther routtis rude That ouir the waillis ran the blude
f. To rush (one's head) against (something), to bring into violent contact with, to bang against. 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 297.
They rush their heads against a wall and haste themselves to ane evil end
2. reflex. To move with speed; to charge.The quot. f. Barb. may be a further instance of 1 above. 1375 Barb. xv 38.
Thai … Adressyt thaim to the baneris And smate with spuris the hors in hy And ruschit thaim sudandly c1475 Wall. vii 819.
Rudly till ray thai ruschit thaim agayne
3. intr. To move rapidly or impetuously, with the intention of using force or violence. Const., locative complement.To rusch togidder, to charge each other.Also, without complement.(1) 1375 Barb. ii 406.
And in the stour … He ruschyt with hys chewalry Ib. v 351.
He … Drew owt his swerd and fellely Ruschyt amang thame c1400 Troy-bk. ii 805 (C).
Gregeois … in gret Illioune … Russhed ?1438 Alex. ii 9270 (see 1 (1) above). a1500 Rauf C. 862.
Schir Rauf ruschit vp agane, and hit him c1475 Wall. v 879.
Nane off thaim durst rusch out off the staill 1513 Doug. ii vi 66.
At athir ȝet beyn ruschit in sik a sort [sc. company] a1538 Abell 36b.
[The king] ruschit in the myddis of the common pepill manfullie fechtand Ib. 70a.
Thare ruschit out of ane quiet place ane gret multitude of armyt men a1578 Pitsc. II 27/5.
He … rushit fordward in ane furie and thocht to haue slaine the governour 1596 Dalr. I 104/7.
Quhen ance thay cum in sicht of the ennimie … thay rusche fordward with al thair force 1600 Crim. Trials II 150.
[They] altogidder ruschit langis that pairt of the gait with drawin swordis to the ȝet of his lugeing(2) 1513 Doug. xii xii 56.
Lyke as twa bustuus bullys … Ruschand togiddir 1533 Bell. Livy I 56/26.
Thir sex brethir … ruschit with maist penetrive and awful wapynnys … togiddir c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 747.
Sa rudelie thay did rushe togidder That [etc.] c1552 Id. Mon. 3142.
Thay ruscheit to gydder so rudlie … Tyll thousandis dede laye on the ground(3) a1568 Bann. MS 131b/158.
Sum ruscht sum rummyld sum reild 1531 Bell. Boece II 218.
Thay ruschit with sic properant fard, that baith the wingis of Scottis wer put to flicht
b. Const. on (wpoun, to, at) a person: To charge, make for. 1375 Barb. x 91.
Thai ruschyt apon thaim hardely a1400 Leg. S. i 443.
Than but mare Felloun hundis apperit thare, And ruschyt to hym Ib. xl 451.
A bule … As kepare of the catel, One the maister thef ruschit ?1438 Alex. i 1029.
Mare than ane bow-schot, on ane lyng, At thair fais thai ruschit sturdely c1450-2 Howlat 820 (B).
[They] Rwischit bayth to the bard and ruggit his hare c1475 Wall. ix 1049. 1513 Doug. xii v 201.
This Chorineus alsso fast Ruschit on hys fa Ib. ix 11.
Athir pepill suld rusch on other in pres c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 653. a1578 Pitsc. I 55/11.
Thai suddenlie ruschit wpoun thair enemies witht greit iyre 1611 Crim. Trials III 205.
Thay … ruschet fordwaris to him, and with thair suordis [wounded him]
c. fig. a1599 Rollock Wks. I 362.
Quha ever was he that rusched aganis the Kirk, bot the Kirk dang and beat him in powder. … God … is sufficient to destroy and bruis ane haill kingdome that ruschis on him
d. fig. To rush hard-heads with (another person), ? to fight by butting, head to head; to challenge in this fashion. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 525.
Woe is me that bits of living clay dare come out to rush hard-heads with Him!
4. To move with great rapidity or urgency; to dash.Variously const., also without const. c1400 Troy-bk. II 444 (C).
One herne … russhand wpone the altar With hys … tallons … The forsayd bowelles … He tok c1420 Wynt. v 171.
Off that cove … Twa gret dragownys … Ruschyd owte c1450-2 Howlat 521 (A).
He ruschit in the gret rowte the knycht to reskewe a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 81.
Schir Kay ruschit to the roist and … Lightly claught … the lym fra the lyre a1500 Rauf C. 791.
Vpon ane rude runsy he ruschit out of toun Ib. 870.
Schir Rolland … ruschit fra his runsy, and ran thame betwene c1475 Wall. vii 453.
Sum ruschyt fast till Ayr gyff thai mycht wyn Ib. ix 1453. a1500 Colk. Sow i 119.
Quhill all the swyn … Ruschit furth in a rout c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 130/53.
Schulderaris and schovaris that … mak thrang, schir, in ȝour duris, And rusche in quhair thay counsale heir 1513 Doug. ii vi 77.
Ruschand thidder quhar … The noys and brute me drew Ib. xiii iv 90.
Thir woful citesanys … Ruschand … intill a lyng Baith heir and thar 1533 Bell. Livy I 211/17.
Quhen thai had assaileȝeit to gett ane out-passage, ay ruscheand [v.r. ruschant] here and thare
b. To rusch to harnes or onto wapynnys, to take up arms in haste. 1513 Doug. viii xi 18.
The Romanys than … Rusch onto wapynnys 1531 Bell. Boece I 199.
All his allia and freindis ruschit to harnes Id. Livy I 126/28.
It semit thame erare … to rusche haistelie to harnes and revenge this terribill & importabil cruelte
c. Without const.: To dash here and there; to act in a confused or purposeless manner. 1562-3 Winȝet II 13/5.
Wtheris as in a phrenesie, rinnand and ruscheand without knaulege quhat thai othir do or say
5. a. To fall quickly or violently; to throw oneself (down). 1375 Barb. v 647.
He ruschyt doun off blud all reid Ib. vi 631. a1400 Leg. S. xli 66.
Til his chawmir he hym sped, & ruschit done one his bed ?1438 Alex. ii 8570.
Tholomere sik ane rout him raucht … That to the erd he rushit rath 1533 Bell. Livy I 121/19.
Brutus … ruschit (as it had bene aganis his wil) to the ground and kissit the erde
b. To rusch up, to leap to one's feet. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 561.
Athir berne fra his blonk borne wes that tide. Thai ruschit vp rudly
6. Of things: To move, flow, fall, etc., with speed or force. Also, fig., of non-material things. 1375 Barb. xvi 167.
The red blud out off mony a wound Ruschyt a1400 Leg. S. xxxvii 294.
Thane son his bowelis al Ruschit owte, gret & smal Ib. xii 282. ?1438 Alex. i 2564.
Amang the rybbes of his syde, The blude rushand he gart out glyde 1513 Doug. v viii 58.
So as … the mekil kosch fyr tre, … Vp by the rutis rent, ruschis to grond Ib. viii xii 44.
Huge hie hillys concurrand all atanys Togiddir rusch Ib. xi xii 64.
Lyke as the flowand sey with fludis rude Now ruschis to the land a1538 Abell 41a.
The blude ruschit out at his neis and suddanlie [he] deid 1688 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 257.
The barme … rushed out in sick a fearfull maner that [etc.]fig. c1475 Wall. vi 553.
The noyis rouschit throuch straikis that thai dang 1513 Doug. vi i 82.
Ane hundreth durris … Out at the quhilkis ruschit alsmony a voce, Gevand respons onto this Sibilla c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. vii 25.
Windis blew, and ruschit into that hous
7. ? Put for, or ? erron. for Frusch v.Only in the Cambridge MS of Barb. But cf. also 1 d above where the v.r. is bruschit. It may be that in such cases the ‘phonetic appropriateness’ (see etymological note) seemed more important to a scribe than the precise sense. 1375 Barb. xii 57 (C).
The hand ax schaft ruschit [E. fruschit] in twa Ib. 121.
Cum we now in-to fechting … Men suld say we thame ruschit [E. fruschit, 1571 reskewit] had And swa suld thai … Leis ane part of thair lovyng Ib. 527 (see 1 (b) above).
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"Rush v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 25 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/rusch_v>