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Results of Quick Search for bouk

Results are ordered alphabetically

Results for 1700 onwards
From the Scottish National Dictionary
Showing results of a total of 8 results


  1. Bouk n.1, v.1
  2. Bouk n.2
  3. Bouk n.3
  4. Bouk n.4
  5. Bouk v.2
  6. Boukie adj.
  7. Bouksome adj.
  8. variant of Bowk v., n.


Results prior to 1700
From A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue
Showing results of a total of 7 results


  1. Bouk n.1
  2. Bouk n.2
  3. Bouk v.
  4. Boukit adj.
  5. Moutoun-bouk n.
  6. variant of Buke n.
  7. variant of Rebuke v.
