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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Procurato(u)r, n.1 Also: -oure, -owr, -ore, -ur(e, (-orer; procritowr, procratour.) [ME and e.m.E. procuratour (c 1290), -ur (Cursor M.), prokeratour (15th c.), e.m.E. procurator (a 1545), L. prōcūrātor manager, agent, deputy, steward, provincial collector, law-agent or attorney, f. prōcūrāre Procur(e v., OF procurato(u)r (12th c. in Greimas, mod. F. -eur). (Cf. also Proctour n. and Procuto(u)r n.).] A procurator.Abbreviated as pr, pror, procur, pocurar, etc., and with pro- abbreviated.

1. The officer in charge of the finance and taxation of a province of the Roman Empire. ?a1400 Nine Nobles 39.
Lucius the publik procurator
c1420 Wynt. v 279.
Quhen hys procuratowrys ordanyd he [sc. Tiberius] In his nedis to passand be
Ib. 326.
Than off Tyberius empryoure Pylate wes made procuratoure And specyall depute in Jwde
Ib. 5017.
Narses … wes, as I sayd, procuratoure Till hys lord the empryoure Off all the landys off Ytaly
Ib. 4317, etc. 1531 Bell. Boece I 216. 1533 Boece 131.
Catus, procuratour of Britane [L. Britanniæ procuratorem]
Ib. 184.
Britouns war sa subdewit vnder the Romane procuratouris and officiaris that nane durst attempt to mene rebellioun
Ib. 131 b, etc. 1535 Stewart 20586.
To procuratouris of Cesaris
Ib. 17657.

2. One duly authorized to act for, or transact business on behalf of, another; an accredited agent or representative; a manager, steward or factor; a plenipotentiary, a proxy. Also attrib. with -fee.Passing into sense 3.(1) 1379–80 Liber Scon 144.]
[Me … fecisse … Thomam de Walchope subvic. de Perth et Willelmum de Qwhithosum burgensis de Perth meos procuratores actornatos et nuncios speciales
a1400 Leg. S. xii 241.
He [sc. Christ] mad hyme [sc. Judas] his procuratore Tho he wyste he suld be traytore
c1420 Wynt. v 5406.
Thare wes he dettyd till succoure Off that [sc. treasure] that he wes procuratoure
1423 15th Rep. Hist. MSS App. viii 33 (see Procuratur(e n. (3)). 1456–7 Reg. Dunferm. 340.
The quhilkis to fulfill be my self or my procuratouris or attornais
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 17414.
He summonid all at Babillon to be That was to say the lordis of honouris And all the laif to send thare procuratouris
1465 Crawford Mun. Invent. I 29 (2 April).
We have noucht maid na condicion … nother be our self nor our procuratours of the landis of Carncorse
1471 Acta Aud. 21/1.
Adam sall content and pay incontinent to Patric Crauford assignay and procuratour for the said Nichol [13 l. 13 s. 4 d.]
Ib. 21/2. 1481 Instr. M. Scheves MS.
My verray lauchful and wndoutit procuratour actour factour and erande barer
1488 Acta Conc. I 91/2.
My lordis of consale has … maid maister Richard Lawsoune, clerk of the justicery, procuratour and factour for thaim to rais all vnlawis [etc.]
1491 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 327.
To be payit ȝerly to the said Schir Alexander and his successouris … or to thar factoris or procuratouris at tua vsuall termis
a1500 Bk. Chess 1652. 1507–8 Reg. Privy S. I 235/1. 1513 Stirlings of Keir 299.
Als makis him my veray procuratowr indowtabile and irrewocabile to … lyft vp the sammyn dettis, the denyaris to summond and follow
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xx 8.
The lord of the wyneyarde sais to his procuratour, call the werkmen
1528 Lynd. Dreme 1049.
Tyll dame Fortune thow nedis no procurature For scho hes lairglie kyith on thé hir cure
a1538 Abell 95 b.
He mowit weir aganis Philip of France & he left procurature or wicair of Scotland Hew Cassyngaif [sic in trscr.]
1539 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 207.
Thir four … to be procuratouris of Our Lady breid in bying and beging and varyng
1551 Boyd Fam. P. No. 36 (29 July).
The said Marioun be Gilbert Bordlands her procurator … comperit upoun the saids lands
1562 Reg. Privy S. V i 291/2. 1565 Lennox Mun. 268. 1566 Oliphants 100.
As Bischope forsaid his chalmerlanis granataris factoris procuratoris and servandis in his name induring his lyftyme
1570 Leslie 155.
Thay contractit the said mariage, and aspouset hir be procuratouris, as use is
a1578 Pitsc. I 80/8.
Sua Johnne Douglas … being constitut procuratour and owersiear of all effairis belangin to him [sc. the Earl of Douglas] in Scottland in his absence
1587 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 11 June.
Said Mr. Walter be hys broder Andro Wilsone his procuratour in that part haifand his mendat for the tyme past to the said landis … & thair geif reall … possessione
1619 Aberd. Council Lett. I 166. 1633 Acts V 52/2.
Desyring that he micht be payit … for that seruice as procurator for the kirk and ministerie thairof
1641 Ib. 580/1. 1681 Stair Inst. iii i §39.
His procurator (whose deed will be presumed his)
1687 Rothesay B. Rec. 431.
For that end demanded the said procurator his mandat and commission from the saids sisters for requireing the said service to be exped
(2) 1437 8th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 307.
My fulle procuratouris and speciale deputtis … of al my landis of Elbotill [etc.] … to resing and vp gyf in the handis of … my ourlarde of the saide landis
1454 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 261.
Constitutio procuratorum pro resignatione terrarum de Vesthalle … til haf maide … master James Lyndsay [and others] … coniunctly and seuerly my ful procuratoris grantande to my saide procuraturis … my ful power … to gyf vp … my landis [to the King]
1492–3 Acta Conc. I 262/2. 1525 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 224.(3) 1561 Reg. Privy C. I 179.
Being presentlie stayit with his schip … in Ingland at the instance of Johne Baptista … procuratour generale for the Spanische natioun
(4) attrib. 1513–14 Edinb. Hammermen 81 b.
To Sir Thomas Maxwell for his procratour fee to stand, v s.
1518 Ib. 97 b.
For his procuratour fee

b. One accredited to act in this way for a religious community, the ‘choir’ of a large church, or a college.(1) 1213–22 Reg. Episc. Morav. 62.
[Fructibus ipsius ecclesie et exitibus omnibus … ab ipso capitulo vel quolibet ejus procuratore ad hoc designato percipiendis
1245 Reg. St. A. 307.
Johannis … prior de Sancto Andrea et Petrus de Linlithqu canonicus eiusdem loci procuratores conventus Sancti Andree auctoritate sui capituli legitime constituti
1253 Ib. 26. 12.. Reg. Dunferm. 80. Ib. 132. 12.. Reg. Episc. Aberd. II 18.
Perturbant viros ecclesiasticos seu eorum procuratores
1326 Liber Melros II 333. 1330–1 Reg. Dunferm. 256.
Dominum Alexandrum dei gratia Abbatem dicti monasterii nostri de Dunfermline nostrum yconomum procuratorem actorem et defensorem legitum ad inpetendum in curia romana
1452 Liber Melros II 553.] 1472 Ib. 591.
Richard abbot of … Melros & the convent of the samyn thare familiaris servandis factouris procuratouris intromittouris [etc.]
1472 (1476) Reg. Great S. 257/2.
Maister Johne Listoune and Dene Andro Caveris … procuratoris for the provest, channonis and chapellanis of the collegis of Sant Salvator
1477–8 Reg. Episc. Glasg. 458.
Schir Thomas of Bargille ane vicar ministrand in the queyr of Glasgw & procuratour til al the vicaris of the said queir
1478 Glasgow Chart. I ii 68. 1534 Liber Coll. Glasg. 261. 1557 Rankin St. A. Ch. 65.
[That] ane officer pass with the procurator of the queir … to the howsis of sa mony personis as has nocht payit
1562 Mar & Kellie Doc. (Cambuskenneth) Reg. H.
The office of yconimus and procurator of our said abbay
(2) 1537 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 413.
Quhilk faltis salbe wryttne owklie and daylie be the collectour and commound procuratour of the cheplandis
1619 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 277.
The saidis commissioneris constitutis him [sc. the Principal] … commoun procuratour of the said uniuersitie for the four yeiris befoir specifeit, with expres alwayis restrictioun that [etc.]
Ib. 275. 1637–8 Misc. Spald. C. V 151.
Depurst to Mr. John Lundie, commoun procuratour of the Kinges college, … in grassum, for ane new tack of the teynd of the saidis landis
(3) 1554–5 Dundee B. Ct. II fol. 360 b (8 Jan.).
Villiem Gibsone procuratour generall for the frearis predicaturis of this burcht

c. An officer elected or appointed to represent the members of a ‘nation’ of a University.With ? administrative, ? financial and electoral responsibility. 1453 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 6.]
[Rectores … decanos, procuratores nacionum, regentes, magistros et scolares
1522 Ib. 48.
To the Vniuersite of the cete of Glasgw and to the rectouris denis of faculte procuratouris regentis maisteris and scolaris of the sammyne
1664 Rec. Univ. Aberd. (1898) II 11.
The colledge being fullie conveened and divided in four nationes … did … nominat … procurators for electing of ane rector

d. A procurator fiscal of a commissary court. = Procurato(u)r fiscal(l n. 2. 1575 in Bisset II 80/5.
And for the said procuratouris panes … salhave rebaitted in his comptis [etc.]

3. spec. One accredited to act for another in litigation, a legal representative, an attorney.Passing into sense 5.Synonyms or near synonyms are Advocat, Agent, Atto(u)rnay, Forspekar(e, Prelocuto(u)r, Prolocuto(u)r.(1) 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 121.
Gif an may nocht be present, that ane other may mak execucone of that mut & be sic a procuratour may that mut be deducit in the court
Ib. c. 122.
Gif ane assonȝe may tak sted in the person of a procuratour
1456 Hay I 267/7, 9.
The quhilk [sc. substitute] campiouns ar lyknyt … as procuratouris ar in pledis … or as advocatis … ; the quhilk office of procuratour ilke persone may bere that law levis expressely
Ib. 145/19. 1482 Acta Aud. 103/1.
The lordis … ordanis … that the sade Patrik as procuratour foresade be warnit of this continuation
1499 Halyb. 3.
The procurator tuk for hys lawbur iiii ducatis
1502 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 124.
Ande has gevin power to the sadis procuratouris to substitute wndir thaim procuratouris ane or maye
1528 Acts II 322/2.
We … ar na men of law our self [and] we can gett na procuratour nor aduocat to speik for ws
1561 Reg. Privy C. I 172.
Pretendit procuratouris, persewaris of the saidis summondis for the hale personis contenit thairin, hes nocht schawin ony sufficient procuratorie or power to that effect
1562 St. A. Kirk S. 175.
The … ministerie … refusis to admit procuratoris and grantis letteres … to summond ilk ane other to compeyr personaly
c1575 Balfour Pract. 297 f. 1587 Montrose Baillie Ct. MS 14 b.
That he compeirit no wayis as procuratour nor hauing mandat nor curatour bot simpliciter as ane schireff
1622-6 Bisset I 159/23, 27.
That thair is ane greit abuse committit in marking of the compeirance of procuratouris … quhairin na partie nor procuratour compeiris [etc.] … quhilkis for the maist pairt ar done without the knawlege of the advocate
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 16.
Through the negligence or ignorance of the procurator
1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii xx. 1681 Stair Inst. i xviii §4.
To be execute at the market-cross of Edinburgh and pier of Leith, where all men are presumed to have procurators to answer for them tanquam in communi patria
1697 R. Brown Paisley I 362.
Whose cause he lately was procurator or agent in
(2) 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 123.
For til halde that the quhilk be his procuratur or his forspekar in court is done
1456 Hay I 179/35. 1466 Acta Aud. 5/2.
Anent the excepcioune proponit be Walter Ogilbyis procuratr
1484–5 Acta Conc. I *111/2.
Thair procuratouris allegis that [etc.]
1489–90 Acta Aud. 140/2. 1492 Acta Conc. I 246/1. 1496 Ib. II 3.
The party ar summond be thaim selff and thair procuratours ar summond apud acta
1501 Chart. Coupar A. II 103.
Quhill … the partiis and thare procuratouris ar warnit heirof
1532 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Facs. Nat. MSS III xx. 1545 Oliphants 78 (see Monitio(u)n n.1 2 b).
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4293.
Officiallis, with thare procuratouris, Quhose langsum law spolȝeis the puris
1558–9 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 157. c1575 Balfour Pract. 297. 1579 Rec. Earld. Orkney 146. 1587 Acts III 460/2. 1631 Justiciary Cases I 155. 1659 Rothesay B. Rec. 27.(3) c1420 Wynt. viii 1620.
The lawe it wes noucht off that land Procuratowris to mak, he sayd, syttand
1456 Hay I 109/22.
My procuratour that I mak on myn awin cost to defend me
1475 Acta Aud. 39/1.
James Woschard of Pettarow has lymmit & constitute James Nory his procuratour to ansuer for him in the actioun & caus betuix him [etc.]
1488–9 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 7.
The qwhilk day Mastir Johne Frog comperit and stabillit procuratour in jugisment for hym to folow and defend in the actione … betwix [etc.]
1491 Acta Aud. 152/1.
Maister Archibald Quhitelaw … constitut and maid Schir Johne Tirj [etc.] … his procuratouris irreuocable in the actiouns [etc.]
1494 Acta Conc. I 367/2. 1496–7 Ib. II 59. 1497–8 Ib. 122, etc. 1499 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 97.
Robert Patonson has constitute and ordanit Thome Flokcart procuratour for him and has gevin him full power to [etc.]
1501–2 Treas. Acc. II 140.
To pas to Glasgo to stabill his procuratowris and to mak his expens on his pley
1502 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 124. 1517 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 40. 1527 Ib. MS fol. 128 b.
The said Thomas stabillit Robert Chepman interlocutor and procuratour for hyme in all his actiones
1534 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 422.
Ane buk to insert all constitutiounis of procuratouris tharin
1568 St. A. Kirk S. 303. c1575 Balfour Pract. 168 (see Procuratory n. c (3)). Ib. 298, etc. 1615 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 167.
John Ewart [etc.] … constitute John Huttoun and George Reddik notaris procuratoris and Richie Airdrie constitute thame
1681 Stair Inst. i xii §12.
The giving of evidents or writs yea … the having of these … is presumed to constitute procurators
(4) 1305 Reg. Dunferm. 225.]
[Comparuit Malcolmus prior … procurator pro Abbate et conventu
1440 Bigger 289.
The doyme forsaid … is evyl … and here, we the forsaid Walter and Thomas, procuratoris to the said Robert, for him, and in his name, fals it
1442 Stirlings of Keir 217.
1460 Newburgh B. Ct. 3 a.
Robert Goslyn comperit in plan curt lawchtful procurator for his wyf Anne
1466 Acta Aud. I 3/1.
The excepcion proponit … aganis the procuraturis of Alexander Erskin and his spous
1473–4 Treas. Acc. I 3. 1482–3 Acta Conc. II cxviii.
As falowe and procuratour for Honoferus Jacobi Dini
1488 Ib. I 95/1, etc. 1491 Paisley B. Rec. 41. 1492 Acta Conc. I 262/2.
Dauid Balfowr … as forespekkar … & procuratour for our souerane lord askit a not that [etc.]
1496 Ib. II 13, etc. 1500 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 102.
1501 Chart. Coupar A. II 102.
Johne Ogilby of Fingask knicht comperand as procurature for the said conuent
1503 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 47. 1516 Fife Sheriff Ct. 49. 1517 Ib. 70. 1537 Treas. Acc. VI 357.
To Maister Thome Williamsone, procuratour for the puris, for his ȝeiris fee
1562 St. A. Kirk S. 175.
Mr. Wyliam Fayrfull, procurator for Eufam Murraye … be hyr mandiat … and … Mr. Ihon Bown, procurator of the sayd James Mowbray be his mandat
1572–3 Canongate Ct. Bk. 430.
In the actioun and caus persewit be the procuratores of the kirk aganis hir
1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 43. 1588 Old Ross-shire I 25.
Mr. Thomas Craig procurator for the kirk
1599 St. A. Kirk S. 899. 1602 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 6. 1606 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 7. a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 249.
That the clerks … minutt twa procuratores for the perseuar, and two for the defender
1662 Rothesay B. Rec. 72. 1697 R. Brown Paisley I 362.
That he was late procurator or agent for the late pannels in witchcraft
(5) 1558-9 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I lxiii (see Procurato(u)r fiscal(l n. 4). a1561 Norvell Meroure 7 b.
A man that is accused of an crime, … shulde he take … For aduocat and principal procuratour His accusars companion [etc.]
1564 Reg. Privy C. I 308.
Supplicatioun … be Barnard Byre in Danskin, procuratour substitute to Henry Byre his bruther in Hull dwelland in Ingland, principall procuratour constitute to Johnne Van Homell … in Antuerpe … allegeand [etc.]
(6) 1641 Acts V 307/1.
His maiesties advocat and procuratouris of estat
(7) 1266 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 28.]
[In capitulo nostro … presentibus decano precentore et quibusdam canonicis aliis quibusdam per procuratores comparentibus
1466 Acta Aud. 5/2.
Becaus Walter Ogilby … comperit nouther be himself nor his procuraturis to folow thaim
Ib. 3/2. 1469 Ib. 9/2.
Bath the saide partijs beand present be thar procuraturis
1488–9 Paisley B. Rec. 26. 1496 Acta Conc. II 5.
And the sade Duncane [etc.] … ar summond be thaim self and thair procuratouris apud acta
Ib. 6. 1496–7 Ib. 56, etc. 1524 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 390. 1536–7 Breadalbane Coll. MS No. 47.
The saidis pouer tennentis comperand be maister Iohnne Lethame thair procuratour
1579 Acts III 121/2.
Thir personis wnderwryttin comperit personalle and vtheris be thair actornais and procuratoreis
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 111. 1621 Acts IV 593/1. 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii xx (1678) 459.

4. One appointed to represent a burgh in negotiations or litigation. = Procurato(u)r fiscal(l n. 3 a.(1) 1402 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 56.
The procuratoures of the burowys forsaidez [sc. Perth and Dundee] hauand full & plenere commissions vndir the comon selys of the forsaidez burowys callit & apperand before vs and oure consaillie vndirwrytin
1482 Edinb. Chart. 155.
Forsamekil as thai haue constitut … vnder thare commoun seil richt worschipful … clerkis … thare verray lachful and vndoutit procuratouris … ande has … gevin to thaime thare … pouer … to compere in quhatsumeuer banckis of Rome [etc.]
1509–10 Peebles Chart. 42.
Thar pette custumis … corne catall familiare servandis factouris procuratouris intromettouris [etc.]
1535–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 165. 1554 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. VII 48.
To Mr. David Borthik procuratour for the said burgh
1554–5 Edinb. B. Rec. II 297. 1584 Acts III 360/2. 1598 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 360.
The saidis magistrattis … considdering the hurt thai susteine in thair commoun effairris for vant of the qulafeit man to … speik in commoun causes of this burgh baithe concerning the commwnitie thairof and the commoun effairis of the haill toun hes … electit Robert Bell procurator for the commoun weill
1605–6 Misc. Spald. C. V 80. 1606 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 4.(2) 1554–5 Edinb. B. Rec. II 291.
To the thre procurators pentionars … for their half yeir's fe

5. One who has been authoritatively accredited to represent others in litigation; a professional law-agent or advocate. 1456 Hay I 114/4.
Knychtis … suld nocht … be na stewart, na procuratour, na advocate, or ony othir villayn craft
1506–7 Balfour Pract. 150.
Gif ony procurator, mediciner, chirurgeon … oblissis himself to do ony gude deid, as to win and obtene his clientis cause
1532 Acts Sederunt i 5.
That thair be ane certane nomer of aduocatis and procuratouris to the nomer of tene personis that salbe callit Generale Procuratouris of the Counsall … admittit to procure in all actionis … and that thir foresaidis procuratouris procure for euery man for thair waigis
1548–9 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 584. 1557–8 Haddington Common Good Acc. in E. Loth. Ant. Soc. VII 54.
[In an arbitration] for wrytarris and scribis to thame necessar procuratouris men of law at sundrey diettis
1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. 1 b.
Ordanis the haill procuratouris to gif in thair haill clientis caus
1564–5 Reg. Privy S. V i 545/2.
Ane lettir maid to Williame Cowy, procuratour, of the office of … writting of all testamentis [etc.]
1605 Glasgow B. Rec. I 241.
[That] sindrie persounis … will not pay thair stent, … specially medicineris … procuratouris, messingeris, notteris and sic vtheris
1610 Balfour Pract. 666.
That na procuratour procure [sc. in a commissary court] without licence of the archbishop or bishop
1622-6 Bisset I 161/18.
Procuratouris or advocattis may compeir and procuir in all civile actionis [etc.]
Ib. 162/25, 29, 31.
Na procuratoure sall compeir at the bar to procuir in ony cause without autentik letteres of procuratorie … grantted be him for quhom he … procuris … or ellis the procuratouris salhave autentik extractis furth of the buikis of counsall berand thame to be constitute procuratoure
Ib. 157/21, 162/5, etc. 1695 R. Brown Paisley I 337.
Mr. Neil Snodgrass, notar public and pror.
Ib. 342.
John Fork, yor., wrytter, nether notar nor procurator

6. One's substitute or representative, more generally. 1456 Hay I 194/23.
For sen the pure man seis he may nocht send his procuratour or depute to help the tane [sc. in warfare] and ga in persone to the tothir
1490 Irland Mir. I 14/8.
Alsua thi hienes … thinkis to enter in paradice in propir persoune and nocht be procuratoure

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