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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Rol(l, Row, n.1 Also: role, roill, rolle; roole, rooll; roul(e, roull, rowl(e, rowll; rou(e, rowe; rowe(i)ll. [ME rolle (Ancr. R.), rowle (1526), roule (1553), OF rolle, role, roole, roule (c1180, 13th c., 15th c. and 1538 in Larousse), L. rotulus.]

I. 1. A piece of parchment, paper, or the like, bearing or intended to bear writing.So called because it was rolled up into a hollow cylinder for convenience in handling, storing, etc.(a) 1478 Grey Friars II 14.
Be the said wardane a mark to be waryt upon rolys betuix Witsonday and Michaelmes nixt folowand
1519 Perth Hammermen 5.
For twa torchis, ane roll [etc.]
1532 Treas. Acc. VI 51.
For viijparchement skynnis for the xxvj rollis
1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 114.
Ane vther roll I chancit in hand to take
a1578 Pitsc. II 60/19.
Of the quhilk he tuik out ane roll baitht lang and also full of curssingis [etc.]
1613 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 135.
The erle gave in a roll conteeneing the names [etc.]
1633 Maxwell Mem. II 235.
The king … had the whoill rollis in his hand of all that had voyce
1672 Acts VIII 81/2.
That the keeper of the bookes … affix … vpon the … wall of the outerhouse, two rolls, one containing suspensions [etc.]
(b) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1356 (Bann.).
A row [v.r. roll] of paper in his hand he bair
Id. Age & Yowth 55.
Thairfoir to reid this rowll I haif ressoun
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 32.
And leif thy ryming, rebald, and thy rowis
1516 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 163.
Till putt the porter … in ane publict place with ane row in his hand, for his oppressioun of [etc.]
1563 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 43.
The … brethren of Fyfe presented a row wherein war diverse complaints
1583 Sempill Warning xii.
I reid ane row bot quhair I can nocht tell

2. Such a piece of parchment or paper bearing a written record of official transactions or business; an official record.In pl., ? sometimes in more general sense = records.For further examples of chekker rollis see Chekker roll n. See also registrie rollis, s.v. Registri(e n. b.(1) c1420 Wynt. viii 3254.
This crownare … sowcht naroly Thai mysdoaris … That in hys rollys wryttyn ware
14.. Quon. Attach. c. 51.
The clerk aw to reid the rolment of his court next beand befor alhal furth his rol to reid
1477 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 200.
The ald rollis and registeris war be command of the lordis of counsale socht
a1500 K. Hart 648, 649.
‘Thairfoir requyr ȝe Ressoun … That he his rollis raithlie to ȝow reid’; Ressoun rais vp and on his rollis he brocht
1508 Treas. Acc. IV 140.
With the quhilk the comptar is chargeit double, that is to say be his buke of compositione and be the rollis in the schiref compt of Forfar
1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 259.
The schiref … to decyst & cesse fra the punding of the taxt contenit in his rollis
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 129.
The ratland rollis was red vnto the end, Sayand thow art accusit of crime mortall
1552 Treas. Acc. X 150.
With the rollis of the billis that war fylit upoun the men of Theviotdale
1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Edinb. Univ. MS La. iii 388a fol. 1a.
The office of the clerk of registris [v.r. registrie] rollis
c1575 Balfour Pract. 38.
The clerk aucht to reid the rolment of the court nixt beand befoir, and all his rollis throwch to reid and to clenge
1577 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 45.
Thair officiaris … to pvnde the grunds addettit … in annuells for the samyn conforme to the auld draucht and roll subscriwit be the baillies of befoir
1578–9 Reg. Privy C. III 92.
Togidder with all scrollis, rollis, and bandis maid to him as warden [etc.]
1582 Ib. 491.
The porteous and rollis of the last justice air … wes deliverit … to be execute
1622-6 Bisset II 214/21.
Gottin furth of the Scottis rollis and registeris of the lawes of Scotland takin furth of Scone of befoir
1632 Justiciary Cases I 206.
The persewar producet the lettres with ane roill of assyse and desyret proces
16.. J. Row Cupp of Bon-Accord 3.
Gett your clerk-register [sc. of the burgh of Edinburgh], and look over your rolls
c1650 Spalding I 338.
The subscrivit rollis of the tenthis givin wp be the oath of ilk subscriver
1651–2 Dumbarton Common Gd. Acc. 185.
To Walter Watsoune … to wryte tua rollis … 12 scheit of paiper
16.. Exch. R. I 51.
Be thir rollis it is verified … that the king had manssis [etc.] … in many of the saidis schyres
(b) 1535 Stewart 59976.
He hes gart seik … The rentall buke of kingis propertie, And all the rowis the quhilk that did extend The proppirtie [etc.]
a1605 Montg. Flyt. 70 (T).
Syne fyld by the row quhen they come that aw thame
1591 Cal. Sc. P. X 509.
Call for the rou, see quhat is conditionid and yett unaccomplished
1587-99 Hume 74/194.
With small regard of table or of row [: bestow]
1634 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 31 July.
Accusit vpoun sundrie poyntis of dittayis of thiff conform to ane row thairof gevin in afoir the saidis judges
(c) 1638 Sc. N. & Q. XII 45.
Becaus his nam wes enrooled amongs the ordinar poore it is ordenit to be blotit out of the roole
(2) 1482–3 Acta Aud. in Acta Conc. II cxx.
The clerc … to pas and seik the ald chekker rollis to se geif ony declaratioun can be had to schaw … how the sammyn landis ar haldin
1497 Acta Conc. II 70.
The copy of the said chekker rollis … schewin and producit before the Lords
1498 Ib. 251.
Because it concernis compt of his unlawis and rollis of the Chekker
1500 Ib. 459.
Efter the tenore of divers chekker rowis thairof schawin and producit before the sadis Lordis
1523–4 Treas. Acc. V 236.
For certane restis … liand in the chekker rollis
1557 Reg. Privy S. V i 57/1.
Thir oure lettiris being anis schawin before the saidis auditouris upoun compt in the chekker and registrat in the rollis thairof as efferis
(3) 1510 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 178.
The quhilk daye the borow roll wes laid and the stallangis roll laid. The hall sovme [pr. sovne] extendit of the tua rollis to viij lib. ij s. vj d.
1649 Stirling B. Rec. I 196.
A roll of the tounes obittis to be examinat, copiet and layit
(4) 1703 Balfour Her. Tracts xxiii.
The Lord Register is to make up the Rolls of Parliament

3. The (Kingis) Rollis, such documents dealing exclusively with royal, or state, affairs.See the various volumes of Treas. Acc. for numerous further examples.Also, rarely, without article.(1) 1490 Acta Conc. I 169/2.
The lordis ar now sittand apoun the chekker and clering of the Kingis Rollis
1533 Boece 285b, 286.
The namys togiddir with the crymez of trespassouris suld be ȝerelie insert in the Kingis Rollis … This sorte of writin in the Rollis (callit now the dittay) … to thir oure dayis enduris
1538–9 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 204.
And geif ony regratouris or nycht vaikaris dois … oppression we ordand thaim to be put in the Kingis Rowes
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Recordvm.
Quhilk in auld times was nocht written in buiks bot inrolled togidder in paper. Like as the Kingis Rolles are ȝit written in parchement in the Checker
(2) 1491 Treas. Acc. I 179.
For the dwkis exspencis be a precep of the kingis and a bill drawing furth of the Rollis [etc.]
1498 Reg. Privy S. I 27/2.
The justice clerkis … to tak dictay thairapon and put in the sammyn in the Rollis
1501 Treas. Acc. II 111.
For bering of the Rollis furth of the Castell to the Blak Freris for the Chekker
1508 Ib. IV 140.
To Schir Alexander Scott for the kepin of the Rollis at this chekkir
1516 Ib. V 88.
To the twa notaris that kepis the Rollis
1517 Ib. 158. 1528 Sc. Hist. Rev. XL 113.
[The auditors were charged] to avis with the Rollis
c1575 Balfour Pract. 273.
Ane clerk to mak and write the Rollis
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 168.
The justice clerk suld receiue for ilk man cleinged be ane assise and drawne furth of the Rollis, four pennies
1615 Soc. Ant. XXX 56.
The said letter being … schawin upon compt in chekkar and registrat in the Rollis as use is
(3) 1517 Treas. Acc. V 130.
To George Gude, one of the Writaris of the Rollis
1537 Ib. VI 357.
To Maister James Scott, Writar to the Rollis
1542 Ib. VIII 107.
The Dictaris of the Rollis and Clerkis of the Chakkar
1588 Exch. R. XXI 370.
To Robert Scott, Dyctar of the Rollis, for his ordinar fie
1645 Acts VI i 419/2.
Mr. James Durhame as Dictatour of the Rolles and Clerke of his hienes exchequour
(4) 1522–3 Treas. Acc. V 199.
Like as his lettres gevin to him and admittit in Rollis beris
1524 Ib. 238.
To the tua young men Keperis of Rollis

4. A register, catalogue or list (of names, activities, etc.).Also transf. Applied to the persons whose names are listed.(1) 1552 Linlithgow Sheriff Ct. in Fife Sheriff Ct. 394.
The fiehaldaris [etc.] … to comper … for makin of ane just roll of taxatione of euery manis land within the said schirefdom
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 8.
And the regent sal writ thayme [sc. new scholars] in his rol and assigne thayme place in hys classe
1594 Acts IV 72/1.
Ane roll and catologue maid … of all personis … suspectit of slauchter, thift, reif [etc.]
1628 Elgin Rec. II 204.
The pure of the role to be sichtit
1646 Rogers Social Life I 139.
And bailyies thereof shall go throw their own quarters with their roues and search if any tryall can be found
1650 Acts Sederunt ii 63.
The saids Lords for the more speedy administration of justice … ordaines the lord who is ordinar in the Utter-house to make ane roll … and to call the actions according to the order as they are insert in the said roll
1651–2 Dumbarton Common Gd. Acc. 186.
The roll for divisione of the salt
(2) 1580 Reg. Privy S. VII 400/1.
In the rollis of the ministerie of Orknay
1580–1 Lanark B. Rec. 75.
Ane row of the wapinschawing: Jhone Haste … jak, speir, suerd [etc.]
1597–8 Edinb. B. Rec. V 215.
Sic nychtbouris that will nocht len to the toun according to the rollis of the lennyng
1598 St. A. Kirk S. 873.
Mr. Robert Ȝule to produce ane roll of the puir and thair almous … that conform thairto they may be payit
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 149.
All … bishops … that presents not ane roule and catalogue of the names of the papists, non communicants, disobedients [etc.]
1612 Conv. Burghs II 349.
Ilk ane of the saids burghs … to give in ane particular roll of tounland customes at land ports
1622-6 Bisset I 143/19, 22.
That … the chancellare … cause ane roll or cathalog to be maid of all causes to be callit and that the causis … left undecyded in the formare sessioun salbe first in the roll
1653 Stirling Ant. II 12.
John Edmondstone … did give in roll of stent upon the whole paroche as a mantinence for a scholl mr
1659 Dumfries Council Min. 25 July.
The roll of the reik penny … extends to 400 li.
1659 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 364.
Ane roole of the heritors names
1671 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 1 April.
The rolls of the taxatioune and militia money to be broucht in by the severall collectors
1676 Cramond Kirk S. II 29 May.
James Stewart one of the ordinary poore … expunged out of the roll of the samyn because of his insobriety [etc.]
(3) 1650 Lanark Presb. 77.
To summond … such persones as hee had given vp unto him … in a roll
1678 Kirkintilloch B. Ct. 93.
Everie on that hes kye to give them up to the clerke in a rolle
1683 Wodrow MSS 4to XXXVII No. 6.
Having all thair names in a rooll

b. To call the roll(s, to call out a list of names in order to ascertain who is present. c1578 Reid Swire 52.
Att the brae above the heugh The clark sat down to call the rowes
1593 Conv. Burghs I 394.
The personis absent [from the commission] at the ceissing of the bell, and calling of the roll, to incure ane vnlaw
1669 Lauderdale P. II 142.
Then were the rolles called & the Parliament fenced (as we call it heir)
1674 Dundee B. Laws 61.
That the rolle be called once every Manday for chastising the delinquents
1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World 26.
The devil started up himself in the pulpit … and calling the row, every one answered here

c. Roll of sute of court, sute roll, a document bearing the names of those bound to give attendance at the courts of sheriffs. 14.. Acts I 331/2.
Thar salbe askit the roll of the soyt of court
1532 Treas. Acc. VI 116.
Bringand with thame the sute roll of thair sherefdome
Ib. 117.
The said shereffis … bringand with thame ther lettrez executed togidder with thair sute roll, and gif ane invitour of the absentis
1557–8 Aberd. B. Rec. I 307.
And the haill communite of the said burght being particularlie, euery man be himself, votit and inquyrit thairupoun be the ordour of the suit rol
1683 Erskine Diary 1.
After fencing the court, the suite rolls were called, and the absents fined: after noon the roll of pannells was called

d. With qualifying noun, in attrib. use, indicating the contents of the document.Common in Blude-roll, q.v. for further examples, and stent roll. 1442–3 Ayr B. Ct. 28 Jan.
That ilke fre man haf a tenement … or than that he [be] put out of the sett roul & be depriuit of his fredome
1501–2 Treas. Acc. II 140.
Ane coffir for the casualite rollis
1517 Ib. V 126.
For non-delivering of thair stent row
1563 Reg. Privy S. V i 412/2.
Causing hir pairt with barne, and uthiris crymes contenit in the dittay and blude roll
1574 Treas. Acc. XIII 25.
The blude roll of the scherefdome of Abirdene
1574 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 25.
The clerk to produce … the extent rollis
1583 Conv. Burghs I 173.
Quhilkis … commissioneris … accepted the reformatioun … of the saidis taxtt rollis
1636 Musselburgh 145.
The stallange roll of Musselburgh … for … 1636 [£39, 6 s. 8 d.]
1661 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 334.
Stent rowe
1681 Kirkintilloch B. Ct. 120.
That the rolle of stallingers sall paye conforme to the particullar stint rolle new layde on [etc.]

5. In (in tyll) … roll (rows), formally in writing; in the form of a list. c1420 Wynt. iv 2517.
And all the men … To wryt wp ilkane in tyll roll [W. in writt and roll]
1556 Acts II 604/2.
And siclyk the names … be put in roll & writ
1571 Reg. Privy C. II 87.
To put in roll the names of all personis … quhilkis continewis in the same … and actualie assistand the … rebellis
1581 Edgar Old Church Life II 281.
[The Assembly approved a] platting of the kirks, gine in to them in rows
1584 Edinb. Test. XIV 70b.
My bukes als thay ar gevin in roll in the cathalog
1585 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 426.
William Logane … sall resaue thair name and quantite of thair furnesing in roll
1600-1610 Melvill 385.
Ther was apointed a number to sitt … and examine sic as they pleasit, or sould be giffen in row to tham
1625 Moray Synod 13.
The bretheren ar ordaned to give wp in roll thair idolaters to the bishop
c1650 Spalding II 364.
That ilk minister … give wp in roll … the malignant laick persones within his parochin

II. 6. a. A cylinder-shaped container made of cloth ? or other stuff; ? a cloth wrapper. b. Items so contained or wrapped.a. 1488 Treas. Acc. I 82.
A roll with sevin small ringis [etc.]
1496 Halyb. 114.
For a roll off canvas to pak in
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1160.
Manie wives win is in the row ye hap in
b. 1488 Treas. Acc. I 82.
A roll of ringis, ane emmorant, a topas and a diamant
1533 Ib. VI 159.
For drink … to the hagbutaris … and for tua rollis of luntis

7. A quantity a. Of cloth, rolled up into the form of a cylinder, a bolt, b. Of yarn, thread or trimmings, wound up as a cylinder or on to a spool or the like.a. 1498 Halyb. 172.
A roll off camerylkis clath
1512 Treas. Acc. IV 302.
For the fraucht of … xxvij rowis poldavis
1582 Edinb. Test. XI 336.
Ten rowis of courting plading ilk row contening lv doubill elnis plading
1592 Ib. XXV 27.
Thrie rowis of gartening worset at xxx s. the row
1612 Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 321.
Linning cloth … the rowle contening xv hundreth elnis
1680 Torry Coal & Salt Wks. 81b.
For 8 rows of hardin to be pocks
b. 1574 Edinb. Test. III 143b.
Fyftene rowis of blak braid pasmentis with ane grene list
1612 Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 310.
Copper gold and siluer [thread] vpoun pens and rowles
1624 Aberd. Council Lett. I 227.
The act … anent the lenght of the roill [of yarn]
proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1769.
Ye are ay cairdane and hes few rowis to the fore

8. A piece or strip of cloth wound round (a person, etc.); a bandage. 1551 Hamilton Cat. 180.
The towellis, bandis or rowlis quhilk haldis fast the plaisteris to the woundis
a1578 Pitsc. I 258/12 (I).
Ane man clade in ane blew goune beltit about him with ane row of lynning
1582 Treas. Acc. MS 89.
To … chirurgien that tyme his maiesties kne wes hurt tuenty elnis small lynning to be rowis theirto

9. a. The end of a garment turned back to form a narrow roll or hem. 1513 Doug. xii vi 172.
Evyn betwix the helm [Turnus] can hym arras And vmast roll or hem of hys curas

b. fig. A ‘fold’ or range of hills. c1641–54 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 596.
Upon the eastmost end of Lekahuring a rowl of hills distinguishing and running betwix Rennach and Kean-loch-Treyg in Lochabir

10. a. A roll (of hair), ? some sort of curling artificial fringe worn by a woman over her forehead. 1579, 1617 Despauter (1579).
Antiae capelli, rowis of hair on the foirheid of wemen
1602 Treas. Acc. MS 173.
Half ane pvnd of hair to be rollis

b. A band or fillet worn on the head.See also hede row, Hede n.1 12 a. 1604 Tailor's Acc. Bk. A 31.
For ane row to hir heir, xl s.
1613 Edinb. Test. XLVII 246.
Ane new lyning curche with the row and ane rufe of slyris
1669 Thanes of Cawdor 322.
For a sute ribbans 2 plain handkerchers and a roull
1681 Foulis Acc. Bk. 68.
For … a row for her head

c. A stuffed pad worn round the waist by a woman to give fuller dimensions to the skirt of her dress. 1603 Treas. Acc. MS 275b.
To … hir maiesteis mr. tailȝeour for threid, ballin, claspis, and rowis
1639 Tailor's Acc. Bk. B 54.
Maid to ȝour vyfeis tabyne govne ane baiske and ane rowell
c1640 Ib. 42.
For ane buist & ane roweill, 10 s.
1642 Ib. 57, etc.
Ane roweill to the govne
1645 Edinb. Test. LXI 152.
Certane buffinges and rolles estimat all to ic lib.

11. A roll (of wax, tobacco, etc.), pressed into the form of a cylindrical mass.Also ellipt. in roll = roll of tobacco.(1) 1494 Edinb. Hammermen 7.
For a row of wax to the mes
1522 Perth Hammermen 19.
For … making of … ane pound of his walx in the roll, and ane half pound in impis
1574 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 20.
For half ane dosane of torches & j roll of walx
1619 Thanes of Cawdor 248.
Ane roll of brunt wax
(2) 1610 Burnett of Leys 208.
Melte them together and … worke them [in water] … then make it upe in roules. … This will heell any wond
(3) 1645 Edinb. Test. LXI 97.
Four rowis of tobacco … estimat the defuncts pairt … to … xxxvj lib.
ellipt. 1674 Glasgow B. Rec. III 174.
Fourtie hodgheidis of Virgin leiff tobacco, twelfe barrellis roll and cutt

12. A small loaf of bread, rolled or doubled over before baking. 1631 St. A. Baxter Bks. 92.
That na baxter … sall sell any banknokis, baikis, nor rollis in his buith, except these he gettis in service
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 1 Oct.
For backing row … for vinager and mustard
1680 Edinb. B. Rec. X 389.
The … exhorbitant pryces for the rolls mainshotts and the lyke bread
1684 St. A. Baxter Bks. 143.
That nae … brethrin of traid … presume to tak vpone hand to baik any rollis for sex pennies

13. A cylindrical moulding in hewn stonework.In e.m.E., glossing volute (Cotgrave, 1611).Freq. at the outside vertical corner of the sides of doors and windows, where ‘characteristic of 16–18th c. Scottish detailing’ (G. L. Pride Glossary of Scottish Building (1975)). 1616 Aberd. B. Rec. II 340.
The auld gauill … to be biggit vp … with four kirnellis of hewin wark to be foundit with sa manye courses of rollis, that the kirnellis … salbe fyue futes in wyidnes within
1629 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 255.
[To the masons] … for nyne rollis to the blokhous
Ib. 257.
Abone the roll that gois round about the midis of the wallis and the roll weill marbillit
1683 Inv. in Donibristle Mun. (Earl of Moray's MSS) 20 (9–10 May).
Upon the tarres wall ane ston roll without a frame

b. ? A cylindrical casing; ? a flue. 1661 Glasgow Trades House 376.
For ane roull to the hiegh chymney and ane brig to the laigh ane
1666 Edinb. Test. LXXII 194.
Thrie iron chimneyes fywe great rowes for the kitching chimney
1667 Kelso Baillie Ct. 36.
[In case of fire] that he sall put ane row abovt his hearths in ane loft hous

III. 14. a. A cylindrical log placed under a heavy object to facilitate movement. 1617 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 40.
For ane aikin trie to be a row to tak up the cannoun

b. A cylindrical rod used for levelling grain on the top of a measure. 1462 Peebles B. Rec. I 147.
That na strakis gang in the merkat bot rownde rows and nocht squhar
1622 (c1650) Dundee B. Laws 54.
Ther is great fraud visit … be the vsing of false straikes rolls and unstampit meall measors in mercats
1686 Brechin Test. VII 162b.
Ane corne firlote with ane row

15. A roller fitted to a rotating axle for pressing or flattening metal into bars or sheets. 1609 Hilderstoun Silver Mines I 170.
Claspis of irne to hald on the irne bandis on the rowis of the axtrie of the melting mylne
Ib. 224b.
Naillis to the role of the axtrie

b. A hollow cylinder to receive the handle of the tiller of a ship. 1638–9 Aberd. Shore Wk. Acc. 238.
To 8 men in bringing our masts raes rudder rolls and keill of the wrak from the same to the schoir

16. A roller or pulley over which a rope may run easily and smoothly. 1590 Edinb. B. Rec. V 331.
For irne wark to the glob and row at the West port
1645 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 47.
Aucht bloks of tree … with four towes for heissing vp and doun the barrowes, … aucht clogs and four rolls [etc.]

17. A winch or windlass (specif., in the shaft of a mine, for hoisting coal, etc.) 1647 Tulliallan Coal Wks. 259b.
For meking off ane windes row, £1, 10 s.
1672 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 21 Sept.
For careing timber from on hill to another & careing home Sir William Murray his row
1674 Ib. 18 April.
For cutting a tree and making 2 rowes thairof & monting the same
Ib. 2 May.
For 1 ston 2 lib. 4 unc. irone for rings to the row
1677 Fawside Coal Compt 15.
For ane row to the sink
1681 Ib. 86.
For taking out the row & windons, 13 s. 4 d.

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