A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Allouring, Allering, n. Also: allowring, alloring, -yng, allar-, alaring, alliring, alering (ilering), alreing, alring; alrein, alrene, alryn(e, alrinn. [ME. aluring, aloring (1412), from alur, aler: see Alar and Alur v.] The stone pavement placed behind the battlements of a hall, etc.; the material of which this is composed.(a) 1501 Treas. Acc. II. 82.
To the quareouris … that wynnys the allowring to the Hall of Striuelin Ib. II. 103.
The masonis … that dress the allouring to Strivelin 1512 Ib. IV. 372.
Ane contract … apoun the alloryng of the haill hall of Striveling Ib.
The completing of the alloring of the said hall 1532 M. Works Acc. II. 61 b.
For dychting of the allering on the baksyd of the kingis chalmer eftir the sklateris 1540 Treas. Acc. VII. 339.
For uphalding of the palice of Linlithqw watter tycht, cleinging of the alliring, and for utheris laubouris 1554
Aberd. B. Rec. 281.
The bigging, beyting, and mending of the battelling and alering of the tolbuith 1581 Red Bk. Menteith II. 420.
For the wynning of aucht score peice of allering(b) 1535–6 M. Works Acc. IV. 45.
xxiiij futis alring … and ane corball 1559 Rentale Dunkeld. 357.
Item, to the said sclatter for half rude new wark abun the alrene in the north syd of the place a1585 Maitl. Q. lxviii. 67.
Thy alryne is a mervall greit, vpreiching to the hevin 1613–4 M. Works Acc. X. 8.
Ane tronman to dicht the alringis 1626 Ib. XIX. 26.
Pointing and filling of the alreines of the counsall hous of Halyrudehous 1699 Thanes of Cawdor 393.
The sydwalls … to be made watertight with spouts and alrinn
b. Attrib. with stane. 1561–3 Edinb. Old Acc. I. 383.
For carying of sax greit allering stanis fre the gaitt to the Kirk yeard Ib. 384.
Greit allaring stanis
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"Allouring n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 24 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/allouring>