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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Precept, Precep, n. Also: precepte, praecept, presept, preceipt, precipt; priset; precepe, -epp-, pres(s)ep, precap, pre-, priswp. [ME (Wyclif) and e.m.E. precept(e, e.m.E. (once) precep (c 1670), L. præceptum.]

1. A command or injunction to do some particular act; an order. 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 84.
Quha sa … sayis hym tharof to be rychtwise ayr, gif that throu the mercy of his lorde or of the precep of the king that he may purchas tharof he sal mut
Ib. c. 179.
Giff ii men be impledyt ane of the principale deid & ane other of the precep & bidding
c1450-2 Howlat 289 (A).
The trewe turtour … Wrait thir letteris … Syne throw the papis precept planly thaim ȝald To the swallowe … To ettill to the empriour
a1500 Henr. Fab. 34 (Makc.).
Nocht of my self … Bot be request & precep of ane lord
1489 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 545 a.
Sene this forsaid intrusion callit sessing is gevin allanerly in to preuidice of me & my aieris … be my said lord … precept & command as ma be clerly vnderstande
c1510 Prester John 310 b.
It is rede that he [Aaron] hes ane crowne of the precepte of God adornit with gold and precious stanis
1513 Doug. xii x 26.
Heir I command no tary nor delay Be maid of my preceptis quhat I sal say
1518 Sutherland Bk. III 69.
Gif they will be inobeand till our preceptis and chargis

2. A general command or instruction for action or conduct; a moral, also a practical, precept. Chiefly applied to scriptural or divine commands. 1456 Hay I 246/27.
Bot ony man that gevis … favoure to Goddis inymyes he dois again the precept of the kirk and the bidding of God
1490 Irland Mir. I 42/12.
That we fulfill His haly will, law and preceptis
Ib. 75/9.
For the transgressioune of … Adam, that this law and precept was geven to
Ib. II 127/16. 1492 Myll Spect. 273/24.
The blissit Lord our saluiour Ihesus … quhois precepis we suld obey
Ib. 277/28.
For the breking of the preceptis of God
c1500-c1512 Dunb. ix 55.
Aganis thir preceptis culpable knaw I me
c1520-c1535 Nisbet III 323/26.
The hole cause quhy I synn aganis ony inferriore precept
a1538 Abell 120 (bis) b.
And all the morall preceppis in the law of Moeses & the ewangell
1560 Conf. Faith in 14.. Acts II 530/1.
In vaine do thay wirschip me teicheing the doctrinis the preceptis of men
1562-3 Winȝet I 39/19.
Gyf ȝe may, collect furth of the Euangell ony defence be precept or exemple to assure vs of ȝour precheouris lauchfull vocatioun [etc.]
Ib. 94/2.
Commanding ws naways to dimit the law of our mother … na mair than we suld nocht heir the præceptis of our fathir, quhilk is God
Ib. II 30/22.
1567 G. Ball. 104.
And till oppres thy peple do pretend Under precept and cloikit halynes
Ib. 129, 137. a1568 Bann. MS. 71 b, 72 a.
Certane preceptis of gud counsale, … follow preceptis of medecyne
1566-70 Buch. Comm. Virgil Æn. i 507.
Jura dabat legesque viris, scho … gave them certaine precepts concerning punisching of faultis [etc.]
1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv Prol. 13. 1586–7 Cal. Sc. P. IX 397.
The observing of the precept that man sould love his nyctbour
1596 Dalr. I 218/11.
The Catholik doctrine … and haly præceptes thairof
1629 Justiciary Cases I 99.
In obeying ane evangelik precept to do guid to hir ennemie

3. One of the ‘rules’ for learning a language or an art. 1579 Acts III 179/1.
The first lectour … sall teiche the preceptis of the Ebrew grammer
Ib. 180/1.
The secund regent sall teiche the preceptis of inventioun, dispositioun and elocutioun
c1550-c1580 Art of Music 37.
Thir forewrittin preceptis
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 99/3.
Because that arte [of making wars] is bettir learnid be practise nor be speculation I uill onlie sett doune to you heir a feu præceptis thairin

4. A written order or mandate of an authority instructing or authorising an officer to take certain action.For some styles of various precepts, in which the command is appar. regularly in the form præcipimus et mandamus, see Balfour Pract. 646–7 and 652 and Skene Verb. S. s.v. Iter.

a. Applied to the precepts or warrants issued at various stages of a royal grant's or award's ‘passing the seals’.For references to descriptions of this procedure which include the part played in it by ‘precepts’, see the note to Pas v. 20. 1431 Liber Scon 161.]
[Preceptum Jacobi Regis de secundis decimis lucrorum de wardis et releviis. Jacobus … justiciario ex parte boreali aque de Forth ac vicecomiti et balliuis suis de Perth … vobis precipimus et mandamus [etc.]
1488 Reg. Privy S. I 1/1, etc.
A precept of remissioun to [etc.]
1493 Ib. 3/1, etc.
A precept of a charter of confirmatioun apoun twa charteris
1497 Ib. 13/2, etc.
A precept of a charter of resignatioun made to [etc.]
1498 Ib. 34/1.
A precept to David Brog … for his service done … to the kingis henes
1500–1 Ib. 94/1.
A precept of legitimatioun to [etc.] … in communi forma cancellarie. Per signetum
1535–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 165.
Ve ordand our chartor, precepe, other evidens purcest anent our fredome to be copiet fathfully
1564 Reg. Privy C. I 274.
Quha producit ane precept, undir the Prevy Seill, of the gift of the said office
1590 Ib. IV 514.
And his hienes … promittis that he sall at na tyme heireftir grant ony provisioun or precept of the dewitie foirsaid … to na maner of persoun … except … to his comptroller for the expenssis of his hous
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Feodvm.
That … the keiper of the signet sall vpon the back-side of the prent of the signet set downe the price quhilk he receives for everie precept and for all vthers letters after his name. Likewaies the keiper of the privie seale his price for precepts and vther letters after per signaturam
1624 Argyll Rentals I.
For wreating and formeing of the signator precept and instrument of resignatioune and passing of the infeftment throwe the seallis
1687 Haigs of Bemersyde 332.
When the precept came to the Privie Seall sealing office, it cost 4 lib. 10 sh. to the principall in the office, and 30 sh. for wax … When the sealled precept came to the chancery it cost 6 lib. to the director to the chancery

b. A writ ordering the formal giving of possession of heritable property to an heir or successor; a precept of sasine.As directed out of chancery to a sheriff or other judge ordinary or to a mean lord, or as directed by a mean lord to his baillie.Also precept of clare constat, of sesing, saising, see these words.On these see esp. Balfour Pract. 175–6, 645 f., 651, and Hope Minor Pract. (1726) §129 f., §133 f., §215 f., also Skene Verb. S. s.v. Furche.Also appar. applied (? erron.) to a brieve of service of heirs.(1) 1446 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 312.
Retornyt agayne to the chapelle and fundyne full serwit a precepe tharof is cummyn till vs agayn commandand us to gife sesing of the sayd landis to the said Robert
1465 Wemyss Chart. 86.
For alsmekle as I am chargit be a precept of my lord of Sanctandros to gife Schir Jhone of Wemys … lauchful heritabil state [etc.] … heirfor I charge thé, this my precept beand sene, thow pas … to the said landis of Methill, and thare gif heritabill state [etc.] … to the said Schir Jhone of Wemys or his certane attornais berare of this precept
1482–3 Acta Conc. II ciii. 1484 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 445. 1501 Ib. III 37.
Divers our soverane lordis lettres and precepts of his chapell chargeing the sade Archibald to ressave the sade James tennent to him of the sade landis
1503 Acts II 244/2. 1535–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 165.
To have in keping our common seill our chairtour, precepe and all utheres evidens grantit and gevin us be our soveran kyng
1544 Misc. Bann. C. III 422.
Be verteu of the quhilk precept the forsaid baillie gaif heretable stait & seising of [etc.] … efter the tenour of the said precept & chartour maid thairupoun
1555 Acts II 497/1.
Anent the geuing of sesingis vpone preceptis that passis not furth of the chancellarie
1561 Reg. Privy C. I 178.
It is desyrit that preceptis be grantit be hir grace for proving of saising to hir
1562 Montgomery Mem. II 191.
The saidis noble … lorde to infeft … be his precept the saidis Robert in his landis of Shelmurlie [etc.] … hes haldin of the saidis noble … lorde in cheif; quha … hes delyuerit to the said Robert his precept of fauouris, … direct to his bailleis in that part, chargeing them to west and seis the saidis Thomas in the saidis landis
1583 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 183.
William Carnis … to pay to Cudbert Dwn xiij s. iiij d. for tua precepts of the chancelarie
1589 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 188. 1597 Bk. Dunvegan I 125. 1609 Cramond Balveny Castle 18.
Four seisingis grantit to the four sisteris … proceiding upoun ane precept out of the chancellarie
1641 Black Bk. Taymouth 92.
The said Sir Robert Gaw at the getting of ane precept of these landis the soume of ane thowsand merkis
1611-57 Mure Hist. Rowallane 251.
There is lykwise extant a precept direct by Ard: Earle of Duglass … to his baillyies with his seale appended for giving infeftment to … Allexander Mure
1661 Acts VII 99/2.(2) 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. (S.R.S.) 53.
Precept direct be the king for serveing and retouring of Johnne Lord of the Iles, as air to Alexander, Erle of the Iles

c. A written order from a judge or court instructing an inferior officer to put into effect a decreet.Also with defining expressions. Precept of removing: cf. precept of warning, 7 a below.(1) 1478 Acta Aud. 76/2.
That … Johne be quyt of ony vther payment of the said some be ony extrec or precept of the justice aire
1497 Acta Conc. II 89. 1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 107.
Anent the shireffs maile … he hes send his mar with ane precept and arrestit the annuall of the Newburgh aucht to [etc.]
1518 Bentinck Dornoch 98.
In that cais we … sall gif our preceppis to delyuer the saidis Jonet and Elesabeht to the said Jhonne in keping
1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 257.
The schiref decernit ane precept wytht ane officiar to pas, entir & bekene the said lady to hir terce landis
1531 Carnwath Baron Ct. (S.H.S.) 139.
1540 Acts II 359/1.
That all schireffis [etc.] … caus thare maris and officiaris quha sall execute the kingis lettres and chargis or thair awin preceptis to haif ane signet
1567 Anderson Collect. Mary II 275.
The first precept for the partising of the Erle Bothwell and his wyiff was direct furth from the commissarys of Edinburgh
1584 Reg. Privy C. III 710.
Our schiref-officiar being thair present with ane precept and dischargit him of all melling with the saidis cornis
1598 Crim. Trials II 53. 1604 Inverness Rec. II 24.
For the allegit maisterfull … taickinge out of the handis of Williame Gray ane of the burru officiaris of Innernes, ane burru precipt of the provest and bailȝies of the said burghe
1607 Rec. Earld. Orkney 178.
I Malkcom Eysbuster, ballay, past at the command of this yowr precep and hes pairtit the said meidew and gress
1622-6 Bisset I 281/19. Ib. II 63/32.(2) 1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. 28 b.
The precept executoriall thairof upone the sentence
(3) 1415 Inv. Pitfirrane Writs 2.
Precept of landdemar
1588 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 30 March.
Allexr Watson … producit in jugement … ane precept of sherefis of Banffe of spoilȝe, intentit aganis my Lord Saltone
1572 Reg. Privy C. II 166.
Be virtew of his infeftment, and precept of poinding schawin and producit
1577 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 36.
And thairvpoun obtenit ane precept of pvnding
1587 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 8 Dec.
Haifand in his hand ane precept executoriall of poynding derect be Mr. Robert Pape sheref deput in that part [etc.]
1587 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 17 July.
Johne Brabner … grantit hym self … lauchfully ramowit fra his tak & rowme … in the handis & fawouris of James Ogiluie … his maister … as ane decreit judiciall of the sheref of Banffe & his deputtis with preceptis executorialls of ramowing haid past thairupone
1589–90 Ib. 18 March.
Comperit Tomas Lege messinger & ane of the maris generall of Banffe haifand … ane precept of ramuving paist at the instance of James Ogiluie … aganis Archbald Gillane [etc.] … to ramuwe the said Archbald
1611 Scrymgeour Invent. (S.R.S.) 37.
Precept of removeing aganis Sampsoun Ker to remove fra the tempillend of Henderstoun

d. A court order instructing an officer to summon a defendant or cite a witness or witnesses; a summons or a citation.Also precept of summondis. Libellit precept, see Libellit ppl. adj.(1) 1518 Fife Sheriff Ct. 107.
& gert call the personis quhilkis ware lachfully summound tharto of before be ane precepte lachfully execute & indorsyt
1523 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 388. 1547–8 Prestwick B. Rec. 60.
Quo die Jhone Wallace … producyt ane precep crafand Allexander Symsoun certane guddis; & the said Allexander Symsoun gansaid the precep be certane ponttis contenyt in the said precep
1555 Acts II 493/1. 1558 Admir. Ct. Bk. 89.
Heirfor we charge yow … that ye pas and lauchfullie summond warne charge and arreist the saidis Stone Ȝan [etc.] … the quhilk to do we commit to yow … oure full power be this precept
1559 Inverness Rec. I 36.
Ane precep of the prowest and balyes … gyfin in dewle executt and indorsat be William Cuming thesaurer … summonand, warnand and chargeand and macand mention that Patre Skynner [etc.]
1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. 20 a.
The schireff or his deputtis direct thair precept vnder thair signet … as the saidis complenaris pleisis to lybell
1571 Peebles B. Rec. I 327.
[They] desyrit the baillies … to call in particularlie be thair precept the intromettouris with the kirk geir and commoun geir to thair awne particulare vse
1588 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 17 Nov.
Being summonit be the sheref of Banffe precept to compere within the kyrk of Raffane
1599 Misc. Spald. C. II 142. 1612 Inverness Rec. II 97. a1603 Tract. Leg. Naval. 56.
Again the persewar raises another precept to warne the defender to hear interloquitour
165[0] Laing MSS. I 253.
Ther is produced also a precept direct be the macers for summonding of witnesses
1672 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 124 (10 Feb.).(2) 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 170.
The said James & his forespeiker exceptit agane the precept of summondis maid upone thame

e. Applied to other written orders from authorities. 1397 Acts I 208/2.
And it is ordanyt that the chanceller sal write precepte of this statut [against the destroyers of the country] til al scherefis justicez
1570 Crim. Trials I ii 17.
Mr. Johnne Spens … ane of the foirsaidis advocattis askit instrumentis that he be ane precept and wryting subscryuit be my lord regent wes chargeit to persew the saidis persones
1605–6 Misc. Spald. C. V 79.
The marques precept for the discharging of Lambes and Lauren fairis

f. Attrib. with -silver. 1643 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 703.
vj s. of precept silver
c 1695 Burnett Fam. P. MS.
Togither with ther proportionall pairt of the soume of sixtie pund money forsaid of expens and precept silver contenit in the said precepts

5. A summons to attend Parliament, the Exchequer or a justice ayre.Applied both to ‘general’ precepts instructing sheriffs to summon all and sundry and to ‘special’ precepts addressed to individual members.For some styles of precepts of summons to Parliament, see Acts I 104 red, and of the precept of summons to justice-ayres, Skene Verb. S. s.v. Iter.(1) 1427–8 Acts II 15/2.
All bischoppis [etc.] … dukis [etc.] … be reseruit & summonde to consalis & to parliamentis be his [the king's] special precep
1449–50 Acts II 39/1.
At all … that aw in generall consaill & parliament … be haldin to be thar efter the precept of the kingis lettres
1487–8 Acts II 184/2.
And generale preceptis to pas to all lordis, prelatis [etc.] … and with speciale lettrez vnder his signet to al the prelatis and gret lordis
1526 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 252.
And ordanis the clerk of chancellarie to direct furth preceptis for halding of the said parliament throw all the realme
1565 Reg. Privy C. I 335. 1587 Acts III 510/1.
Quhen ony parliament or generall conventioun is to be haldin that the saidis commissioners be warnit at the first be virtew of preceptis furth of the chancellarie or be his hienes missiue lettrez or chargeis, and in all tymes thairefter be preceptis of the chancellarie as salbe direct to the vtheris estaittis
(2) 1473 Treas. Acc. I 48.
To Dauid Rudeman … passand with preceptis of the parliament and the chekkere on north halue Forth
1488 Ib. 102.
To Mussche currour to pas to Drumfres … with preceppis of the ayris
1490 Lanark B. Rec. 7.
To the currour that brocht the precep of the parliament
1499 Acta Conc. II 338.
And that preceptis of the chekker be writin and direct incontinent
1507 Lanark B. Rec. 16.
1512 Treas. Acc. IV 343.
To the clerkis of the chancellary … for writin of the chekker preceptis, xl s.
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 111.
1571–2 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. VII 62.
For ane precept of chakker

6. A written order or warrant authorising a disbursement from funds.Orig., chiefly or only as directed to an officer, such as a treasurer or chamberlain, having charge of a fund. Latterly also as directed to a debtor instructing him to make payment to a third party.Also const. on or upon, also to, the officer or other person ordered to make the payment.(a) 1473–4 Treas. Acc. I 65.
Gevin to the Priour of the Blac Freris … be a precept subscriuit with the kingis hand [etc.]
1501 Ib. II 92.
And hed ane precept direckit to the thesaurar for x li.
Ib. 94. 1510 Reg. Privy S. I 326/2. 1516 Sc. Hist. Rev. XL 111.
The quhilkis precept and acquittance war baith tynt in ane box … in the … feild of Floudone
1520 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 196. 1537–8 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 219.
1538 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 88. 1538–9 Treas. Acc. VII 149. 1539–40 Ib. 296. 1541–2 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 110.
And that precepttis be direct heirupoun, or ellis that he be termelie ansuerit be the thesaurer
1563 Reg. Cupar A. II 275.
The comptar defases him self with ijc vij [bolls of wheat] deliuerit to the quenis graice maister baxteris … as my lord comptrollaris precept and the said maister baxteris acquittance … beris
1569 Reg. Privy C. I 678.
Produceand the precept charge and commandiment of the said umquhile Erll of Sutherland
1574 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 22 marg.
Precept, thesaurer, Murdesoun
1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv 863.
His precept of pensione furth he tuike Biddand my lord subscryve ane letter
1580–90 M. Napier Mem. J. Napier 149.
Gef ye think guid to send your precept of twa bollis
1622 Argyll Rentals I.
To McNauchtane be vertew of my Lord of Argyll's precept mertimes 1621
1645 Army of the Covenant I 216. 1666-7 Blakhall Narr. 74.
A precept to the tenantes to paye their silver rentes for that yeare to them
1674 Nat. Lib. MS. 3775/82.
By her precept to me [the Duke of Hamilton] to William Broun which I payed her relict £300
1675 Rothesay B. Rec. 340.
Who … have ordaned a precept on John M'Fersone customer to give him five merks Scotts
1682 Edinb. City Archives Moses Bundle 254 No. 7741.
He gott payment be precept out of the excise of Edinburgh
1683 Lennoxlove MS. (Duke of Hamilton) CI/561/2.
Precept upon John Baillie [the chamberlain] to pay William Wilson £33
1690 Ib. CI/561/13.
To Andrew Syme for lyme led anno 1689 per precept on account, £109
1694 Stitchill Baron Ct. 114.
To which soume the said complainer obtained ane precept from William Johnstoun in Blakader who had good and undoubted right therto upon the defender ordering him to pay the samyn to the complainer
(b) 1608 Red Bk. Grandtully II 136.
And keip this preceipt for ȝour warrand
1680 Foulis Acc. Bk. 40.
Payed by a preceipt on Mr. Francis Mongomerie to William Hunter for the Lady Grantoune for 2 gray horses £200
(c) 1681 Irvine Mun. II 294.
(d) 1474 Treas. Acc. I 71.
Be a precep of the kingis
1529–30 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 24.
To Johnne Turnour … be the preceppis of the kingis grace to his vagis vi s.
1566 Facs. Nat. MSS. III li.
Keipand this our precepe for your varrant
1633 Rep. Maxwell-Stuart Mun. 4.
Ȝe may asseure them that he prouing himselfe an honnest man … I [the king] shall make good all those preceps that I have promised
1681 Irvine Mun. II 295. Ib.
Ib. 297.
Recwed from Robert Bryson tresowr … twinti fowr shilin Scots abow writn preswp
1682 Ib. 283.
Conform to the abonwreten presep

7. a. Precept of warning, a formal notice to quit given by a landlord to his tenant. (For precept of removing see 4 c above.) 1555 Acts II 494/1.
The warning of all tennentis … to flit and remoue fra landis [etc.] … Lauchfull warning being maid … and thairefter the samin precept of warning to be red in the paroche kirk quhair the landis lyis vpone ane Sonday befoir nune the tyme of the hie messe
1572 Canongate Ct. Bk. 388.
Maister Thomas Craig advocat and procuratour for Schir Johnne Bellenden … producit ane libellit precept dewlie execute and indorsat aganis George Skaithwie [etc.] … for remoiving thame fra the landis of [etc.] … and for instructioun of the samyn precept producit the said Schir Johnne precept of warning dewlie execute and indorsat aganis the saidis persones and desirit proces
1578 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 75.
Compeirand baith the pairteis the said persewar producit his infeftment thairof with ane precept of warnyng and ane vther of desistence dewlie execute and indorsat desyrand the saids defendaris to be decernit to desist thairfrae
1587 Acts III 462/1.
To direct thair preceptis of warning obtene decreitis aganis thair tennentis [etc.]
1599 Misc. Spald. C. II 142.
To heir and se thame be decernit … to haue bene lauchfullie varnit be persewaris preceipt of varning, fourte dayis befoir the feist of Vitsonday last bypast … to haue flittit and remoifit thame selfis … fra the saidis landis
1611 Scrymgeour Invent. (S.R.S.) 24.
Precept of warning maid be Schir James Scrymgeour … to the tennentis of Glaistrie for the ȝeir 1609
1615 Melrose P. 207.
Quhen the officiar was executing this preceptis of warning

b. Precept (of resignation): see the latter noun. 1532–3 Selkirk B. Ct. MS fol. 167 (24 Jan.).
Elezabecht Leychman … with ane precep of hir heldest sister, … efter the tenor of thair infeftment be bailȝeis, seriand, … gaif our all clayme and rycht properte of … the tenment of land … sumtyme perteneing to George Kyll

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